This is the website for the experimentele flats in Utrecht Overvecht.
Whenever changes are made to the source branch GitHub will automatically build the website and put it in the master branch.
This site uses Cactus to build.
Cactus is a Python program, so Python is required and pip is used to install Cactus. Other packages that are required by Cactus will be automatically installed. So open a Terminal and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If all goes well Cactus can now be used.
To start a local webserver navigate to the repository in the Terminal and run:
cactus serve
You can then point your browser to to view the local version. If you make any changes to the code this should be reflected almost immediently in the local website.
We use these colors:
Green: #26a522
Yellow: #fdc90c
Also used but less important:
Black: #000000
Blue: #0037ff
And these fonts:
Title and menuitems: Museo 700 Regular (serif)
Button text on main page: MuseoSans 500 (sans-serif)