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Merge pull request #311 from maxime-esa/CHOICES_ISVALID
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Choices isvalid
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usr3-1415 authored Jun 23, 2024
2 parents 8f608f3 + c2ae7f4 commit 594d620
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Showing 20 changed files with 410 additions and 80 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions ADA_RTL2/src/adaasn1rtl-encoding-acn.adb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1345,6 +1345,59 @@ is
BoolVal := not BoolVal;
end Acn_Dec_Boolean_false_pattern;

procedure Acn_Enc_Boolean_true_false_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; BoolVal : Asn1Boolean; true_pattern : BitArray;
false_pattern : BitArray)
for I in Integer range true_pattern'Range loop
pragma Loop_Invariant
(bs.Current_Bit_Pos = bs.Current_Bit_Pos'Loop_Entry +
(I - true_pattern'First));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(bs.Current_Bit_Pos = bs.Current_Bit_Pos'Loop_Entry +
(I - false_pattern'First));
(bs, (if BoolVal then true_pattern (I) else false_pattern (I)));
end loop;
end Acn_Enc_Boolean_true_false_pattern;

procedure Acn_Dec_Boolean_true_false_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; BoolVal : out Asn1Boolean;
true_pattern : BitArray;
false_pattern : BitArray;
Result : out ASN1_RESULT)
bit_val : BIT;
true_value : Asn1Boolean := True;
false_value : Asn1Boolean := True;

for I in Integer range true_pattern'Range loop
pragma Loop_Invariant
(bs.Current_Bit_Pos = bs.Current_Bit_Pos'Loop_Entry +
(I - true_pattern'First));
pragma Loop_Invariant
(bs.Current_Bit_Pos = bs.Current_Bit_Pos'Loop_Entry +
(I - false_pattern'First));
BitStream_ReadBit (bs, bit_val, Result.Success);
true_value := Result.Success and true_value and
bit_val = true_pattern (I);
false_value := Result.Success and false_value and
bit_val = false_pattern (I);
end loop;
BoolVal := (
if true_value and not false_value then True
elsif false_value and not true_value then False
else False);

Result :=
ASN1_RESULT'(Success =>
(true_value and not false_value) or
(false_value and not true_value),
ErrorCode => 0);
end Acn_Dec_Boolean_true_false_pattern;

procedure Acn_Enc_NullType_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; encVal : Asn1NullType; pattern : BitArray)
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions ADA_RTL2/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -811,6 +811,40 @@ is
bs.Current_Bit_Pos =
bs'Old.Current_Bit_Pos + (pattern'Last - pattern'First + 1);

procedure Acn_Enc_Boolean_true_false_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; BoolVal : Asn1Boolean; true_pattern :
BitArray; false_pattern : BitArray) with
Depends => (bs => (bs, BoolVal, true_pattern, false_pattern)),
Pre => true_pattern'Last >= true_pattern'First
and then true_pattern'First = false_pattern'First
and then true_pattern'Last = false_pattern'Last
and then true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First < Natural'Last
and then bs.Current_Bit_Pos <
Natural'Last - (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1)
and then bs.Size_In_Bytes < Positive'Last / 8
and then bs.Current_Bit_Pos <=
bs.Size_In_Bytes * 8 - (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1),
Post => bs.Current_Bit_Pos =
bs'Old.Current_Bit_Pos + (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1);

procedure Acn_Dec_Boolean_true_false_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; BoolVal : out Asn1Boolean;
true_pattern : BitArray;
false_pattern : BitArray;
Result : out ASN1_RESULT) with
Pre => true_pattern'Last >= true_pattern'First
and then true_pattern'First = false_pattern'First
and then true_pattern'Last = false_pattern'Last
and then true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First < Natural'Last
and then bs.Current_Bit_Pos <
Natural'Last - (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1)
and then bs.Size_In_Bytes < Positive'Last / 8
and then bs.Current_Bit_Pos <=
bs.Size_In_Bytes * 8 - (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1),
Post =>
bs.Current_Bit_Pos =
bs'Old.Current_Bit_Pos + (true_pattern'Last - true_pattern'First + 1);

procedure Acn_Enc_NullType_pattern
(bs : in out Bitstream; encVal : Asn1NullType; pattern : BitArray) with
Pre => pattern'Last >= pattern'First
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48 changes: 31 additions & 17 deletions BackendAst/DAstACN.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -733,26 +733,40 @@ let createBooleanFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (lm:LanguageMacros) (codec:Comm
let funcBody (errCode:ErrorCode) (acnArgs: (AcnGenericTypes.RelativePath*AcnGenericTypes.AcnParameter) list) (nestingScope: NestingScope) (p:CallerScope) =
let Boolean = lm.uper.Boolean
let acnBoolean = lm.acn.Boolean
let funcBodyContent, resultExpr, typeEncodingKind =
let BooleanTrueFalse = lm.acn.BooleanTrueFalse

let funcBodyContent, resultExpr=
let pvalue, ptr, resultExpr =
match codec, lm.lg.decodingKind with
| Decode, Copy ->
let resExpr = p.arg.asIdentifier
resExpr, resExpr, Some resExpr
| _ -> lm.lg.getValue p.arg, lm.lg.getPointer p.arg, None
match o.acnProperties.encodingPattern with
| None ->
let pp, resultExpr = adaptArgument lm codec p
Boolean pp errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr, AcnBooleanEncodingType None
| Some pattern ->
let pvalue, ptr, resultExpr =
match codec, lm.lg.decodingKind with
| Decode, Copy ->
let resExpr = p.arg.asIdentifier
resExpr, resExpr, Some resExpr
| _ -> lm.lg.getValue p.arg, lm.lg.getPointer p.arg, None
let arrBits = pattern.bitVal.Value.ToCharArray() |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((i+1).ToString()) + "=>" + if x='0' then "0" else "1") |> Seq.toList
let arrBytes = bitStringValueToByteArray pattern.bitVal
let arrTrueValueAsByteArray = arrBytes |> (~~~)
let arrFalseValueAsByteArray = arrBytes
let nSize = pattern.bitVal.Value.Length
acnBoolean pvalue ptr pattern.isTrue (BigInteger nSize) arrTrueValueAsByteArray arrFalseValueAsByteArray arrBits errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr, AcnBooleanEncodingType (Some pattern)

{AcnFuncBodyResult.funcBody = funcBodyContent; errCodes = [errCode]; localVariables = []; bValIsUnReferenced= false; bBsIsUnReferenced=false; resultExpr=resultExpr; typeEncodingKind = Some typeEncodingKind}
Boolean pp errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr
| Some (TrueValueEncoding pattern) ->
let arrBits = pattern.Value.ToCharArray() |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((i+1).ToString()) + "=>" + if x='0' then "0" else "1") |> Seq.toList
let arrTrueValueAsByteArray = bitStringValueToByteArray pattern
let arrFalseValueAsByteArray = arrTrueValueAsByteArray |> (~~~)
let nSize = pattern.Value.Length
acnBoolean pvalue ptr true (BigInteger nSize) arrTrueValueAsByteArray arrFalseValueAsByteArray arrBits errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr
| Some (FalseValueEncoding pattern) ->
let arrBits = pattern.Value.ToCharArray() |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((i+1).ToString()) + "=>" + if x='0' then "0" else "1") |> Seq.toList
let arrFalseValueAsByteArray = bitStringValueToByteArray pattern
let arrTrueValueAsByteArray = arrFalseValueAsByteArray |> (~~~)
let nSize = pattern.Value.Length
acnBoolean pvalue ptr false (BigInteger nSize) arrTrueValueAsByteArray arrFalseValueAsByteArray arrBits errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr
| Some (TrueFalseValueEncoding(trPattern, fvPatten)) ->
let arrTrueBits = trPattern.Value.ToCharArray() |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((i+1).ToString()) + "=>" + if x='0' then "0" else "1") |> Seq.toList
let arrFalseBits = fvPatten.Value.ToCharArray() |> Seq.mapi(fun i x -> ((i+1).ToString()) + "=>" + if x='0' then "0" else "1") |> Seq.toList
let arrTrueValueAsByteArray = bitStringValueToByteArray trPattern
let arrFalseValueAsByteArray = bitStringValueToByteArray fvPatten
let nSize = trPattern.Value.Length
BooleanTrueFalse pvalue ptr (BigInteger nSize) arrTrueValueAsByteArray arrFalseValueAsByteArray arrTrueBits arrFalseBits errCode.errCodeName codec, resultExpr

{AcnFuncBodyResult.funcBody = funcBodyContent; errCodes = [errCode]; localVariables = []; bValIsUnReferenced= false; bBsIsUnReferenced=false; resultExpr=resultExpr; typeEncodingKind = Some (AcnBooleanEncodingType o.acnProperties.encodingPattern)}
let soSparkAnnotations = Some(sparkAnnotations lm (typeDefinition.longTypedefName2 lm.lg.hasModules) codec)
let icdFnc fieldName sPresent comments =
[{IcdRow.fieldName = fieldName; comments = comments; sPresent=sPresent;sType=(IcdPlainType (getASN1Name t)); sConstraint=None; minLengthInBits = o.acnMinSizeInBits ;maxLengthInBits=o.acnMaxSizeInBits;sUnits=t.unitsOfMeasure; rowType = IcdRowType.FieldRow; idxOffset = None}]
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45 changes: 32 additions & 13 deletions BackendAst/DastValidate2.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -694,18 +694,18 @@ let createTimeTypeFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1AcnA
let createEfficientEnumValidation (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (o:Asn1AcnAst.Enumerated) (us:State) =
let getEnumIndexByName = l.isvalid.GetEnumIndexByName
let td = (l.lg.getEnumTypeDefinition o.typeDef)
let bSorted =
let bSorted =
let sortedItems = o.validItems |> x -> x.definitionValue) |> List.sort
let items = o.validItems |> x -> x.definitionValue)
sortedItems = items
let optimizedValidation (p:CallerScope) =
let optimizedValidation (p:CallerScope) =
let ret = getEnumIndexByName td.values_array td.values_array_count (l.lg.getValue p.arg) bSorted
VCBExpression (ret)
[optimizedValidation], us

let createEnumeratedFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1AcnAst.Asn1Type) (o:Asn1AcnAst.Enumerated) (typeDefinition:TypeDefinitionOrReference) (us:State) =
let fncs, ns =
let fncs, ns =
match r.args.isEnumEfficientEnabled o.items.Length with
| false -> o.cons |> Asn1Fold.foldMap (fun us c -> enumeratedConstraint2ValidationCodeBlock l o typeDefinition c us) us
| true -> createEfficientEnumValidation r l o us
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -847,11 +847,23 @@ let createSequenceFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1Acn
let createChoiceFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1AcnAst.Asn1Type) (o:Asn1AcnAst.Choice) (typeDefinition:TypeDefinitionOrReference) (defOrRef:TypeDefinitionOrReference) (children:ChChildInfo list) (baseTypeValFunc : IsValidFunction option) (us:State) =
let choice_OptionalChild = l.isvalid.Choice_OptionalChild
let callBaseTypeFunc = l.isvalid.call_base_type_func
let choice_child = l.isvalid.choice_child
let choice_check_children = l.isvalid.choice
let always_true_statement = l.isvalid.always_true_statement
let always_false_statement = l.isvalid.always_false_statement

let handleChild (child:ChChildInfo) (us:State) =
let c_name = l.lg.getAsn1ChChildBackendName child
let presentWhenName = l.lg.presentWhenName (Some defOrRef) child
match child.chType.isValidFunction with
| None -> None, us
| None ->
let childFnc =
let newFunc =
(fun (p:CallerScope) ->
ValidationStatement (choice_child presentWhenName (always_true_statement()) false c_name, []))
Some(IsValidEmbedded {|isValidStatement = childFnc; localVars = []; alphaFuncs = []; childErrCodes = [] |}), us
| Some (isValidFunction) ->
let func =
(*alternative's is validation statement. If the alternative has a separate function then make a call otherwise embed the code*)
Expand All @@ -870,9 +882,12 @@ let createChoiceFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1AcnAs
| Scala -> child._scala_name
| _ -> ""
match func p with
| ValidationStatementTrue (st,lv) -> ValidationStatementTrue (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv)
| ValidationStatementFalse (st,lv) -> ValidationStatement (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv)
| ValidationStatement (st,lv) -> ValidationStatement (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv) )
| ValidationStatementTrue (st,lv) -> ValidationStatementTrue (choice_child presentWhenName st true c_name, lv)
| ValidationStatementFalse (st,lv)
| ValidationStatement (st,lv) -> ValidationStatement (choice_child presentWhenName st false c_name, lv) )
//| ValidationStatementTrue (st,lv) -> ValidationStatementTrue (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv)
//| ValidationStatementFalse (st,lv) -> ValidationStatement (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv)
//| ValidationStatement (st,lv) -> ValidationStatement (choice_OptionalChild (p.arg.joined l.lg) localTmpVarName (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) presentWhenName st, lv) )
(*return new local variables, errorcodes or alphaFuncs*)
match isValidFunction.funcName with
Expand All @@ -890,21 +905,26 @@ let createChoiceFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn1AcnAs
let valToStrFunc (p:CallerScope) (v:Asn1AcnAst.ChValue) = VCBTrue
let vcbs, ns2 = o.cons |> Asn1Fold.foldMap(fun cs c -> choiceConstraint2ValidationCodeBlock r l children valToStrFunc defOrRef c cs) ns1
let funBody (errCode: ErrorCode) (p:CallerScope) =
let childrenChecks, lv1 =
let aaa, lv1 =
let choice_switch_check, lv1 =
let childrenChecks, lv1 =
childrenContent |>
List.choose(fun z ->
let isValidStatement = match z with IsValidEmbedded c -> c.isValidStatement | IsValidProcCall c -> c.isValidStatement
match isValidStatement p with
| ValidationStatementTrue _ -> None
| ValidationStatementTrue st
| ValidationStatementFalse st
| ValidationStatement st -> Some st) |>
aaa |> DAstUtilFunctions.nestItems_ret l |> Option.toList, (lv1|> List.collect id)
//aaa |> DAstUtilFunctions.nestItems_ret l |> Option.toList, (lv1|> List.collect id)
let choice_switch_check =
choice_check_children (p.arg.joined l.lg) (l.lg.getAccess p.arg) childrenChecks errCode.errCodeName

[choice_switch_check],(lv1|> List.collect id)

let with_component_check, lv2 =
let a, b = convertMultipleVCBsToStatementAndSetErrorCode l p errCode vcbs |> List.unzip
a, (b |> List.collect id)
match (with_component_check@childrenChecks) |> DAstUtilFunctions.nestItems_ret l with
match (with_component_check@choice_switch_check) |> DAstUtilFunctions.nestItems_ret l with
| None -> convertVCBToStatementAndAssignedErrCode l VCBTrue errCode.errCodeName
| Some s ->ValidationStatement (s, lv1@lv2)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1016,4 +1036,3 @@ let createReferenceTypeFunction (r:Asn1AcnAst.AstRoot) (l:LanguageMacros) (t:Asn
let errorCodeComment = o.refCons |> z -> z.ASN1) |> Seq.StrJoin ""

createIsValidFunction r l t funBody typeDefinition [] [] [] [] (Some errorCodeComment) us

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion CommonTypes/AbstractMacros.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Generated by the C stg macros with the following command
abstract member Choice_OptionalChild : p:string -> sPLocal:string -> sAcc:string -> sChPresent:string -> sInnerStatement:string -> string;
abstract member Choice_child_always_present_Exp : p:string -> sAcc:string -> sChPresent:string -> string;
abstract member Choice_child_always_absent_Exp : p:string -> sAcc:string -> sChPresent:string -> string;
abstract member choice_child : sChPresent:string -> sChildBody:string -> bAlwaysAbsent:bool -> string;
abstract member choice_child : sChPresent:string -> sChildBody:string -> bAlwaysAbsent:bool -> sChildName:string -> string;
abstract member choice : p:string -> sAccess:string -> arrsChildren:seq<string> -> sErrCodeForInvalidCase:string -> string;
abstract member sequenceOf : p:string -> sAcc:string -> i:string -> bIsFixedSize:bool -> nFixedSize:BigInteger -> soIsValidSizeExp:string option -> soErrCode:string option -> soInnerStatement:string option -> string;
abstract member sequenceOf2 : p:string -> sAcc:string -> i:string -> bIsFixedSize:bool -> nFixedSize:BigInteger -> sInnerStatement:string -> string;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,6 +400,7 @@ Generated by the C stg macros with the following command
abstract member Real_32_little_endian : p:string -> sSuffix:string -> sErrCode:string -> codec:Codec -> string;
abstract member Real_64_little_endian : p:string -> sErrCode:string -> codec:Codec -> string;
abstract member Boolean : p:string -> ptr:string -> bEncValIsTrue:bool -> nSize:BigInteger -> arruTrueValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> arruFalseValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> arrsBits:seq<string> -> sErrCode:string -> codec:Codec -> string;
abstract member BooleanTrueFalse : p:string -> ptr:string -> nSize:BigInteger -> arruTrueValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> arruFalseValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> arrsTrueBits:seq<string> -> arrsFalseBits:seq<string> -> sErrCode:string -> codec:Codec -> string;
abstract member Null_declare : p:string -> string;
abstract member Null_pattern : p:string -> arruNullValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> nSize:BigInteger -> arrsBits:seq<string> -> sErrCode:string -> bSavePosition:bool -> codec:Codec -> string;
abstract member Null_pattern2 : p:string -> arruNullValueAsByteArray:seq<byte> -> nSize:BigInteger -> arrsBits:seq<string> -> sErrCode:string -> bSavePosition:bool -> codec:Codec -> string;
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19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions CommonTypes/AcnGenericTypes.fs
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Expand Up @@ -346,18 +346,17 @@ type ObjectIdTypeAcnProperties = {

type AcnBooleanEncoding =
| TrueValue of StringLoc
| FalseValue of StringLoc
type AcnBooleanEncoding =
| TrueValueEncoding of StringLoc //the user specifies only the true value. All other values are considered false
| FalseValueEncoding of StringLoc //the user specifies only the false value. All other values are considered true
| TrueFalseValueEncoding of StringLoc*StringLoc //the user specifies both true and false values

member this.bitVal =
match this with
| TrueValue bv -> bv
| FalseValue bv -> bv
member this.isTrue =
member this.bitValLength =
match this with
| TrueValue _ -> true
| FalseValue _ -> false
| TrueValueEncoding tv -> tv.Value.Length
| FalseValueEncoding fv -> fv.Value.Length
| TrueFalseValueEncoding (tv,_) -> tv.Value.Length

type BooleanAcnProperties = {
encodingPattern : AcnBooleanEncoding option
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