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Retrieve the FACT telescope status from the DIM to web bridge SmartFACT

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Smart FACT crawler

the smartfact crawler acquieres data from the FACT DIM network via the DIM to web bridge smartfact. Information as DRIVE, SOURCE, and WEATHER are accessable in a python dictonary. Most numerical values are converted to their propper representation e.g. float, int, datetime...

Where it makes sense we use a namedtuple of (value, unit)


>>> import smart_fact_crawler as sfc

>>> print(sfc.camera_climate().humidity_mean)
Quantity(value=24.9, unit='%')


As of version 0.2.0 the retry logic implemented in smart_fact_crawler was dumped. This was decided because the necessery retry logic might differ from use case to use case.

If you need a retry logic, you can wrap the smart_fact_crawler functions with the tools provided by e.g. the retrying library:

from retrying import retry
from smart_fact_crawler import smartfact

smartfact_with_retry = retry(
  smartfact, stop_max_attempt_number=10, wait_fixed=2000

This would retry a failed call to smartfact 10 times with a delay of 2 seconds between tries before actually raising an Exception.