low cost solar panel solution (MPPT + sun tracker). Here is the code for the Solar Tracker
The ESP32 is programmed under Arduino IDE. The code is quite simple but provides the following functionalities :
Lite version:https://github.com/f2knpw/ESP32_Solar_Tracker/blob/master/JP_ESP32_SolarTracker_lite_Arduino.ino
try to connect to internet
get the UTC time over NTP server
in case of failure open a bluetooth connection with an android App -->to be done
get the time over Bluetooth Low Energy -->to be done
in case of failure : use the RTC time -->to be done
compute the sun position using the excellent solar calulator library (licensed under the MIT License)
compute the stepper motors motion
read the power voltage
perform the motion if the power level is enough to drive the motors
apply a sleeping strategy (sleep 10 minutes during day or sleep the whole night)
reset to the next morning position if needed
sleep and wake up next time
refer to my Hackaday's project page for full description : https://hackaday.io/project/185105-low-cost-solar-panel-solution-mppt-sun-tracker
Full version V2: https://github.com/f2knpw/ESP32_Solar_Tracker/blob/master/JP_ESP32_SolarTracker_OTA_Arduino.ino
Same functionalities as lite version + solar Tracker initialization and calibration via Android companion APP "panelOrientation V2".
For details refer to this log: https://hackaday.io/project/185105/log/210034-automating-the-solar-tracker-initialization
Android panelOrientation V2 App is here : https://github.com/f2knpw/solar_Panel_Orientation
Full version V3: https://github.com/f2knpw/ESP32_Solar_Tracker/blob/master/JP_ESP32_SolarTracker_V3_Arduino.ino
Same functionalities as lite version + solar Tracker initialization and calibration via Android companion APP "panelOrientation V3" Implements the new azimut axis mechanics.
For details refer to this log: https://hackaday.io/project/185105/log/211762-a-new-calibration-procedure
Android panelOrientation V3 App is here : https://github.com/f2knpw/solar_Panel_Orientation