rdfpackages can contain data, logic and proofs described in RDF.
# rdfs subclass
_:bng_1 log:implies _:bng_2.
_:bng_1 {
var:A rdfs:subClassOf var:B.
var:S a var:A.
_:bng_2 {
var:S a var:B.
# is the age of a person above some duration?
_:bng_1 log:isImpliedBy _:bng_2.
_:bng_1 {
var:S :ageAbove var:A.
_:bng_2 {
var:S :birthDay var:B.
[] rdf:value ""; time:localTime var:D.
(var:D var:B) math:difference var:F.
var:F math:greaterThan var:A.
# query for people above 80 years old
_:bng_3 log:query _:bng_3.
_:bng_3 {
var:S :ageAbove "P80Y"^^xsd:duration.
For any rdfpackage with graph statement N G
the graph term G
is closed.
The var:
prefix is <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/var#>
and is used for
variables that are interpreted as universally quantified variables except for
forward rule conclusion-only variables which are interpreted existentially.
Literal subjects are described as
[] rdf:value "aha"; :p :o.