This is a sms extension of Yii2 framewoks.
It can be used to send sms with different service providers in an easy way.
SMS Service Providers list:
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require ethercap/yii2-sms "dev-master"
or add
"ethercap/yii2-sms": "dev-master"
to the require section of your composer.json
Configure Yii2 component:
'components' => [
'sms' => [
'class' => 'ethercap\sms\Sms',
'targets' => [
'class' => 'ethercap\sms\target\ChuanglanTarget',
'class' => 'ethercap\sms\target\GuoduTarget',
Configure Yii2 param:
'chuanglan' => [
'url' => '',
'account' => 'YOUR_ACCOUNT',
'pswd' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
'guodu' => [
'url' => '',
'OperPass' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
Send sms:
$mobile = '13500000000';
$message = 'test message';
Yii::$app->sms->send($mobile, $message);