Simple Blog base using Laravel, this example has the authentication module and a couple of more features such as creating a Post with Tags while being able to track who was the author who created it.
The following items are included following the Laravel 5.6 conventions
- Auth
- Migrations
- Factories for Post & User model
- Seeders
- Many to Many Polymorphic Relationship (Taggable User & Post)
- Resource controllers
- Post & User CRUD
- Create and Edit views
- Tag syncing for Post & User model (Create & Save)
- PHPUnit feature tests
GET domain.test/admin/posts || table showing all the post POST domain.test/admin/posts || create the post GET domain.test/admin/posts/{id} || preview the post GET domain.test/admin/posts/{id}/edit || edit the post PUT | PATCH domain.test/admin/posts/{id} || update the post DELETE domain.test/admin/posts/{id} || destroy the post
Beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin template included