VCF parser using the Python pandas library for interactive analysis
Updates to Python3 print statements and changed default pandas compression to 'infer'VCF header parsing requires the tabix -H command which is broken in tabix version 1.2.X Please update your tabix version to 1.3.
pandasVCF handles both multi-sample and single-sample VCF files. Please see ipynb/ for usage. pandasVCFmulti and pandasVCFsingle are now depracated.
pandasVCFmulti now handles both multi-sample and single-sample VCF files. Please see for usage. is now depracated and will be removed in the near future.
Command line support will be added in the near future. can now parse a dataframe with a single individual, either from a multi-sample VCF or a single-sample VCF. Missing genotype calls maked with '.' are dropped when add_variant_annotations are called. 100,000 variants are parsed in ~10sec.