Lima 1.9.5
367 commits
to master
since this release
Version 1.9.5 released on July 23th 2020
New features
- HDF5 container:
- new attributes "file_name" and "file_time" to keep track of the original
file path and creation date. - adjust the image dataset size to the number of acquired frames
- in manual saving, keep a contiguous frame dataset
- Avoid Tango dead-lock timeout due to lengthy memory allocations
- new attributes "file_name" and "file_time" to keep track of the original
Bug fixes
fix cmake find_package_handle_standard_args warning
fix conversion compiler warning when calling import_array macro.
HDF5 container:
- Fix parallel saving:
- Refactor SaveContainerHdf5::_File:
- Add debug information when writing HDF5 Dataset chunk fails
- Remove unused variables
- Use AutoPtr for dynamically-allocated objects
- Simplify initialization at _open
- fixed bug with number of frames for last file.
- adjust the image dataset to the real number of acquired frames
- Fix parallel saving:
Fix bug in CtControl::unregisterImageStatusCallback and improve code:
- Allow unregisterImageStatusCallback if acq is not Ready
- Do not throw exception: it is called from cb destructor
- Status can be AcqFault, which is perfectly legal to unregister
- Cosmetics
- ThreadUtils: remove obsolete declarations in ReadWriteLock
- Allow unregisterImageStatusCallback if acq is not Ready