Tags: fabioginzel/zf-apigility-doctrine
zf-apigility-doctrine 2.2.0 Added ----- - [zfcampus#291](zfcampus#291) adds ability to use factory (doctrine instantiator instance) to create new entities. To configure factory for a specific resource use: ``` 'zf-apigility' => [ 'doctrine-connected' => [ 'Api\\V1\\Rest\\...Resource' => [ 'entity_factory' => 'key_in_service_manager', ... ], ], ], ``` - [zfcampus#304](zfcampus#304) adds support for PHP 7.2. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - [zfcampus#304](zfcampus#304) removes support for HHVM. Fixed ----- - [zfcampus#289](zfcampus#289) fixes configuration keys, which resolves issue with Apigility Admin and populating forms from config file and writing duplicated values into config file. - [zfcampus#290](zfcampus#290) fixes Doctrine Resource listener attached via config. These are now correctly dispatched. - [zfcampus#298](zfcampus#298) fixes data passed to listener on patch method. - [zfcampus#293](zfcampus#293) fixes binding parameters with type. In case of custom field type php value was not converted to database value. - [zfcampus#303](zfcampus#303) fixes version query parameter as it is restricted by apigility to indicate version of the api.
zf-apigility-doctrine 2.1.0 Added ----- - [zfcampus#267](zfcampus#267) adds support for version 3 releases of zend-servicemanager and zend-eventmanager, while retaining compatibility for v2 releases. Changes ------- - [zfcampus#267](zfcampus#267) exposes the module to [zendframework/zend-component-installer](https://github.com/zendframework/zend-component-installer), exposing both `ZF\Apigility\Doctrine\Admin` and `ZF\Apigility\Doctrine\Server`. The former should be isntalled in the development configuration, and the latter in your application modules. - [zfcampus#267](zfcampus#267) updates dependency requirements for the following modules and components: - zfcampus/zf-apigilty-admin ^1.5 - phpro/zf-doctrine-hydration-module ^3.0 - doctrine/DoctrineModule ^1.2 - doctrine/DoctrineORMModule ^1.1 - doctrine/DoctrineMongoODMModule ^0.11 Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - [zfcampus#267](zfcampus#267) removes support for PHP 5.5. Fixed ----- - [zfcampus#267](zfcampus#267) adds a ton of tests to the module, and fixes a number of issues encountered.
Merge pull request zfcampus#262 from matwright/hotfix/missing-service… …-locator-setter inject service locator into DoctrineAutodiscoveryModel
Merge pull request zfcampus#260 from TomHAnderson/hotfix/service-loca… …tor-aware-interface Hotfix/service locator aware interface
Merge pull request zfcampus#257 from TomHAnderson/hotfix/253-collecti… …on-link Hotfix/253 collection link
Merge pull request zfcampus#242 from TomHAnderson/feature/query-provi… …der-parameters Feature/query provider parameters