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Built using pure HTML and JavaScript because I make great life decisions.

Project technical details

For the curious, some details into how I built each project I've worked on.

Technologies involved
Frontend TypeScript - React - Redux
Backend Python - AWS Lambda - DynamoDB - OpenAI
Infrastructure (IaC) AWS (CloudFormation - API Gateway - S3)
CI/CD AWS CodePipeline

This project ended up being a great crash course into AWS SAM, a tool by Amazon that aids development of infrastructure-as-code (IaC).

Amazon's implementation of IaC lets us define and deploy entire CloudFormation stacks using just a JSON or YAML template file. This makes it much easier to manage all the moving parts of an application stack.

The below diagram illustrates the overall system design, composed of 3 separate CloudFormation stacks and OpenAI for LLM support.

graph LR;
  subgraph cloudformation [CloudFormation]
    subgraph webstack [Web Stack]
    subgraph apistack [API Stack]
    subgraph llmstack [LLM Stack]

    shared[/Shared API Lambda Layer/]
  end --> s3
  s3 --> apilambda
  apilambda --> apidb
  apilambda --> llmlambda
  llmlambda --> openaiapi{{OpenAI API}}
  shared -.- apilambda
  shared -.- llmlambda

Additionally, the LLM stack is deployed using the CI/CD tool CodePipeline, as a two-stage pipeline with a suite of unit tests. The Lambda Layer lets us define the LLM stack's API in a place that other stacks can read from.

Twitch store alerts

Technologies involved
Backend NodeJS - AWS Lambda - DynamoDB - Stripe
Infrastructure AWS (API Gateway - SNS)

This project was deceptively complex. Here's a high level diagram:

graph TD;
  subgraph aws [AWS]
    pl[Purchase Lambda]
    wh[Webhook Lambda]
    apig[API Gateway Websocket]
    webl[Websocket Lambda]
    webdb[(Websocket connection DB)]

    subgraph sns ["Notification Service (SNS)"]
      alert>Sale Topic]

  user{User makes a purchase} --> pl
  pl --> stripe[/"Stripe API (payment processing)"/]
  stripe --> wh
  wh -- Publish --> alert

  streamer{Streamer opens web client} -- Establish connection --> apig
  apig --> webl
  webl -- Save/delete connection IDs --> webdb

Two flows are happening independently of each other.

  1. The streamer opens a custom built web page that renders the alert. The idea here is the streamer gives this page's URL to the streaming software, which has an internal browser that opens the page and displays whatever is on it on the livestream.

    • On load, the page establishes a websocket connection with our backend, which saves the connection ID to the database.
  2. Separately, the user purchase flow provides a webhook that Stripe invokes when payment is complete. This webhook triggers a Lambda function, which then publishes a Sale topic event to Amazon SNS.

The following happens next:

graph LR;
  alert>Sale Topic]
  lambda[Alert Lambda]
  webdb[(Websocket connection DB)]
  apig[API Gateway Websocket]
  streamer{Streamer web client}

  alert -- Subscribed --> lambda
  lambda --> |"1 - Get connection ID"| webdb
  lambda --> |"2 - Send to websocket connection"| apig
  apig --> |"3 - Send to client"| streamer

The alert lambda is subscribed to the Sale topic published by the webhook lambda. The event object contains the data needed to get the appropriate connection ID from the database, then send the alert and its metadata to the streamer's client.


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