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xDS protocol - CDS/EDS

In the previous article Initialize EDS balancer, we discussed how to initialize EDS balancer. In this article we will discuss the EDS balancer and EDS request. Load Balancing in xDS is a powerful, flexible and complex tool. This should be the last article for this topic.

Initialize endpoints

Each CDS balancer creates one EDS balancer. The EDS balancer will send EDS request and process the EDS response.

In this stage, we continue the discussion of xDS protocol: EDS request and response. Now the EDS balancer got the message on channel x.grpcUpdate. It's the time to receive that message. Here is the map for this stage. In this map:

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Pink bar and arrow represents the channel communication for c.updateCh.
  • Blue bar and arrow represents the channel communication for t.sendCh.
  • Yellow bar and arrow represents the channel communication for x.grpcUpdate.
  • Green bar and arrow represents the channel communication for x.xdsClientUpdate.
  • Dot line represents the indirect relationship between two boxes.
  • Left red dot represents the box is a continue part from other map.
  • Right red dot represents there is a extension map for that box.

xDS protocol: 6

Incoming message

In Create EDS balancer, edsBalancer.UpdateClientConnState() sent ccState message to channel x.grpcUpdate.

  • ccState is of type balancer.ClientConnState.
  • The BalancerConfig field of ccState is assigned the value of edsbalancer.EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: update.cds.ServiceName}.
  • update is of type *watchUpdate. update.cds is of type ClusterUpdate.
  • update.cds.ServiceName comes from the service_name field of EdsClusterConfig, See Process CDS response for detail.
// ClientConnState describes the state of a ClientConn relevant to the
// balancer.
type ClientConnState struct {
    ResolverState resolver.State
    // The parsed load balancing configuration returned by the builder's
    // ParseConfig method, if implemented.
    BalancerConfig serviceconfig.LoadBalancingConfig

// EDSConfig represents the loadBalancingConfig section of the service config
// for EDS balancers.
type EDSConfig struct {
    // ChildPolicy represents the load balancing config for the child
    // policy.
    ChildPolicy *loadBalancingConfig
    // FallBackPolicy represents the load balancing config for the
    // fallback.
    FallBackPolicy *loadBalancingConfig
    // Name to use in EDS query.  If not present, defaults to the server
    // name from the target URI.
    EDSServiceName string
    // LRS server to send load reports to.  If not present, load reporting
    // will be disabled.  If set to the empty string, load reporting will
    // be sent to the same server that we obtained CDS data from.
    LrsLoadReportingServerName *string

// watchUpdate wraps the information received from a registered CDS watcher. A
// non-nil error is propagated to the underlying edsBalancer. A valid update
// results in creating a new edsBalancer (if one doesn't already exist) and
// pushing the update to it.
type watchUpdate struct {
    cds xdsclient.ClusterUpdate
    err error

// ClusterUpdate contains information from a received CDS response, which is of
// interest to the registered CDS watcher.
type ClusterUpdate struct {
    // ServiceName is the service name corresponding to the clusterName which
    // is being watched for through CDS.
    ServiceName string
    // EnableLRS indicates whether or not load should be reported through LRS.
    EnableLRS bool
    // SecurityCfg contains security configuration sent by the control plane.
    SecurityCfg *SecurityConfig
    // MaxRequests for circuit breaking, if any (otherwise nil).
    MaxRequests *uint32

Send EDS request

Upon receive the ccState message on channel x.grpcUpdate, calls x.handleGRPCUpdate() to process it.

  • handleGRPCUpdate() calls x.handleServiceConfigUpdate() to process the EDSConfig.
    • handleServiceConfigUpdate() calls x.startEndpointsWatch() to restart EDS watch when the edsServiceName has changed.
    • For the time being, we will focus on EDS. The remain part of handleServiceConfigUpdate() is about load reporting service. We will not discuss it.
    • x.startEndpointsWatch() is actually edsBalancer.startEndpointsWatch().
    • startEndpointsWatch() calls x.xdsClient.WatchEndpoints(), which is actually clientImpl.WatchEndpoints()
    • clientImpl.WatchEndpoints() starts a EDS resource request: x.edsServiceName.
    • Please note that edsCallback is a anonymous function which wraps x.handleEDSUpdate(). You can think edsCallback is edsBalancer.handleEDSUpdate.
    • Please refer to Communicate with xDS server to understand how to start xDS resource request.
    • WatchEndpoints() creates watchInfo for the specified resource and sets up the edsCallback.
    • WatchEndpoints() calls to send EDS request to xDS server through TransportHelper.send().
    • TransportHelper.recv() receives EDS response and calls handleEDSResponse() to pre-process the raw EDS response.
  • handleGRPCUpdate() calls x.edsImpl.updateServiceRequestsCounter() to update the service requests counter.TODO?
  • Next, In our case, handleGRPCUpdate() update the edsImpl by calling x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy() with the new roundrobin.Name as parameter.TODO?

Next, we continue the discussion of handleEDSResponse()

// run gets executed in a goroutine once edsBalancer is created. It monitors
// updates from grpc, xdsClient and load balancer. It synchronizes the
// operations that happen inside edsBalancer. It exits when edsBalancer is
// closed.
func (x *edsBalancer) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case update := <-x.grpcUpdate:
        case update := <-x.xdsClientUpdate:
        case update := <-x.childPolicyUpdate.Get():
            u := update.(*balancerStateWithPriority)
            x.edsImpl.updateState(u.priority, u.s)
        case <-x.closed.Done():

func (x *edsBalancer) handleGRPCUpdate(update interface{}) {
    switch u := update.(type) {
    case *subConnStateUpdate:
        x.edsImpl.handleSubConnStateChange(, u.state.ConnectivityState)
    case *balancer.ClientConnState:
        x.logger.Infof("Receive update from resolver, balancer config: %+v", u.BalancerConfig)
        cfg, _ := u.BalancerConfig.(*EDSConfig)
        if cfg == nil {
            // service config parsing failed. should never happen.

        if err := x.handleServiceConfigUpdate(cfg); err != nil {
            x.logger.Warningf("failed to update xDS client: %v", err)


        // We will update the edsImpl with the new child policy, if we got a
        // different one.
        if !cmp.Equal(cfg.ChildPolicy, x.config.ChildPolicy, cmpopts.EquateEmpty()) {
            if cfg.ChildPolicy != nil {
                x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(cfg.ChildPolicy.Name, cfg.ChildPolicy.Config)
            } else {
                x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(roundrobin.Name, nil)
        x.config = cfg
    case error:
        x.handleErrorFromUpdate(u, true)
        // unreachable path
        x.logger.Errorf("wrong update type: %T", update)

// handleServiceConfigUpdate applies the service config update, watching a new
// EDS service name and restarting LRS stream, as required.
func (x *edsBalancer) handleServiceConfigUpdate(config *EDSConfig) error {
    // Restart EDS watch when the edsServiceName has changed.
    if x.edsServiceName != config.EDSServiceName {
        x.edsServiceName = config.EDSServiceName
        // TODO: this update for the LRS service name is too early. It should
        // only apply to the new EDS response. But this is applied to the RPCs
        // before the new EDS response. To fully fix this, the EDS balancer
        // needs to do a graceful switch to another EDS implementation.
        // This is OK for now, because we don't actually expect edsServiceName
        // to change. Fix this (a bigger change) will happen later.

    // Restart load reporting when the loadReportServer name has changed.
    if !equalStringPointers(x.loadReportServer, config.LrsLoadReportingServerName) {
        loadStore := x.startLoadReport(config.LrsLoadReportingServerName)

    return nil

// startEndpointsWatch starts the EDS watch.
// This usually means load report needs to be restarted, but this function does
// NOT do that. Caller needs to call startLoadReport separately.
func (x *edsBalancer) startEndpointsWatch() {
    if x.cancelEndpointsWatch != nil {
    cancelEDSWatch := x.xdsClient.WatchEndpoints(x.edsServiceName, func(update xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate, err error) {
        x.logger.Infof("Watch update from xds-client %p, content: %+v", x.xdsClient, update)
        x.handleEDSUpdate(update, err)
    x.logger.Infof("Watch started on resource name %v with xds-client %p", x.edsServiceName, x.xdsClient)
    x.cancelEndpointsWatch = func() {
        x.logger.Infof("Watch cancelled on resource name %v with xds-client %p", x.edsServiceName, x.xdsClient)

// WatchEndpoints uses EDS to discover endpoints in the provided clusterName.
// WatchEndpoints can be called multiple times, with same or different
// clusterNames. Each call will start an independent watcher for the resource.
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func (c *clientImpl) WatchEndpoints(clusterName string, cb func(EndpointsUpdate, error)) (cancel func()) {
    wi := &watchInfo{
        c:           c,
        rType:       EndpointsResource,
        target:      clusterName,
        edsCallback: cb,

    wi.expiryTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.watchExpiryTimeout, func() {

Process EDS response

handleEDSResponse() calls xdsclient.UnmarshalEndpoints() to transform EDS DiscoveryResponse into EndpointsUpdate.

  • UnmarshalEndpoints() calls proto.Unmarshal() to unmarshal the DiscoveryResponse response.
  • Please note that the EDS resource is of type ClusterLoadAssignment.
  • UnmarshalEndpoints() calls parseEDSRespProto() to extract the supported fields from ClusterLoadAssignment.
    • Please refer to ClusterLoadAssignment to understand the meaning of the following fields.
    • parseEDSRespProto() extract the policy.drop_overloads to get the DropOverload object.
    • DropOverload is the configuration action to trim the overall incoming traffic to protect the upstream hosts.
    • Please note DropOverload is not implemented at the time of writing this chapter.
    • For each DropOverload, parseEDSRespProto() calls parseDropPolicy() to build the OverloadDropConfig object.
    • For each endpoint, parseEDSRespProto() transforms locality field into Locality.ID.
    • For each endpoint, parseEDSRespProto() calls parseEndpoints() to transform lb_endpoints field into Locality.Endpoints.
    • For each endpoint, parseEDSRespProto() extracts the load_balancing_weight field into Locality.Weight.
    • For each endpoint, parseEDSRespProto() extracts the priority field into Locality.Priority.
  • UnmarshalEndpoints() builds map[string]EndpointsUpdate for each ClusterLoadAssignment, the key is the value of cluster_name field, the value is EndpointsUpdate built by parseEDSRespProto().

handleEDSResponse() calls v3c.parent.NewEndpoints() to update the EDS watch list.

  • v3c.parent.NewEndpoints() is actually clientImpl.NewEndpoints()
  • For each EndpointsUpdate, NewEndpoints() checks if it exists in c.edsWatchers, if it does exist, calls wi.newUpdate and add it to c.edsCache.
  • wi.newUpdate() updates the wi.state, stops the wi.expiryTimer and calls wi.c.scheduleCallback().
  • scheduleCallback() sends watcherInfoWithUpdate message to channel c.updateCh.

Now the watcherInfoWithUpdate has been sent to channel c.updateCh. Let's discuss the receiving part in next section.

func (v3c *client) handleEDSResponse(resp *v3discoverypb.DiscoveryResponse) error {
    update, err := xdsclient.UnmarshalEndpoints(resp.GetResources(), v3c.logger)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// UnmarshalEndpoints processes resources received in an EDS response,
// validates them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only
// fields we are interested in.
func UnmarshalEndpoints(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]EndpointsUpdate, error) {
    update := make(map[string]EndpointsUpdate)
    for _, r := range resources {
        if !IsEndpointsResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in EDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())

        cla := &v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment{}
        if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), cla); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in EDS response: %v", err)
        logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v", cla.GetClusterName(), cla, cla)

        u, err := parseEDSRespProto(cla)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        update[cla.GetClusterName()] = u
    return update, nil

func parseEDSRespProto(m *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment) (EndpointsUpdate, error) {
    ret := EndpointsUpdate{}
    for _, dropPolicy := range m.GetPolicy().GetDropOverloads() {
        ret.Drops = append(ret.Drops, parseDropPolicy(dropPolicy))
    priorities := make(map[uint32]struct{})
    for _, locality := range m.Endpoints {
        l := locality.GetLocality()
        if l == nil {
            return EndpointsUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("EDS response contains a locality without ID, locality: %+v", locality)
        lid := internal.LocalityID{
            Region:  l.Region,
            Zone:    l.Zone,
            SubZone: l.SubZone,
        priority := locality.GetPriority()
        priorities[priority] = struct{}{}
        ret.Localities = append(ret.Localities, Locality{
            ID:        lid,
            Endpoints: parseEndpoints(locality.GetLbEndpoints()),
            Weight:    locality.GetLoadBalancingWeight().GetValue(),
            Priority:  priority,
    for i := 0; i < len(priorities); i++ {
        if _, ok := priorities[uint32(i)]; !ok {
            return EndpointsUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("priority %v missing (with different priorities %v received)", i, priorities)
    return ret, nil

func parseDropPolicy(dropPolicy *v3endpointpb.ClusterLoadAssignment_Policy_DropOverload) OverloadDropConfig {
    percentage := dropPolicy.GetDropPercentage()
    var (
        numerator   = percentage.GetNumerator()
        denominator uint32
    switch percentage.GetDenominator() {
    case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED:
        denominator = 100
    case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_TEN_THOUSAND:
        denominator = 10000
    case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_MILLION:
        denominator = 1000000
    return OverloadDropConfig{
        Category:    dropPolicy.GetCategory(),
        Numerator:   numerator,
        Denominator: denominator,

func parseEndpoints(lbEndpoints []*v3endpointpb.LbEndpoint) []Endpoint {
    endpoints := make([]Endpoint, 0, len(lbEndpoints))
    for _, lbEndpoint := range lbEndpoints {
        endpoints = append(endpoints, Endpoint{
            HealthStatus: EndpointHealthStatus(lbEndpoint.GetHealthStatus()),
            Address:      parseAddress(lbEndpoint.GetEndpoint().GetAddress().GetSocketAddress()),
            Weight:       lbEndpoint.GetLoadBalancingWeight().GetValue(),
    return endpoints

// OverloadDropConfig contains the config to drop overloads.
type OverloadDropConfig struct {
    Category    string
    Numerator   uint32
    Denominator uint32

// LocalityID is xds.Locality without XXX fields, so it can be used as map
// keys.
// xds.Locality cannot be map keys because one of the XXX fields is a slice.
type LocalityID struct {
    Region  string `json:"region,omitempty"`
    Zone    string `json:"zone,omitempty"`
    SubZone string `json:"subZone,omitempty"`

// Endpoint contains information of an endpoint.
type Endpoint struct {
    Address      string
    HealthStatus EndpointHealthStatus
    Weight       uint32

// Locality contains information of a locality.
type Locality struct {
    Endpoints []Endpoint
    ID        internal.LocalityID
    Priority  uint32
    Weight    uint32

// EndpointsUpdate contains an EDS update.
type EndpointsUpdate struct {
    Drops      []OverloadDropConfig
    Localities []Locality

// NewEndpoints is called by the underlying xdsAPIClient when it receives an
// xDS response.
// A response can contain multiple resources. They will be parsed and put in a
// map from resource name to the resource content.
func (c *clientImpl) NewEndpoints(updates map[string]EndpointsUpdate) {

    for name, update := range updates {
        if s, ok := c.edsWatchers[name]; ok {
            for wi := range s {
            // Sync cache.
            c.logger.Debugf("EDS resource with name %v, value %+v added to cache", name, update)
            c.edsCache[name] = update

EDS callback

Now we got a message in channel c.updateCh, It's time to consume it. From xDS callback, we know the following process will happen:

  • calls c.callCallback() with the incoming watcherInfoWithUpdate as parameter.
  • In our case, the message's wi.rType field is EndpointsResource.
  • callCallback() will call edsCallback , which actually calls edsBalancer.handleEDSUpdate
  • handleEDSUpdate() wraps the xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate object into &edsUpdate{resp: resp, err: err} and sends edsUpdate to x.xdsClientUpdate.

Now, EndpointsUpdate has been wrapped into edsUpdate, edsUpdate has been send to EDS balancer.

type edsUpdate struct {
    resp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate
    err  error

func (x *edsBalancer) handleEDSUpdate(resp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate, err error) {
    select {
    case x.xdsClientUpdate <- &edsUpdate{resp: resp, err: err}:
    case <-x.closed.Done():

Process EDS update

The response endpoints is re-ordered by priority. Each priority has a balancer group. Only the priority in use is started. is waiting on the channel x.xdsClientUpdate, Upon receives edsUpdate message:

  • run() calls x.handleXDSClientUpdate(), which is actually edsBalancer.handleXDSClientUpdate().
  • handleXDSClientUpdate() calls x.edsImpl.handleEDSResponse() to do the job.
  • handleEDSResponse() filters out all localities with weight 0.
  • handleEDSResponse() re-orders the locality by priority.
  • handleEDSResponse() finds the lowest priority.
  • For each priority, handleXDSClientUpdate() creates a bgwc, which is of type balancerGroupWithConfig.
    • The field of balancerGroupWithConfig is edsBalancerWrapperCC.
    • The stateAggregator field of balancerGroupWithConfig is weightedaggregator.Aggregator.
  • For each priority, handleXDSClientUpdate() calls edsImpl.handleEDSResponsePerPriority() to initialize the connection with endpoint.
  • handleEDSResponse() deletes priorities that are removed in the latest response, and also closes the bgwc.
  • At last, if priority was added/removed, handleEDSResponse() calls edsImpl.handlePriorityChange() to change the balancer group.
    • For first EDS response, edsImpl.handlePriorityChange() will calls edsImpl.startPriority().
    • edsImpl.startPriority() sets priorityInUse to specified parameter.
    • edsImpl.startPriority() calls p.stateAggregator.Start() to start the Aggregator.
    • edsImpl.startPriority() calls to start the BalancerGroup.
    • edsImpl.startPriority() also starts a timer to fall to next priority after timeout.

Next, Let's discuss the behaviour of edsImpl.handleEDSResponsePerPriority(). Please continue to read Prepare for connect for detail.

func (x *edsBalancer) handleXDSClientUpdate(update *edsUpdate) {
    if err := update.err; err != nil {
        x.handleErrorFromUpdate(err, false)

// handleEDSResponse handles the EDS response and creates/deletes localities and
// SubConns. It also handles drops.
// HandleChildPolicy and HandleEDSResponse must be called by the same goroutine.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handleEDSResponse(edsResp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate) {
    // TODO: Unhandled fields from EDS response:
    //  - edsResp.GetPolicy().GetOverprovisioningFactor()
    //  - locality.GetPriority()
    //  - lbEndpoint.GetMetadata(): contains BNS name, send to sub-balancers
    //    - as service config or as resolved address
    //  - if socketAddress is not ip:port
    //     - socketAddress.GetNamedPort(), socketAddress.GetResolverName()
    //     - resolve endpoint's name with another resolver

    // If the first EDS update is an empty update, nothing is changing from the
    // previous update (which is the default empty value). We need to explicitly
    // handle first update being empty, and send a transient failure picker.
    // TODO: define Equal() on type EndpointUpdate to avoid DeepEqual. And do
    // the same for the other types.
    if !edsImpl.respReceived && reflect.DeepEqual(edsResp, xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate{}) {{ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, Picker: base.NewErrPicker(errAllPrioritiesRemoved)})
    edsImpl.respReceived = true


    // Filter out all localities with weight 0.
    // Locality weighted load balancer can be enabled by setting an option in
    // CDS, and the weight of each locality. Currently, without the guarantee
    // that CDS is always sent, we assume locality weighted load balance is
    // always enabled, and ignore all weight 0 localities.
    // In the future, we should look at the config in CDS response and decide
    // whether locality weight matters.
    newLocalitiesWithPriority := make(map[priorityType][]xdsclient.Locality)
    for _, locality := range edsResp.Localities {
        if locality.Weight == 0 {
        priority := newPriorityType(locality.Priority)
        newLocalitiesWithPriority[priority] = append(newLocalitiesWithPriority[priority], locality)

    var (
        priorityLowest  priorityType
        priorityChanged bool

    for priority, newLocalities := range newLocalitiesWithPriority {
        if !priorityLowest.isSet() || priorityLowest.higherThan(priority) {
            priorityLowest = priority

        bgwc, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority]
        if !ok {
            // Create balancer group if it's never created (this is the first
            // time this priority is received). We don't start it here. It may
            // be started when necessary (e.g. when higher is down, or if it's a
            // new lowest priority).
            ccPriorityWrapper := edsImpl.ccWrapperWithPriority(priority)
            stateAggregator := weightedaggregator.New(ccPriorityWrapper, edsImpl.logger, newRandomWRR)
            bgwc = &balancerGroupWithConfig{
                bg:              balancergroup.New(ccPriorityWrapper, stateAggregator, edsImpl.loadReporter, edsImpl.logger),
                stateAggregator: stateAggregator,
                configs:         make(map[internal.LocalityID]*localityConfig),
            edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority] = bgwc
            priorityChanged = true
            edsImpl.logger.Infof("New priority %v added", priority)
        edsImpl.handleEDSResponsePerPriority(bgwc, newLocalities)
    edsImpl.priorityLowest = priorityLowest

    // Delete priorities that are removed in the latest response, and also close
    // the balancer group.
    for p, bgwc := range edsImpl.priorityToLocalities {
        if _, ok := newLocalitiesWithPriority[p]; !ok {
            delete(edsImpl.priorityToLocalities, p)
            delete(edsImpl.priorityToState, p)
            priorityChanged = true
            edsImpl.logger.Infof("Priority %v deleted", p)

    // If priority was added/removed, it may affect the balancer group to use.
    // E.g. priorityInUse was removed, or all priorities are down, and a new
    // lower priority was added.
    if priorityChanged {

// handlePriorityChange handles priority after EDS adds/removes a
// priority.
// - If all priorities were deleted, unset priorityInUse, and set parent
// ClientConn to TransientFailure
// - If priorityInUse wasn't set, this is either the first EDS resp, or the
// previous EDS resp deleted everything. Set priorityInUse to 0, and start 0.
// - If priorityInUse was deleted, send the picker from the new lowest priority
// to parent ClientConn, and set priorityInUse to the new lowest.
// - If priorityInUse has a non-Ready state, and also there's a priority lower
// than priorityInUse (which means a lower priority was added), set the next
// priority as new priorityInUse, and start the bg.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) handlePriorityChange() {
    defer edsImpl.priorityMu.Unlock()

    // Everything was removed by EDS.
    if !edsImpl.priorityLowest.isSet() {
        edsImpl.priorityInUse = newPriorityTypeUnset()
        // Stop the init timer. This can happen if the only priority is removed
        // shortly after it's added.
        if timer := edsImpl.priorityInitTimer; timer != nil {
            edsImpl.priorityInitTimer = nil
        }{ConnectivityState: connectivity.TransientFailure, Picker: base.NewErrPicker(errAllPrioritiesRemoved)})

    // priorityInUse wasn't set, use 0.
    if !edsImpl.priorityInUse.isSet() {
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("Switching priority from unset to %v", 0)

    // priorityInUse was deleted, use the new lowest.
    if _, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[edsImpl.priorityInUse]; !ok {
        oldP := edsImpl.priorityInUse
        edsImpl.priorityInUse = edsImpl.priorityLowest
        edsImpl.logger.Infof("Switching priority from %v to %v, because former was deleted", oldP, edsImpl.priorityInUse)
        if s, ok := edsImpl.priorityToState[edsImpl.priorityLowest]; ok {
        } else {
            // If state for priorityLowest is not found, this means priorityLowest was
            // started, but never sent any update. The init timer fired and
            // triggered the next priority. The old_priorityInUse (that was just
            // deleted EDS) was picked later.
            // We don't have an old state to send to parent, but we also don't
            // want parent to keep using picker from old_priorityInUse. Send an
            // update to trigger block picks until a new picker is ready.
  {ConnectivityState: connectivity.Connecting, Picker: base.NewErrPicker(balancer.ErrNoSubConnAvailable)})

    // priorityInUse is not ready, look for next priority, and use if found.
    if s, ok := edsImpl.priorityToState[edsImpl.priorityInUse]; ok && s.ConnectivityState != connectivity.Ready {
        pNext := edsImpl.priorityInUse.nextLower()
        if _, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[pNext]; ok {
            edsImpl.logger.Infof("Switching priority from %v to %v, because latter was added, and former wasn't Ready")

// startPriority sets priorityInUse to p, and starts the balancer group for p.
// It also starts a timer to fall to next priority after timeout.
// Caller must hold priorityMu, priority must exist, and edsImpl.priorityInUse
// must be non-nil.
func (edsImpl *edsBalancerImpl) startPriority(priority priorityType) {
    edsImpl.priorityInUse = priority
    p := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[priority]
    // NOTE: this will eventually send addresses to sub-balancers. If the
    // sub-balancer tries to update picker, it will result in a deadlock on
    // priorityMu in the update is handled synchronously. The deadlock is
    // currently avoided by handling balancer update in a goroutine (the run
    // goroutine in the parent eds balancer). When priority balancer is split
    // into its own, this asynchronous state handling needs to be copied.
    // startPriority can be called when
    // 1. first EDS resp, start p0
    // 2. a high priority goes Failure, start next
    // 3. a high priority init timeout, start next
    // In all the cases, the existing init timer is either closed, also already
    // expired. There's no need to close the old timer.
    edsImpl.priorityInitTimer = time.AfterFunc(defaultPriorityInitTimeout, func() {
        defer edsImpl.priorityMu.Unlock()
        if !edsImpl.priorityInUse.isSet() || !edsImpl.priorityInUse.equal(priority) {
        edsImpl.priorityInitTimer = nil
        pNext := priority.nextLower()
        if _, ok := edsImpl.priorityToLocalities[pNext]; ok {

// Start starts the aggregator. It can be called after Close to restart the
// aggretator.
func (wbsa *Aggregator) Start() {
    wbsa.started = true

// Start starts the balancer group, including building all the sub-balancers,
// and send the existing addresses to them.
// A BalancerGroup can be closed and started later. When a BalancerGroup is
// closed, it can still receive address updates, which will be applied when
// restarted.
func (bg *BalancerGroup) Start() {
    bg.incomingStarted = true

    if bg.outgoingStarted {

    for _, config := range bg.idToBalancerConfig {
    bg.outgoingStarted = true