- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Maintainers
The Twig Extender module adds a simple plugin system to add new twig extensions (Filter and Functions). Provides a new service provider for "twig.extensions" to add new plugins.
For a full description of the module visit: https://www.drupal.org/project/twig_extender
To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit: https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/twig_extender
This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core.
- Drupal 8.2 or lower: Use Twig Extender 8.1.
- Drupal 8.3 or higher: Use Twig Extender 8.2.
- Install the Twig Extender module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit https://www.drupal.org/node/1897420 for further information.
Function: Create Block Using for creating a block configuration on the fly
{{ block_create('plugin_id', [<plugin-config>]) }}
Function: View Block Using a existing block configuration
{{ block_view('config_entity_id') }}
Function: Is user logged in
{% if user_is_logged_in() %}
Hello user
{% else %}
Please login
{% endif %}
Function: Is front
{% if is_front() %}
On frontpage
{% endif %}
Filter: To url
{{ node|to_url }}
{{ urlObject|to_url }}
For more information visit: https://github.com/b-connect/twig_extender
- Erik Seifert - https://www.drupal.org/u/erik-seifert
Supporting organization:
- b-connect GmbH - https://www.drupal.org/b-connect-gmbh