Archived, because modern technologie is vite
This template is for WebStorm web projects it contains:
- a basic folder structure
- initialized npm
- configured sass compiler and css minimizer (run automatic)
- configured ts compiler (run automatic)
clone this repo to a WebStorm project
click the Run "npm install" button
open the command line in the project folder and paste:
npm install -g sass
npm install -g yuicompressor
npm update
open the settings -> Tools -> File Watchers: double-click on "yuicompressor" and set "Trigger the watcher on external changes" on
open the settings -> language and frameworks -> Typescript and set "Recompile on changes" on
files can be refreshed on first contact
- click on index.html to open your webpage
- using local sass (It's installed, but can't use)
- run ts compiler and js minimizer together