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xDS protocol - LDS/RDS

The gRPC team believe that Envoy proxy (actually, any data plane) is not the only solution for service mesh. By support xDS protocol gRPC can take the role of Envoy proxy. In general gRPC wants to build a proxy-less service mesh without data plane. See xDS Support in gRPC - Mark D. Roth and Traffic Director and gRPC—proxyless services for your service mesh.

From the view of data plane API, envoy proxy is a client. gRPC is another different client, while gRPC only supports partial capability of Envoy proxy. Although they are different client with different design goal, they may share the same management server (control plane) and the same data plane API.

The following is the design document for xDS protocol. It's a good start point to understand the code. It's not easy to understand these documents if you are not familiar with Envoy proxy. It took me several weeks to read the Envoy document and xDS REST and gRPC protocol before the following documents.

There are four variants of the xDS Transport Protocol. gRPC only supports the Aggregate Discovery Service (ADS) variant of xDS. Start from 2021, xDS v3 is the main API version supported by gRPC.

"In the future, we may add support for the incremental ADS variant of xDS. However, we have no plans to support any non-aggregated variants of xDS, nor do we plan to support REST or filesystem subscription."

For xDS protocol, RouteConfiguration and ServiceConfig are important data structure. Envoy's RouteConfiguration is different from gRPC's ServiceConfig. While gRPC intends to populate ServiceConfig with the data from RouteConfiguration. In brief summary:

  • Utilizes bootstrap file to create the connection with xDS server.
  • Communicates with xDS server to get the RouteConfiguration.
  • Transform RouteConfiguration into ServiceConfig.
  • Use ServiceConfig and balancer to make the business RPC call.

You may wonder what about the ClusterLoadAssignment? Let me remind you this chapter only cover LDS/RDS. The gRPC team seperate the ADS into two parts: resolver handles LDS/RDS, balancer handles CDS/EDS. We will discuss the latter in Load Balancing - xDS.

Before jump into the code, Let's prepare some maps to avoid lost in the code sea. Later you will need more maps. Envoy is a huge complex projct. xDS support is try to implement part of Envoy features. Which means xDS protocol support in gRPC is also a complex project.

Protocol buffers map for xDS v3 API

I found adding the following information can help me to understand the relationship between xDS data structure. It is easy to get lost. Especially for a Envoy newbie. Note that static_resources is not used in xDS protocol, instead it uses dynamic_resources. Yet xDS share the same proto (data structure) with static configuration.

Example YAML:


  - name: listener_0
        port_value: 10000
    - filters:
      - name:
          stat_prefix: ingress_http
          - name: envoy.access_loggers.file
              path: /dev/stdout
          - name: envoy.filters.http.router
            name: local_route
            - name: local_service
              domains: ["*"]
              - match:
                  prefix: "/"
                  cluster: service_envoyproxy_io

Example YAML:

                  cluster: service_envoyproxy_io

  - name: service_envoyproxy_io
    connect_timeout: 30s
    type: LOGICAL_DNS
    # Comment out the following line to test on v6 networks
    dns_lookup_family: V4_ONLY
      cluster_name: service_envoyproxy_io
      - lb_endpoints:
        - endpoint:
                port_value: 443
      name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls

Connect with xDS Server

In this stage, we will utilizes bootstrap file to create the connection with xDS server. Here is another map for this stage. In this map:

xDS protocol: 1

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Right red dot represents there is a extension map for that box.
  • Left red dot represents the box is a continue part from other map.

In this stage, we will accomplish the following job:

  • Uses xDS resolver builder to build the xDS resolver.
  • Creates the xDS client to connect with the xDS server.
  • Prepares for the response from xDS server.

xDS bootstrap file

gRPC uses XdsClient to interact with xDS management server. XdsClient need a bootstrap file which is a JSON file. The bootstrap file is determined via the GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP environment variable.

The following is the definition of bootstrap JSON file.

type bootstrapConfig struct {
    XdsServers               []server                   `json:"xds_servers,omitempty"`
    Node                     node                       `json:"node,omitempty"`
    CertificateProviders     map[string]json.RawMessage `json:"certificate_providers,omitempty"`
    GRPCServerResourceNameID string                     `json:"grpc_server_resource_name_id,omitempty"`

type server struct {
    ServerURI      string   `json:"server_uri,omitempty"`
    ChannelCreds   []creds  `json:"channel_creds,omitempty"`
    ServerFeatures []string `json:"server_features,omitempty"`

type creds struct {
    Type   string      `json:"type,omitempty"`
    Config interface{} `json:"config,omitempty"`

type node struct {
    ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`

The example of the gRPC xDS bootstrap file.

   "xds_server": [
       "server_uri": <string containing URI of management server>,
       "channel_creds": [
           "type": <string containing channel cred type>,
           "config": <JSON object containing config for the type>
       "server_features": [ ... ],
   "node": <JSON form of Node proto>,
   "certificate_providers" : {
     "default": {
       "plugin_name": "default-plugin-name",
       "config": { default plugin config in JSON }
     "foo": {
       "plugin_name": "foo",
       "config": { foo plugin config in JSON }
   "grpc_server_resource_name_id": "grpc/server"

Comparing it with the Envoy bootstrap file for ADS. The node field in xDS bootstrap file will be populated with the xDS Node proto.

Add more information about certificate_providers and grpc_server_resource_name_id and xds_server TODO

  cluster: test-cluster
  id: test-id

    api_type: GRPC
    transport_api_version: V3
    - envoy_grpc:
        cluster_name: xds_cluster
    resource_api_version: V3
    ads: {}
    resource_api_version: V3
    ads: {}

  - connect_timeout: 1s
    type: strict_dns
          http2_protocol_options: {}
    name: xds_cluster
      cluster_name: xds_cluster
      - lb_endpoints:
        - endpoint:
                address: my-control-plane
                port_value: 18000

  access_log_path: /dev/null


If the user application uses xds:/// as target URI, gRPC will start the XdsClient initialization procedure. xdsResolverBuilder.Build() will be called to prepare for the interaction with xDS server and return the resolver to gRPC.

Let's discuss the newXDSClient() in detail next.

const xdsScheme = "xds"

// For overriding in unittests.
var newXDSClient = func() (xdsClientInterface, error) { return xdsclient.New() }

func init() {

type xdsResolverBuilder struct{}

// Build helps implement the resolver.Builder interface.
// The xds bootstrap process is performed (and a new xds client is built) every
// time an xds resolver is built.
func (b *xdsResolverBuilder) Build(t resolver.Target, cc resolver.ClientConn, opts resolver.BuildOptions) (resolver.Resolver, error) {
    r := &xdsResolver{
        target:         t,
        cc:             cc,
        closed:         grpcsync.NewEvent(),
        updateCh:       make(chan suWithError, 1),
        activeClusters: make(map[string]*clusterInfo),
    r.logger = prefixLogger((r))
    r.logger.Infof("Creating resolver for target: %+v", t)

    client, err := newXDSClient()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to create xds-client: %v", err)
    r.client = client

    // If xds credentials were specified by the user, but bootstrap configs do
    // not contain any certificate provider configuration, it is better to fail
    // right now rather than failing when attempting to create certificate
    // providers after receiving an CDS response with security configuration.
    var creds credentials.TransportCredentials
    switch {
    case opts.DialCreds != nil:
        creds = opts.DialCreds
    case opts.CredsBundle != nil:
        creds = opts.CredsBundle.TransportCredentials()
    if xc, ok := creds.(interface{ UsesXDS() bool }); ok && xc.UsesXDS() {
        bc := client.BootstrapConfig()
        if len(bc.CertProviderConfigs) == 0 {
            return nil, errors.New("xds: xdsCreds specified but certificate_providers config missing in bootstrap file")

    // Register a watch on the xdsClient for the user's dial target.
    cancelWatch := watchService(r.client,, r.handleServiceUpdate, r.logger)
    r.logger.Infof("Watch started on resource name %v with xds-client %p",, r.client)
    r.cancelWatch = func() {
        r.logger.Infof("Watch cancel on resource name %v with xds-client %p",, r.client)

    return r, nil

// Name helps implement the resolver.Builder interface.
func (*xdsResolverBuilder) Scheme() string {
    return xdsScheme

Prepare Config from bootstrap file

newXDSClient() is a wrapper for Client.New(). Client is a singleton and a wrapper for clientImpl and maintains the reference count refcount to itself.

  • Client.New() calls bootstrapNewConfig() to read the file specified in GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP environment variable. It returns a bootstrap.Config. Which means bootstrapNewConfig() reads the bootstrap file and converts the content into bootstrap.Config. bootstrap.Config is an internal data structure for xDS client.
    • bootstrapNewConfig() is bootstrap.NewConfig(), which is actually Config.NewConfig().
    • Config.NewConfig() calls bootstrapConfigFromEnvVariable() to read the file specified in either GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP or GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG
    • Here we does not show the code of bootstrapConfigFromEnvVariable(). It's simple enough.
    • Then Config.NewConfig() uses JSON decoder to decode the bootstrap data into config object.
      • config.NodeProto copies from node, note: the node data is transformed from JSON to v3.Node proto.
      • config.BalancerName copies from the first server_uri,
      • config.Creds comes from the first channel_creds,
      • config.CertProviderConfigs comes from certificate_providers
      • config.ServerResourceNameID comes from grpc_server_resource_name_id
      • config.TransportAPI is version.TransportV2 by default. If the Server supports v3 and GRPC_XDS_EXPERIMENTAL_V3_SUPPORT is true, config.TransportAPI is version.TransportV3
    • Config.NewConfig() calls config.updateNodeProto() to automatically fill in some fields of NodeProto.
      • config.updateNodeProto() supports both xDS v2 and v3. We will explain it in v3 because v2 is no longer support by Envoy.
      • UserAgentName get the value "gRPC Go"
      • UserAgentVersionType get the value {"userAgentVersion":"1.36.0-dev"}
      • ClientFeatures get the value ""
    • Now the config object is ready, bootstrap file accomplishes its job.
  • Client.New() calls newWithConfig() to use the bootstrap.Config to create a clientImpl, which is the real XdsClient.

It's long enough. Let's discuss newWithConfig() in next part.

// This is the Client returned by New(). It contains one client implementation,
// and maintains the refcount.
var singletonClient = &Client{}

// To override in tests.
var bootstrapNewConfig = bootstrap.NewConfig

// Client is a full fledged gRPC client which queries a set of discovery APIs
// (collectively termed as xDS) on a remote management server, to discover
// various dynamic resources.
// The xds client is a singleton. It will be shared by the xds resolver and
// balancer implementations, across multiple ClientConns and Servers.
type Client struct {

    // This mu protects all the fields, including the embedded clientImpl above.
    mu       sync.Mutex
    refCount int

// New returns a new xdsClient configured by the bootstrap file specified in env
func New() (*Client, error) {
    // If the client implementation was created, increment ref count and return
    // the client.
    if singletonClient.clientImpl != nil {
        return singletonClient, nil
    // Create the new client implementation.
    config, err := bootstrapNewConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to read bootstrap file: %v", err)
    c, err := newWithConfig(config, defaultWatchExpiryTimeout)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    singletonClient.clientImpl = c
    return singletonClient, nil

// NewConfig returns a new instance of Config initialized by reading the
// bootstrap file found at ${GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP}.
// The format of the bootstrap file will be as follows:
// {
//    "xds_server": {
//      "server_uri": <string containing URI of management server>,
//      "channel_creds": [
//        {
//          "type": <string containing channel cred type>,
//          "config": <JSON object containing config for the type>
//        }
//      ],
//      "server_features": [ ... ],
//    },
//    "node": <JSON form of Node proto>,
//    "certificate_providers" : {
//      "default": {
//        "plugin_name": "default-plugin-name",
//        "config": { default plugin config in JSON }
//       },
//      "foo": {
//        "plugin_name": "foo",
//        "config": { foo plugin config in JSON }
//      }
//    },
//    "grpc_server_resource_name_id": "grpc/server"
// }
// Currently, we support exactly one type of credential, which is
// "google_default", where we use the host's default certs for transport
// credentials and a Google oauth token for call credentials.
// This function tries to process as much of the bootstrap file as possible (in
// the presence of the errors) and may return a Config object with certain
// fields left unspecified, in which case the caller should use some sane
// defaults.
func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
    config := &Config{}

    data, err := bootstrapConfigFromEnvVariable()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Failed to read bootstrap config: %v", err)
    logger.Debugf("Bootstrap content: %s", data)

    var jsonData map[string]json.RawMessage
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &jsonData); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Failed to parse bootstrap config: %v", err)

    serverSupportsV3 := false
    m := jsonpb.Unmarshaler{AllowUnknownFields: true}
    for k, v := range jsonData {
        switch k {
        case "node":
            // We unconditionally convert the JSON into a v3.Node proto. The v3
            // proto does not contain the deprecated field "build_version" from
            // the v2 proto. We do not expect the bootstrap file to contain the
            // "build_version" field. In any case, the unmarshal will succeed
            // because we have set the `AllowUnknownFields` option on the
            // unmarshaler.
            n := &v3corepb.Node{}
            if err := m.Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(v), n); err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: jsonpb.Unmarshal(%v) for field %q failed during bootstrap: %v", string(v), k, err)
            config.NodeProto = n
        case "xds_servers":
            var servers []*xdsServer
            if err := json.Unmarshal(v, &servers); err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: json.Unmarshal(%v) for field %q failed during bootstrap: %v", string(v), k, err)
            if len(servers) < 1 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: bootstrap file parsing failed during bootstrap: file doesn't contain any management server to connect to")
            xs := servers[0]
            config.BalancerName = xs.ServerURI
            for _, cc := range xs.ChannelCreds {
                // We stop at the first credential type that we support.
                if cc.Type == credsGoogleDefault {
                    config.Creds = grpc.WithCredentialsBundle(google.NewDefaultCredentials())
                } else if cc.Type == credsInsecure {
                    config.Creds = grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials())
            for _, f := range xs.ServerFeatures {
                switch f {
                case serverFeaturesV3:
                    serverSupportsV3 = true
        case "certificate_providers":
            var providerInstances map[string]json.RawMessage
            if err := json.Unmarshal(v, &providerInstances); err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: json.Unmarshal(%v) for field %q failed during bootstrap: %v", string(v), k, err)
            configs := make(map[string]*certprovider.BuildableConfig)
            getBuilder := internal.GetCertificateProviderBuilder.(func(string) certprovider.Builder)
            for instance, data := range providerInstances {
                var nameAndConfig struct {
                    PluginName string          `json:"plugin_name"`
                    Config     json.RawMessage `json:"config"`
                if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &nameAndConfig); err != nil {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: json.Unmarshal(%v) for field %q failed during bootstrap: %v", string(v), instance, err)

                name := nameAndConfig.PluginName
                parser := getBuilder(nameAndConfig.PluginName)
                if parser == nil {
                    // We ignore plugins that we do not know about.
                bc, err := parser.ParseConfig(nameAndConfig.Config)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Config parsing for plugin %q failed: %v", name, err)
                configs[instance] = bc
            config.CertProviderConfigs = configs
        case "grpc_server_resource_name_id":
            if err := json.Unmarshal(v, &config.ServerResourceNameID); err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: json.Unmarshal(%v) for field %q failed during bootstrap: %v", string(v), k, err)
        // Do not fail the xDS bootstrap when an unknown field is seen. This can
        // happen when an older version client reads a newer version bootstrap
        // file with new fields.

    if config.BalancerName == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Required field %q not found in bootstrap %s", "xds_servers.server_uri", jsonData["xds_servers"])
    if config.Creds == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Required field %q doesn't contain valid value in bootstrap %s", "xds_servers.channel_creds", jsonData["xds_servers"])

    // We end up using v3 transport protocol version only if the following
    // conditions are met:
    // 1. Server supports v3, indicated by the presence of "xds_v3" in
    //    server_features.
    // 2. Environment variable "GRPC_XDS_EXPERIMENTAL_V3_SUPPORT" is set to
    //    true.
    // The default value of the enum type "version.TransportAPI" is v2.
    if env.V3Support && serverSupportsV3 {
        config.TransportAPI = version.TransportV3

    if err := config.updateNodeProto(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    logger.Infof("Bootstrap config for creating xds-client: %+v", config)
    return config, nil

// updateNodeProto updates the node proto read from the bootstrap file.
// Node proto in Config contains a v3.Node protobuf message corresponding to the
// JSON contents found in the bootstrap file. This method performs some post
// processing on it:
// 1. If we don't find a nodeProto in the bootstrap file, we create an empty one
// here. That way, callers of this function can always expect that the NodeProto
// field is non-nil.
// 2. If the transport protocol version to be used is not v3, we convert the
// current v3.Node proto in a v2.Node proto.
// 3. Some additional fields which are not expected to be set in the bootstrap
// file are populated here.
func (c *Config) updateNodeProto() error {
    if c.TransportAPI == version.TransportV3 {
        v3, _ := c.NodeProto.(*v3corepb.Node)
        if v3 == nil {
            v3 = &v3corepb.Node{}
        v3.UserAgentName = gRPCUserAgentName
        v3.UserAgentVersionType = &v3corepb.Node_UserAgentVersion{UserAgentVersion: grpc.Version}
        v3.ClientFeatures = append(v3.ClientFeatures, clientFeatureNoOverprovisioning)
        c.NodeProto = v3
        return nil

    v2 := &v2corepb.Node{}
    if c.NodeProto != nil {
        v3, err := proto.Marshal(c.NodeProto)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("xds: proto.Marshal(%v): %v", c.NodeProto, err)
        if err := proto.Unmarshal(v3, v2); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("xds: proto.Unmarshal(%v): %v", v3, err)
    c.NodeProto = v2

    // BuildVersion is deprecated, and is replaced by user_agent_name and
    // user_agent_version. But the management servers are still using the old
    // field, so we will keep both set.
    v2.BuildVersion = gRPCVersion
    v2.UserAgentName = gRPCUserAgentName
    v2.UserAgentVersionType = &v2corepb.Node_UserAgentVersion{UserAgentVersion: grpc.Version}
    v2.ClientFeatures = append(v2.ClientFeatures, clientFeatureNoOverprovisioning)
    return nil

Dial to xDS server

The goal of newWithConfig() is to create the XdsClient, which connect with the xDS server.

  • newWithConfig() checks the config fields and prepares the grpc.DialOption, and creates the clientImpl object c.
  • config.Creds is used as grpc.DialOption to create the TLS connection with the xDS server.
  • config.BalancerName is used as target parameter for grpc.Dial(), config.BalancerName comes from server_uri. So server_uri is the target xDS server name.
  • After grpc.Dial() successfully returns the grpc.*ClientConn, the connection to xDS server is ready. See Dial process for detail.
  • newWithConfig() calls newAPIClient() to build the v2 or v3 APIClient according to the config.TransportAPI parameter.
    • APIClientBuilder creates an xDS client for a specific xDS transport protocol. There are two registered APIClientBuilder available: v2 builder and v3 builder.
    • newAPIClient() calls getAPIClientBuilder() to get the API builder cb.
    • getAPIClientBuilder() uses the config.TransportAPI as parameter to determine which APIClientBuilder to use.
    • newAPIClient() calls cb.Build() to build the v2 or v3 API client.
    • We will discuss the v3 APIClientBuilder in next chapter.
  • After apiClient is ready, will be called to start a goroutine.

Lets discsuss APIClientBuilder in next chapter.

// newWithConfig returns a new xdsClient with the given config.
func newWithConfig(config *bootstrap.Config, watchExpiryTimeout time.Duration) (*clientImpl, error) {
    switch {
    case config.BalancerName == "":
        return nil, errors.New("xds: no xds_server name provided in options")
    case config.Creds == nil:
        return nil, errors.New("xds: no credentials provided in options")
    case config.NodeProto == nil:
        return nil, errors.New("xds: no node_proto provided in options")

    switch config.TransportAPI {
    case version.TransportV2:
        if _, ok := config.NodeProto.(*v2corepb.Node); !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Node proto type (%T) does not match API version: %v", config.NodeProto, config.TransportAPI)
    case version.TransportV3:
        if _, ok := config.NodeProto.(*v3corepb.Node); !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Node proto type (%T) does not match API version: %v", config.NodeProto, config.TransportAPI)

    dopts := []grpc.DialOption{
            Time:    5 * time.Minute,
            Timeout: 20 * time.Second,

    c := &clientImpl{
        done:               grpcsync.NewEvent(),
        config:             config,
        watchExpiryTimeout: watchExpiryTimeout,

        updateCh:    buffer.NewUnbounded(),
        ldsWatchers: make(map[string]map[*watchInfo]bool),
        ldsCache:    make(map[string]ListenerUpdate),
        rdsWatchers: make(map[string]map[*watchInfo]bool),
        rdsCache:    make(map[string]RouteConfigUpdate),
        cdsWatchers: make(map[string]map[*watchInfo]bool),
        cdsCache:    make(map[string]ClusterUpdate),
        edsWatchers: make(map[string]map[*watchInfo]bool),
        edsCache:    make(map[string]EndpointsUpdate),
        lrsClients:  make(map[string]*lrsClient),

    cc, err := grpc.Dial(config.BalancerName, dopts...)
    if err != nil {
        // An error from a non-blocking dial indicates something serious.
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to dial balancer {%s}: %v", config.BalancerName, err)
    } = cc
    c.logger = prefixLogger((c))
    c.logger.Infof("Created ClientConn to xDS management server: %s", config.BalancerName)

    apiClient, err := newAPIClient(config.TransportAPI, cc, BuildOptions{
        Parent:    c,
        NodeProto: config.NodeProto,
        Backoff:   backoff.DefaultExponential.Backoff,
        Logger:    c.logger,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    c.apiClient = apiClient
    return c, nil

// Function to be overridden in tests.
var newAPIClient = func(apiVersion version.TransportAPI, cc *grpc.ClientConn, opts BuildOptions) (APIClient, error) {
    cb := getAPIClientBuilder(apiVersion)
    if cb == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("no client builder for xDS API version: %v", apiVersion)
    return cb.Build(cc, opts)

var (
    m = make(map[version.TransportAPI]APIClientBuilder)

// RegisterAPIClientBuilder registers a client builder for xDS transport protocol
// version specified by b.Version().
// NOTE: this function must only be called during initialization time (i.e. in
// an init() function), and is not thread-safe. If multiple builders are
// registered for the same version, the one registered last will take effect.
func RegisterAPIClientBuilder(b APIClientBuilder) {
    m[b.Version()] = b

// getAPIClientBuilder returns the client builder registered for the provided
// xDS transport API version.
func getAPIClientBuilder(version version.TransportAPI) APIClientBuilder {
    if b, ok := m[version]; ok {
        return b
    return nil

// APIClientBuilder creates an xDS client for a specific xDS transport protocol
// version.
type APIClientBuilder interface {
    // Build builds a transport protocol specific implementation of the xDS
    // client based on the provided clientConn to the management server and the
    // provided options.
    Build(*grpc.ClientConn, BuildOptions) (APIClient, error)
    // Version returns the xDS transport protocol version used by clients build
    // using this builder.
    Version() version.TransportAPI

// run is a goroutine for all the callbacks.
// Callback can be called in watch(), if an item is found in cache. Without this
// goroutine, the callback will be called inline, which might cause a deadlock
// in user's code. Callbacks also cannot be simple `go callback()` because the
// order matters.
func (c *clientImpl) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case t := <-c.updateCh.Get():
            if c.done.HasFired() {
        case <-c.done.Done():

v3 API client

Here is the v3 APIClientBuilder. Please note that v3 API is registered by the init() function. Once this package is imported by application the v3 API is ready for use.

  • APIClientBuilder.Build() will call newClient().
  • newClient() creates a v3c object and uses v3c as parameter to call xdsclient.NewTransportHelper() to get the TransportHelper.
  • NewTransportHelper() creates TransportHelper object and start a goroutine
  • Once TransportHelper is ready. newClient() returns the v3c.

run() creates the stream which is used to communicate with the xDS server. The stream itself is sent to send() goroutine through channel t.streamCh. run() calls recv() to receive the xDS response message. send() keeps receive the message from t.sendCh, upon receive the message, send() sends xDS request to xDS server.

In next chapter, We will continue the discussion how to communicate with xDS server.

func init() {

var (
    resourceTypeToURL = map[xdsclient.ResourceType]string{
        xdsclient.ListenerResource:    version.V3ListenerURL,
        xdsclient.RouteConfigResource: version.V3RouteConfigURL,
        xdsclient.ClusterResource:     version.V3ClusterURL,
        xdsclient.EndpointsResource:   version.V3EndpointsURL,

type clientBuilder struct{}

func (clientBuilder) Build(cc *grpc.ClientConn, opts xdsclient.BuildOptions) (xdsclient.APIClient, error) {
    return newClient(cc, opts)

func (clientBuilder) Version() version.TransportAPI {
    return version.TransportV3

func newClient(cc *grpc.ClientConn, opts xdsclient.BuildOptions) (xdsclient.APIClient, error) {
    nodeProto, ok := opts.NodeProto.(*v3corepb.Node)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unsupported Node proto type: %T, want %T", opts.NodeProto, v3corepb.Node{})
    v3c := &client{
        cc:        cc,
        parent:    opts.Parent,
        nodeProto: nodeProto,
        logger:    opts.Logger,
    v3c.ctx, v3c.cancelCtx = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    v3c.TransportHelper = xdsclient.NewTransportHelper(v3c, opts.Logger, opts.Backoff)
    return v3c, nil

// NewTransportHelper creates a new transport helper to be used by versioned
// client implementations.
func NewTransportHelper(vc VersionedClient, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger, backoff func(int) time.Duration) *TransportHelper {
    ctx, cancelCtx := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    t := &TransportHelper{
        cancelCtx: cancelCtx,
        vClient:   vc,
        logger:    logger,
        backoff:   backoff,

        streamCh:   make(chan grpc.ClientStream, 1),
        sendCh:     buffer.NewUnbounded(),
        watchMap:   make(map[ResourceType]map[string]bool),
        versionMap: make(map[ResourceType]string),
        nonceMap:   make(map[ResourceType]string),

    return t

// run starts an ADS stream (and backs off exponentially, if the previous
// stream failed without receiving a single reply) and runs the sender and
// receiver routines to send and receive data from the stream respectively.
func (t *TransportHelper) run(ctx context.Context) {
    go t.send(ctx)
    // TODO: start a goroutine monitoring ClientConn's connectivity state, and
    // report error (and log) when stats is transient failure.

    retries := 0
    for {
        select {  
        case <-ctx.Done():

        if retries != 0 {
            timer := time.NewTimer(t.backoff(retries))
            select {
            case <-timer.C:
            case <-ctx.Done():
                if !timer.Stop() {

        stream, err := t.vClient.NewStream(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            t.logger.Warningf("xds: ADS stream creation failed: %v", err)
        t.logger.Infof("ADS stream created")

        select {
        case <-t.streamCh:
        t.streamCh <- stream
        if t.recv(stream) {
            retries = 0

// send is a separate goroutine for sending watch requests on the xds stream.
// It watches the stream channel for new streams, and the request channel for
// new requests to send on the stream.
// For each new request (watchAction), it's
//  - processed and added to the watch map
//    - so resend will pick them up when there are new streams
//  - sent on the current stream if there's one
//    - the current stream is cleared when any send on it fails
// For each new stream, all the existing requests will be resent.
// Note that this goroutine doesn't do anything to the old stream when there's a
// new one. In fact, there should be only one stream in progress, and new one
// should only be created when the old one fails (recv returns an error).
func (t *TransportHelper) send(ctx context.Context) {
    var stream grpc.ClientStream
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case stream = <-t.streamCh:
            if !t.sendExisting(stream) {
                // send failed, clear the current stream.
                stream = nil
        case u := <-t.sendCh.Get():

            var (
                target                 []string
                rType                  ResourceType
                version, nonce, errMsg string
                send                   bool
            switch update := u.(type) {
            case *watchAction:
                target, rType, version, nonce = t.processWatchInfo(update)
            case *ackAction:
                target, rType, version, nonce, send = t.processAckInfo(update, stream)
                if !send {
                errMsg = update.errMsg
            if stream == nil {
                // There's no stream yet. Skip the request. This request
                // will be resent to the new streams. If no stream is
                // created, the watcher will timeout (same as server not
                // sending response back).
            if err := t.vClient.SendRequest(stream, target, rType, version, nonce, errMsg); err != nil {
                t.logger.Warningf("ADS request for {target: %q, type: %v, version: %q, nonce: %q} failed: %v", target, rType, version, nonce, err)
                // send failed, clear the current stream.
                stream = nil

Communicate with xDS server

Now the connection with xDS server is ready. Let's discuss how gRPC communicates with the xDS server via ADS v3 API. Here is another map for this stage. In this map:

xDS protocol: 2

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Blue bar and arrow represents the channel communication for t.sendCh.
  • Green bar and arrow represents the channel communication for t.streamCh.
  • Right red dot represents there is a extension map for that box.
  • Left red dot represents the box is a continue part from other map.

In this stage, we will accomplish the following job:

  • Send the first ADS request to xDS server.
  • Receive the response from xDS server and send ACK/NACK.
  • Handle xDS response to prepare the update.

First LDS request

According to the xDS protocol, client need to send the first ADS request to identify itself and specify resource name. In xdsResolverBuilder.Build(), watchService() will be called after newXDSClient() returns.

  • watchService() builds a serviceUpdateWatcher, note that:
    • The value of w.serviceCb field is xdsResolver.handleServiceUpdate().
    • The value of w.serviceName field is in our case.
  • watchService() call c.WatchListener(), which actually calls clientImpl.WatchListener. note that:
    • The argument of cb parameter is serviceUpdateWatcher.handleLDSResp()
  • WatchListener() builds a watchInfo object, note that:
    • The value of wi.ldsCallback field is serviceUpdateWatcher.handleLDSResp().
    • The value of wi.rType field is ListenerResource.
    • The value of field is in our case.
  • WatchListener() calls, which actually calls
  • watch() adds *watchInfo to c.ldsWatchers(). This is the new watcher. c.apiClient.AddWatch() will be called.
    • Calls c.apiClient.AddWatch(), which actually calls TransportHelper.AddWatch().
    • AddWatch() simply sends a watchAction to unbounded buffer t.sendCh.
  • Now the resource is not in cache, watch() skips the remain part to return.

Please note: watchService() use the as the argument for the serviceName parameter. This means the LDS resource name is the user's target name. In our case, it's

After the invocation of watch(), c.ldsWatchers() got a new watchInfo record under the name.

// watchService uses LDS and RDS to discover information about the provided
// serviceName.
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func watchService(c xdsClientInterface, serviceName string, cb func(serviceUpdate, error), logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (cancel func()) {
    w := &serviceUpdateWatcher{
        logger:      logger,
        c:           c,
        serviceName: serviceName,
        serviceCb:   cb,
    w.ldsCancel = c.WatchListener(serviceName, w.handleLDSResp)

    return w.close

// WatchListener uses LDS to discover information about the provided listener.
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func (c *clientImpl) WatchListener(serviceName string, cb func(ListenerUpdate, error)) (cancel func()) {
    wi := &watchInfo{
        c:           c,
        rType:       ListenerResource,
        target:      serviceName,
        ldsCallback: cb,

    wi.expiryTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.watchExpiryTimeout, func() {

func (c *clientImpl) watch(wi *watchInfo) (cancel func()) {
    c.logger.Debugf("new watch for type %v, resource name %v", wi.rType,
    var watchers map[string]map[*watchInfo]bool
    switch wi.rType {
    case ListenerResource:
        watchers = c.ldsWatchers
    case RouteConfigResource:
        watchers = c.rdsWatchers
    case ClusterResource:
        watchers = c.cdsWatchers
    case EndpointsResource:
        watchers = c.edsWatchers

    resourceName :=
    s, ok := watchers[]
    if !ok {
        // If this is a new watcher, will ask lower level to send a new request
        // with the resource name.
        // If this (type+name) is already being watched, will not notify the
        // underlying versioned apiClient.
        c.logger.Debugf("first watch for type %v, resource name %v, will send a new xDS request", wi.rType,
        s = make(map[*watchInfo]bool)
        watchers[resourceName] = s
        c.apiClient.AddWatch(wi.rType, resourceName)
    // No matter what, add the new watcher to the set, so it's callback will be
    // call for new responses.
    s[wi] = true

    // If the resource is in cache, call the callback with the value.
    switch wi.rType {
    case ListenerResource:
        if v, ok := c.ldsCache[resourceName]; ok {
            c.logger.Debugf("LDS resource with name %v found in cache: %+v",, v)
    case RouteConfigResource:
        if v, ok := c.rdsCache[resourceName]; ok {
            c.logger.Debugf("RDS resource with name %v found in cache: %+v",, v)
    case ClusterResource:
        if v, ok := c.cdsCache[resourceName]; ok {
            c.logger.Debugf("CDS resource with name %v found in cache: %+v",, v)
    case EndpointsResource:
        if v, ok := c.edsCache[resourceName]; ok {
            c.logger.Debugf("EDS resource with name %v found in cache: %+v",, v)

    return func() {
        c.logger.Debugf("watch for type %v, resource name %v canceled", wi.rType,
        if s := watchers[resourceName]; s != nil {
            // Remove this watcher, so it's callback will not be called in the
            // future.
            delete(s, wi)
            if len(s) == 0 {
                c.logger.Debugf("last watch for type %v, resource name %v canceled, will send a new xDS request", wi.rType,
                // If this was the last watcher, also tell xdsv2Client to stop
                // watching this resource.
                delete(watchers, resourceName)
                c.apiClient.RemoveWatch(wi.rType, resourceName)
                // Remove the resource from cache. When a watch for this
                // resource is added later, it will trigger a xDS request with
                // resource names, and client will receive new xDS responses.
                switch wi.rType {
                case ListenerResource:
                    delete(c.ldsCache, resourceName)
                case RouteConfigResource:
                    delete(c.rdsCache, resourceName)
                case ClusterResource:
                    delete(c.cdsCache, resourceName)
                case EndpointsResource:
                    delete(c.edsCache, resourceName)

// AddWatch adds a watch for an xDS resource given its type and name.
func (t *TransportHelper) AddWatch(rType ResourceType, resourceName string) {
        rType:    rType,
        remove:   false,
        resource: resourceName,

Prepare ADS stream

In xDS protocol:2 map, TransportHelper.send() is waiting for the t.sendCh channel. But send() needs a stream to send the request. run() will create the stream for send() and run(). Let's see run() goroutine first.

  • run() calls t.vClient.NewStream() to create a ADS stream stream. t.vClient.NewStream() is actually v3 client.NewStream().
    • client.NewStream() calls v3adsgrpc.NewAggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient() to get the aggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient.
    • Then calls its StreamAggregatedResources() method.
    • In StreamAggregatedResources(), will be called to create a bi-direction stream with the xDS server.
    • Please note the stream method is /envoy.service.discovery.v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService/StreamAggregatedResources
    • In StreamAggregatedResources(), then aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient is built with the new stream.
    • The aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient object implements AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient interface.
  • run() checks and cleans the t.streamCh and send the new stream to t.streamCh
  • run() calls t.recv() and uses the stream as parameter to get the response from xDS server.

Now the stream is ready, let's discuss send() in detail.

func (v3c *client) NewStream(ctx context.Context) (grpc.ClientStream, error) {
    return v3adsgrpc.NewAggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient(, grpc.WaitForReady(true))

// AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient is the client API for AggregatedDiscoveryService service.
// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to
type AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient interface {
    // This is a gRPC-only API. 
    StreamAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient, error)
    DeltaAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesClient, error)

type aggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient struct {
    cc grpc.ClientConnInterface

func NewAggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) AggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient {
    return &aggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient{cc}

func (c *aggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient) StreamAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient, error) {
    stream, err :=, &_AggregatedDiscoveryService_serviceDesc.Streams[0], "/envoy.service.discovery.v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService/StreamAggregatedResources", opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    x := &aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient{stream}
    return x, nil
func (c *aggregatedDiscoveryServiceClient) DeltaAggregatedResources(ctx context.Context, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (AggregatedDiscoveryService_DeltaAggregatedResourcesClient, error) {
    stream, err :=, &_AggregatedDiscoveryService_serviceDesc.Streams[1], "/envoy.service.discovery.v3.AggregatedDiscoveryService/DeltaAggregatedResources", opts...)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    x := &aggregatedDiscoveryServiceDeltaAggregatedResourcesClient{stream}
    return x, nil

type AggregatedDiscoveryService_StreamAggregatedResourcesClient interface {
    Send(*DiscoveryRequest) error
    Recv() (*DiscoveryResponse, error)

type aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient struct {

func (x *aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient) Send(m *DiscoveryRequest) error {
    return x.ClientStream.SendMsg(m)

func (x *aggregatedDiscoveryServiceStreamAggregatedResourcesClient) Recv() (*DiscoveryResponse, error) {
    m := new(DiscoveryResponse)
    if err := x.ClientStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return m, nil

Send LDS request

TransportHelper.send() will receive the stream from t.streamCh, which is sent by

  • send() keeps reading from channel t.streamCh. If we got the stream data, t.sendExisting() will be called.
  • send() keeps reading from channel t.sendCh.Get() to get the watchAction or ackAction data.
  • For watchAction, that is our case, t.processWatchInfo() will be called.
    • processWatchInfo() updates t.watchMap and prepares parameters for xDS request.
    • This means for any resource request. send() can send it as soon as send() receive the watchAction.
  • For ackAction, t.processAckInfo() will be called.
    • processAckInfo() prepares parameters for the xDS ACK/NACK.
    • This means for any ACK/NACK, send() can send it as soon as send() receive the ackAction.
  • At last, t.vClient.SendRequest() will be called with processed parameters.
    • SendRequest() usesstream.Send() to send the message to the xDS server.

Now the first LDS request is finally sent to the xDS server. Next, let's discuss the get response from xDS server.

// processWatchInfo pulls the fields needed by the request from a watchAction.
// It also updates the watch map.
func (t *TransportHelper) processWatchInfo(w *watchAction) (target []string, rType ResourceType, ver, nonce string) {

    var current map[string]bool
    current, ok := t.watchMap[w.rType]
    if !ok {
        current = make(map[string]bool)
        t.watchMap[w.rType] = current

    if w.remove {
        delete(current, w.resource)
        if len(current) == 0 {
            delete(t.watchMap, w.rType)
    } else {
        current[w.resource] = true

    rType = w.rType
    target = mapToSlice(current)
    // We don't reset version or nonce when a new watch is started. The version
    // and nonce from previous response are carried by the request unless the
    // stream is recreated.
    ver = t.versionMap[rType]
    nonce = t.nonceMap[rType]
    return target, rType, ver, nonce

type watchAction struct {
    rType    ResourceType
    remove   bool // Whether this is to remove watch for the resource.
    resource string

func mapToSlice(m map[string]bool) (ret []string) {
    for i := range m {
        ret = append(ret, i)

// processAckInfo pulls the fields needed by the ack request from a ackAction.
// If no active watch is found for this ack, it returns false for send.
func (t *TransportHelper) processAckInfo(ack *ackAction, stream grpc.ClientStream) (target []string, rType ResourceType, version, nonce string, send bool) {
    if != stream {
        // If ACK's stream isn't the current sending stream, this means the ACK
        // was push<F6>ed to queue before the old stream broke, and a new stream has
        // been started since. Return immediately here so we don't update the
        // nonce for the new stream.
        return nil, UnknownResource, "", "", false
    rType = ack.rType

    // Update the nonce no matter if we are going to send the ACK request on
    // wire. We may not send the request if the watch is canceled. But the nonce
    // needs to be updated so the next request will have the right nonce.
    nonce = ack.nonce
    t.nonceMap[rType] = nonce

    s, ok := t.watchMap[rType]
    if !ok || len(s) == 0 {
        // We don't send the request ack if there's no active watch (this can be
        // either the server sends responses before any request, or the watch is
        // canceled while the ackAction is in queue), because there's no resource
        // name. And if we send a request with empty resource name list, the
        // server may treat it as a wild card and send us everything.
        return nil, UnknownResource, "", "", false
    send = true
    target = mapToSlice(s)

    version = ack.version
    if version == "" {
        // This is a nack, get the previous acked version.
        version = t.versionMap[rType]
        // version will still be an empty string if rType isn't
        // found in versionMap, this can happen if there wasn't any ack
        // before.
    } else {
        t.versionMap[rType] = version
    return target, rType, version, nonce, send

type ackAction struct {
    rType   ResourceType
    version string // NACK if version is an empty string.
    nonce   string
    errMsg  string // Empty unless it's a NACK.
    // ACK/NACK are tagged with the stream it's for. When the stream is down,
    // all the ACK/NACK for this stream will be dropped, and the version/nonce
    // won't be updated.
    stream grpc.ClientStream

// sendRequest sends out a DiscoveryRequest for the given resourceNames, of type
// rType, on the provided stream.
// version is the ack version to be sent with the request
// - If this is the new request (not an ack/nack), version will be empty.
// - If this is an ack, version will be the version from the response.
// - If this is a nack, version will be the previous acked version (from
//   versionMap). If there was no ack before, it will be empty.
func (v3c *client) SendRequest(s grpc.ClientStream, resourceNames []string, rType xdsclient.ResourceType, version, nonce, errMsg string) error {
    stream, ok := s.(adsStream)
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("xds: Attempt to send request on unsupported stream type: %T", s)
    req := &v3discoverypb.DiscoveryRequest{
        Node:          v3c.nodeProto,
        TypeUrl:       resourceTypeToURL[rType],
        ResourceNames: resourceNames,
        VersionInfo:   version,
        ResponseNonce: nonce,
    if errMsg != "" {
        req.ErrorDetail = &statuspb.Status{
            Code: int32(codes.InvalidArgument), Message: errMsg,
    if err := stream.Send(req); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("xds: stream.Send(%+v) failed: %v", req, err)
    v3c.logger.Debugf("ADS request sent: %v", req)
    return nil

// sendExisting sends out xDS requests for registered watchers when recovering
// from a broken stream.
// We call stream.Send() here with the lock being held. It should be OK to do
// that here because the stream has just started and Send() usually returns
// quickly (once it pushes the message onto the transport layer) and is only
// ever blocked if we don't have enough flow control quota.
func (t *TransportHelper) sendExisting(stream grpc.ClientStream) bool {

    // Reset the ack versions when the stream restarts.
    t.versionMap = make(map[ResourceType]string)
    t.nonceMap = make(map[ResourceType]string)

    for rType, s := range t.watchMap {
        if err := t.vClient.SendRequest(stream, mapToSlice(s), rType, "", "", ""); err != nil {
            t.logger.Errorf("ADS request failed: %v", err)
            return false

    return true

Get resource response

Now, let's discuss t.recv() in detail. recv() receives xDS responses, handles it and sends ACK/NACK back to xDS server.

  • recv() calls t.vClient.RecvResponse(), which is actually v3 client.RecvResponse(). RecvResponse() simply read the response from the stream.
  • recv() calls t.vClient.HandleResponse(), which is actually v3 client.HandleResponse().
    • HandleResponse() will call different handle method according to the resp.GetTypeUrl of the incoming DiscoveryResponse.
    • For ListenerResource, HandleResponse() calls v3c.handleLDSResponse(),
    • For RouteConfigResource, HandleResponse() calls v3c.handleRDSResponse(),
    • For ClusterResource, HandleResponse() calls v3c.handleCDSResponse(),
    • For EndpointsResource, HandleResponse() calls v3c.handleEDSResponse().
    • We will discuss v3c.handleLDSResponse() only, the other handle process is similar.
  • With no error, recv() sends the ackAction to t.sendCh, which is ACK.
  • With some error, recv() sends ackAction to t.sendCh, which is NACK.

Next, let's discuss v3c.handleLDSResponse() in detail.

// recv receives xDS responses on the provided ADS stream and branches out to
// message specific handlers.
func (t *TransportHelper) recv(stream grpc.ClientStream) bool {
    success := false
    for {
        resp, err := t.vClient.RecvResponse(stream)
        if err != nil {
            t.logger.Warningf("ADS stream is closed with error: %v", err)
            return success
        rType, version, nonce, err := t.vClient.HandleResponse(resp)
        if e, ok := err.(ErrResourceTypeUnsupported); ok {
            t.logger.Warningf("%s", e.ErrStr)
        if err != nil {
                rType:   rType,
                version: "",
                nonce:   nonce,
                errMsg:  err.Error(),
                stream:  stream,
            t.logger.Warningf("Sending NACK for response type: %v, version: %v, nonce: %v, reason: %v", rType, version, nonce, err)
            rType:   rType,
            version: version,
            nonce:   nonce,
            stream:  stream,
        t.logger.Infof("Sending ACK for response type: %v, version: %v, nonce: %v", rType, version, nonce)
        success = true

// RecvResponse blocks on the receipt of one response message on the provided
// stream.
func (v3c *client) RecvResponse(s grpc.ClientStream) (proto.Message, error) {
    stream, ok := s.(adsStream)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: Attempt to receive response on unsupported stream type: %T", s)

    resp, err := stream.Recv()
    if err != nil {
        // TODO: call watch callbacks with error when stream is broken.
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: stream.Recv() failed: %v", err)
    v3c.logger.Infof("ADS response received, type: %v", resp.GetTypeUrl())
    v3c.logger.Debugf("ADS response received: %v", resp)
    return resp, nil

func (v3c *client) HandleResponse(r proto.Message) (xdsclient.ResourceType, string, string, error) {
    rType := xdsclient.UnknownResource
    resp, ok := r.(*v3discoverypb.DiscoveryResponse)
    if !ok {
        return rType, "", "", fmt.Errorf("xds: unsupported message type: %T", resp)

    // Note that the xDS transport protocol is versioned independently of
    // the resource types, and it is supported to transfer older versions
    // of resource types using new versions of the transport protocol, or
    // vice-versa. Hence we need to handle v3 type_urls as well here.
    var err error
    url := resp.GetTypeUrl()
    switch {
    case xdsclient.IsListenerResource(url):
        err = v3c.handleLDSResponse(resp)
        rType = xdsclient.ListenerResource
    case xdsclient.IsRouteConfigResource(url):
        err = v3c.handleRDSResponse(resp)
        rType = xdsclient.RouteConfigResource
    case xdsclient.IsClusterResource(url):
        err = v3c.handleCDSResponse(resp)
        rType = xdsclient.ClusterResource
    case xdsclient.IsEndpointsResource(url):
        err = v3c.handleEDSResponse(resp)
        rType = xdsclient.EndpointsResource
        return rType, "", "", xdsclient.ErrResourceTypeUnsupported{
            ErrStr: fmt.Sprintf("Resource type %v unknown in response from server", resp.GetTypeUrl()),
    return rType, resp.GetVersionInfo(), resp.GetNonce(), err

Handle LDS response

  • handleLDSResponse() calls xdsclient.UnmarshalListener().
    • UnmarshalListener() calls proto.Unmarshal() to unmarshal the DiscoveryResponse proto.
    • UnmarshalListener() calls processListener() to extract the supported fields from the Listener object.
      • processListener() calls processClientSideListener() or processServerSideListener() to check the Listener proto.
      • processClientSideListener() checks the Listener proto to makes sure it meet the following criteria.
      • The api_listener field is config.listener.v3.Listener is valid.
      • The api_listener field in config.listener.v3.ApiListener is valid.
      • The type_url field in config.listener.v3.ApiListener is v3 HttpConnectionManager
      • The route_specifier field of HttpConnectionManager is rds
      • The rds field in HttpConnectionManager is valid.
      • The route_config_name field in is not empty.
      • update.RouteConfigName gets the value from the above route_config_name field.
      • update.MaxStreamDuration gets the value from the max_stream_duration field of config.core.v3.HttpProtocolOptions
      • processServerSideListener() checks the Listener proto to makes sure it meet the following criteria.
      • update.SecurityCfg field is set by processServerSideListener().
      • processListener() calls either processClientSideListener() or processServerSideListener(), not both. The reason is not clear.
  • handleLDSResponse() calls v3c.parent.NewListeners(), which is actually clientImpl.NewListeners().
    • For every ListenerUpdate, NewListeners() checks if it exists in c.ldsWatchers, if it does exist, calls wi.newUpdate() and add it to c.ldsCache.
      • wi.newUpdate() updates the wi.state, stops the wi.expiryTimer and calls wi.c.scheduleCallback().
    • If resource exists in cache, but not in the new update, delete it from cache and call wi.resourceNotFound().
      • wi.resourceNotFound() updates the wi.state, stops the wi.expiryTimer.Stop and calls wi.sendErrorLocked().
      • wi.sendErrorLocked() clears the update object and calls wi.c.scheduleCallback().
    • scheduleCallback() sends watcherInfoWithUpdate message to channel c.updateCh.

Now the watcherInfoWithUpdate has been sent to channel c.updateCh. Let's discuss the receiving part in next chapter.

// handleLDSResponse processes an LDS response received from the management
// server. On receipt of a good response, it also invokes the registered watcher
// callback.
func (v3c *client) handleLDSResponse(resp *v3discoverypb.DiscoveryResponse) error {
    update, err := xdsclient.UnmarshalListener(resp.GetResources(), v3c.logger)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// UnmarshalListener processes resources received in an LDS response, validates
// them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only fields we
// are interested in.
func UnmarshalListener(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]ListenerUpdate, error) {
    update := make(map[string]ListenerUpdate)
    for _, r := range resources {
        if !IsListenerResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in LDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
        lis := &v3listenerpb.Listener{}
        if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), lis); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in LDS response: %v", err)
        logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v", lis.GetName(), lis, lis)

        lu, err := processListener(lis)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        update[lis.GetName()] = *lu
    return update, nil

func processListener(lis *v3listenerpb.Listener) (*ListenerUpdate, error) {
    if lis.GetApiListener() != nil {
        return processClientSideListener(lis)
    return processServerSideListener(lis)

// processClientSideListener checks if the provided Listener proto meets
// the expected criteria. If so, it returns a non-empty routeConfigName.
func processClientSideListener(lis *v3listenerpb.Listener) (*ListenerUpdate, error) {
    update := &ListenerUpdate{}

    apiLisAny := lis.GetApiListener().GetApiListener()
    if !IsHTTPConnManagerResource(apiLisAny.GetTypeUrl()) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in LDS response", apiLisAny.GetTypeUrl())
    apiLis := &v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager{}
    if err := proto.Unmarshal(apiLisAny.GetValue(), apiLis); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal api_listner in LDS response: %v", err)

    switch apiLis.RouteSpecifier.(type) {
    case *v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager_Rds:
        if apiLis.GetRds().GetConfigSource().GetAds() == nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: ConfigSource is not ADS in LDS response: %+v", lis)
        name := apiLis.GetRds().GetRouteConfigName()
        if name == "" {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: empty route_config_name in LDS response: %+v", lis)
        update.RouteConfigName = name
    case *v3httppb.HttpConnectionManager_RouteConfig:
        // TODO: Add support for specifying the RouteConfiguration inline
        // in the LDS response.
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: LDS response contains RDS config inline. Not supported for now: %+v", apiLis)
    case nil:
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: no RouteSpecifier in received LDS response: %+v", apiLis)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unsupported type %T for RouteSpecifier in received LDS response", apiLis.RouteSpecifier)

    update.MaxStreamDuration = apiLis.GetCommonHttpProtocolOptions().GetMaxStreamDuration().AsDuration()

    return update, nil

func processServerSideListener(lis *v3listenerpb.Listener) (*ListenerUpdate, error) {
    // Make sure that an address encoded in the received listener resource, and
    // that it matches the one specified in the name. Listener names on the
    // server-side as in the following format:
    // grpc/server?udpa.resource.listening_address=IP:Port.
    addr := lis.GetAddress()
    if addr == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: no address field in LDS response: %+v", lis)
    sockAddr := addr.GetSocketAddress()
    if sockAddr == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: no socket_address field in LDS response: %+v", lis)
    host, port, err := getAddressFromName(lis.GetName())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: no host:port in name field of LDS response: %+v, error: %v", lis, err)
    if h := sockAddr.GetAddress(); host != h {
        return nl, fmt.Errorf("xds: socket_address host does not match the one in name. Got %q, want %q", h, host)
    if p := strconv.Itoa(int(sockAddr.GetPortValue())); port != p {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: socket_address port does not match the one in name. Got %q, want %q", p, port)

    // Make sure the listener resource contains a single filter chain. We do not
    // support multiple filter chains and picking the best match from the list.
    fcs := lis.GetFilterChains()
    if n := len(fcs); n != 1 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: filter chains count in LDS response does not match expected. Got %d, want 1", n)
    fc := fcs[0]

    // If the transport_socket field is not specified, it means that the control
    // plane has not sent us any security config. This is fine and the server
    // will use the fallback credentials configured as part of the
    // xdsCredentials.
    ts := fc.GetTransportSocket()
    if ts == nil {
        return &ListenerUpdate{}, nil
    if name := ts.GetName(); name != transportSocketName {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: transport_socket field has unexpected name: %s", name)
    any := ts.GetTypedConfig()
    if any == nil || any.TypeUrl != version.V3DownstreamTLSContextURL {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: transport_socket field has unexpected typeURL: %s", any.TypeUrl)
    downstreamCtx := &v3tlspb.DownstreamTlsContext{}
    if err := proto.Unmarshal(any.GetValue(), downstreamCtx); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal DownstreamTlsContext in LDS response: %v", err)
    if downstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext() == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("xds: DownstreamTlsContext in LDS response does not contain a CommonTlsContext")
    sc, err := securityConfigFromCommonTLSContext(downstreamCtx.GetCommonTlsContext())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if sc.IdentityInstanceName == "" {
        return nil, errors.New("security configuration on the server-side does not contain identity certificate provider instance name")
    sc.RequireClientCert = downstreamCtx.GetRequireClientCertificate().GetValue()
    if sc.RequireClientCert && sc.RootInstanceName == "" {
        return nil, errors.New("security configuration on the server-side does not contain root certificate provider instance name, but require_client_cert field is set")
    return &ListenerUpdate{SecurityCfg: sc}, nil

// NewListeners is called by the underlying xdsAPIClient when it receives an
// xDS response.
// A response can contain multiple resources. They will be parsed and put in a
// map from resource name to the resource content.
func (c *clientImpl) NewListeners(updates map[string]ListenerUpdate) {

    for name, update := range updates {
        if s, ok := c.ldsWatchers[name]; ok {
            for wi := range s {
            // Sync cache.
            c.logger.Debugf("LDS resource with name %v, value %+v added to cache", name, update)
            c.ldsCache[name] = update
    for name := range c.ldsCache {
        if _, ok := updates[name]; !ok {
            // If resource exists in cache, but not in the new update, delete it
            // from cache, and also send an resource not found error to indicate
            // resource removed.
            delete(c.ldsCache, name)
            for wi := range c.ldsWatchers[name] {
    // When LDS resource is removed, we don't delete corresponding RDS cached
    // data. The RDS watch will be canceled, and cache entry is removed when the
    // last watch is canceled.

func (wi *watchInfo) newUpdate(update interface{}) {
    if wi.state == watchInfoStateCanceled {
    wi.state = watchInfoStateRespReceived
    wi.c.scheduleCallback(wi, update, nil)

// scheduleCallback should only be called by methods of watchInfo, which checks
// for watcher states and maintain consistency.
func (c *clientImpl) scheduleCallback(wi *watchInfo, update interface{}, err error) {
        wi:     wi,
        update: update,
        err:    err,

func (wi *watchInfo) resourceNotFound() {
    if wi.state == watchInfoStateCanceled {
    wi.state = watchInfoStateRespReceived
    wi.sendErrorLocked(NewErrorf(ErrorTypeResourceNotFound, "xds: %v target %s not found in received response", wi.rType,

// Caller must hold
func (wi *watchInfo) sendErrorLocked(err error) {
    var (
        u interface{}
    switch wi.rType {
    case ListenerResource:
        u = ListenerUpdate{}
    case RouteConfigResource:
        u = RouteConfigUpdate{}
    case ClusterResource:
        u = ClusterUpdate{}
    case EndpointsResource:
        u = EndpointsUpdate{}
    wi.c.scheduleCallback(wi, u, err)

Transform into ServiceConfig

You may think that only half of the xDS job is down in previous chapter. That's right. will finish the other half of the xDS job. Although goroutine increase complexity to understand the xDS module. Without this goroutine, the callback will be called inline, which might cause a deadlock in user's code. Here is another map for this stage. In this map:

  • Yellow box represents the important type and method/function.
  • Green box represents a function run in a dedicated goroutine.
  • Arrow represents the call direction and order.
  • Red dot means the box is a continue part from other map.
  • Blue bar and arrow represents the channel communication for t.sendCh.
  • Grey bar and arrow represents the channel communication for r.updateCh.
  • Pink bar and arrow represents the channel communication for c.upateCh.
  • Dot arrow represents the indirect relationship between two boxes.

xDS protocol: 3

In this stage, we will accomplish the following job:

  • Process LDS response and issue RDS request.
  • Extract the Routes from the RDS response and build ServiceConfig base on it.
  • Send the ServiceConfig to core and connect with the target RPC server.

xDS callback waits on channel c.updateCh.Get(). Once scheduleCallback() sends the watcherInfoWithUpdate, gets the work.

  • run() calls c.callCallback() with watcherInfoWithUpdate as parameter.
  • callCallback() will call callback function based on wiu.wi.rType.
    • For ListenerResource, if ldsWatchers exists and s[wiu.wi] is true, calls the ldsCallback.
    • For RouteConfigResource, if rdsWatchers exists and s[wiu.wi] is true, calls the rdsCallback.
    • For ClusterResource, if cdsWatchers exists and s[wiu.wi] is true, calls the cdsCallback.
    • For EndpointsResource, if edsWatchers exists and s[wiu.wi] is true, calls the edsCallback.
  • Here is some important function value from the following code.
    • ldsCallback is set by WatchListener(), it's w.handleLDSResp().
    • rdsCallback is set by WatchRouteConfig(), it's w.handleRDSResp().
    • serviceUpdateWatcher.serviceCb is set by watchService(), it's r.handleServiceUpdate.
  • w.handleLDSResp() updates w.lastUpdate.ldsConfig, which updates the maxStreamDuration to the new value update.MaxStreamDuration.
  • w.handleLDSResp() checks if the new RouteConfigName is same as the previous. If the route name didn't change but the LDS data did, calls w.serviceCb, which is actually r.handleServiceUpdate.
    • handleServiceUpdate() sends w.lastUpdate to channel r.updateCh.
  • If the new RouteConfigName is different from the previous value, w.handleLDSResp() calls w.c.WatchRouteConfig() and set w.rdsCancel.
    • w.c.WatchRouteConfig() is actually clientImpl.WatchRouteConfig().
    • WatchRouteConfig() builds a watchInfo object, note that:
      • The value of rdsCallback field is serviceUpdateWatcher.handleRDSResp().
      • The value of wi.rType field is RouteConfigResource.
      • The value of field is RouteConfigName.
    • Finally WatchRouteConfig() calls, which is actually
      • watch() adds *watchInfo to c.rdsWatchers. Since is the new watcher, c.apiClient.AddWatch will be called.
      • After the invocation of watch(), c.rdsWatchers got a new watchInfo record under the name.
      • Calls c.apiClient.AddWatch(), which actually calls TransportHelper.AddWatch().
      • AddWatch() simply sends a watchAction to unbounded buffer t.sendCh.
      • Since the resource is not in cache, watch() skips the remain part to return.
  • After the return of WatchRouteConfig(), w.rdsCancel is set.

Please note: handleLDSResp() calls WatchRouteConfig(), WatchRouteConfig() uses the update.RouteConfigName as the resource name for RDS request. update.RouteConfigName is actually based on the value from LDS response Listener.ApiListener.ApiListener.HttpConnectionManager.rds.route_config_name. Which means gRPC gets the RDS resource name from the LDS response. Then gRPC sends RDS request with the specified resource name.

After the invocation of handleServiceUpdate(), a w.lastUpdate was sent to channel r.updateCh. w.lastUpdate is a serviceUpdate. In our case, only serviceUpdate.ldsConfig field is modified.

Next, we will discuss the processing of the RDS watchAction.

// run is a goroutine for all the callbacks.
// Callback can be called in watch(), if an item is found in cache. Without this
// goroutine, the callback will be called inline, which might cause a deadlock
// in user's code. Callbacks also cannot be simple `go callback()` because the
// order matters.
func (c *clientImpl) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case t := <-c.updateCh.Get():
            if c.done.HasFired() {
        case <-c.done.Done():

func (c *clientImpl) callCallback(wiu *watcherInfoWithUpdate) {
    // Use a closure to capture the callback and type assertion, to save one
    // more switch case.
    // The callback must be called without Otherwise if the callback calls
    // another watch() inline, it will cause a deadlock. This leaves a small
    // window that a watcher's callback could be called after the watcher is
    // canceled, and the user needs to take care of it.
    var ccb func()
    switch wiu.wi.rType {
    case ListenerResource:
        if s, ok := c.ldsWatchers[]; ok && s[wiu.wi] {
            ccb = func() { wiu.wi.ldsCallback(wiu.update.(ListenerUpdate), wiu.err) }
    case RouteConfigResource:
        if s, ok := c.rdsWatchers[]; ok && s[wiu.wi] {
            ccb = func() { wiu.wi.rdsCallback(wiu.update.(RouteConfigUpdate), wiu.err) }
    case ClusterResource:
        if s, ok := c.cdsWatchers[]; ok && s[wiu.wi] {
            ccb = func() { wiu.wi.cdsCallback(wiu.update.(ClusterUpdate), wiu.err) }
    case EndpointsResource:
        if s, ok := c.edsWatchers[]; ok && s[wiu.wi] {
            ccb = func() { wiu.wi.edsCallback(wiu.update.(EndpointsUpdate), wiu.err) }

    if ccb != nil {

// watchService uses LDS and RDS to discover information about the provided
// serviceName.
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func watchService(c xdsClientInterface, serviceName string, cb func(serviceUpdate, error), logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (cancel func()) {
    w := &serviceUpdateWatcher{
        logger:      logger,
        c:           c,
        serviceName: serviceName,
        serviceCb:   cb,
    w.ldsCancel = c.WatchListener(serviceName, w.handleLDSResp)

    return w.close

// WatchListener uses LDS to discover information about the provided listener.
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func (c *clientImpl) WatchListener(serviceName string, cb func(ListenerUpdate, error)) (cancel func()) {
    wi := &watchInfo{
        c:           c,
        rType:       ListenerResource,
        target:      serviceName,
        ldsCallback: cb,

    wi.expiryTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.watchExpiryTimeout, func() {

func (w *serviceUpdateWatcher) handleLDSResp(update xdsclient.ListenerUpdate, err error) {
    w.logger.Infof("received LDS update: %+v, err: %v", update, err)
    if w.closed {
    if err != nil {
        // We check the error type and do different things. For now, the only
        // type we check is ResourceNotFound, which indicates the LDS resource
        // was removed, and besides sending the error to callback, we also
        // cancel the RDS watch.
        if xdsclient.ErrType(err) == xdsclient.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound && w.rdsCancel != nil {
            w.rdsName = ""
            w.rdsCancel = nil
            w.lastUpdate = serviceUpdate{}
        // The other error cases still return early without canceling the
        // existing RDS watch.
        w.serviceCb(serviceUpdate{}, err)

    oldLDSConfig := w.lastUpdate.ldsConfig
    w.lastUpdate.ldsConfig = ldsConfig{maxStreamDuration: update.MaxStreamDuration}

    if w.rdsName == update.RouteConfigName {
        // If the new RouteConfigName is same as the previous, don't cancel and
        // restart the RDS watch.
        if w.lastUpdate.ldsConfig != oldLDSConfig {
            // The route name didn't change but the LDS data did; send it now.
            // If the route name did change, then we will wait until the first
            // RDS update before reporting this LDS config.
            w.serviceCb(w.lastUpdate, nil)
    w.rdsName = update.RouteConfigName
    if w.rdsCancel != nil {
    w.rdsCancel = w.c.WatchRouteConfig(update.RouteConfigName, w.handleRDSResp)

func (w *serviceUpdateWatcher) handleRDSResp(update xdsclient.RouteConfigUpdate, err error) {
    w.logger.Infof("received RDS update: %+v, err: %v", update, err)
    if w.closed {
    if w.rdsCancel == nil {
        // This mean only the RDS watch is canceled, can happen if the LDS
        // resource is removed.
    if err != nil {
        w.serviceCb(serviceUpdate{}, err)

    matchVh := findBestMatchingVirtualHost(w.serviceName, update.VirtualHosts)
    if matchVh == nil {
        // No matching virtual host found.
        w.serviceCb(serviceUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("no matching virtual host found for %q", w.serviceName))

    w.lastUpdate.routes = matchVh.Routes
    w.serviceCb(w.lastUpdate, nil)

// WatchRouteConfig starts a listener watcher for the service..
// Note that during race (e.g. an xDS response is received while the user is
// calling cancel()), there's a small window where the callback can be called
// after the watcher is canceled. The caller needs to handle this case.
func (c *clientImpl) WatchRouteConfig(routeName string, cb func(RouteConfigUpdate, error)) (cancel func()) {
    wi := &watchInfo{
        c:           c,
        rType:       RouteConfigResource,
        target:      routeName,
        rdsCallback: cb,

    wi.expiryTimer = time.AfterFunc(c.watchExpiryTimeout, func() {

// handleServiceUpdate is the callback which handles service updates. It writes
// the received update to the update channel, which is picked by the run
// goroutine.
func (r *xdsResolver) handleServiceUpdate(su serviceUpdate, err error) {
    if r.closed.HasFired() {
        // Do not pass updates to the ClientConn once the resolver is closed.
    r.updateCh <- suWithError{su: su, err: err}

Send RDS request

In previous Chapter, AddWatch() send a RDS watchAction to channel t.sendCh. From Send LDS request, we know the following process will happen:

  • send() gets the watchAction from channel t.sendCh.Get().
  • send() calls t.processWatchInfo() for this watchAction.
    • processWatchInfo() updates t.watchMap and prepares parameters for xDS request.
  • send() calls v3 client.SendRequest() to send the DiscoveryRequest message to the xDS server.

Handle RDS response

From Get resource response, we know the following process will happen:

  • recv() calls v3 client.RecvResponse() to read the DiscoveryResponse proto.
  • recv() calls v3 client.HandleResponse() to call the v3c.handleRDSResponse() according to resp.GetTypeUrl.
  • handleRDSResponse() calls xdsclient.UnmarshalRouteConfig().
    • UnmarshalRouteConfig() calls proto.Unmarshal() to unmarshal the RouteConfiguration proto.
    • UnmarshalRouteConfig() calls generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration() to extract the supported fields from the RouteConfiguration object. ( In the following description, generate() will be used to replace the long generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration())
      • generate() checks if the provided RouteConfiguration meets the expected criteria.
      • RouteConfiguration has repeated VirtualHost.
      • For every VirtualHost we are only interested the domains field and routes field. routes field contains repeated Route.
      • For every Routes, generate() calls routesProtoToSlice() to validate the Routes.
      • routesProtoToSlice() checks Routes meets the expected criteria.
      • Route contains match field, which is RouteMatch, and RouteMatch does not contain query_parameters field.
      • RouteMatch does contains path_specifier field. RouteMatch contains one of prefix field, path field or safe_regex field. The field is copied to route
      • RouteMatch's case_sensitive field is copied to route.
      • For the headers field in RouteMatch, which is HeaderMatcher, all field is copied route.Headers except the contains_match field.
      • If the runtime_fraction field in RouteMatch exists, the default_value field is calculated and the route.Fraction is set base on it. See RuntimeFractionalPercent for detail.
      • For the route field - RouteAction - in Route, only cluster or weighted_clusters is supported. route.Action get the value from them.
      • The return value of generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration() is RouteConfigUpdate, which only contains VirtualHosts field.
      • route.MaxStreamDuration get value from either grpc_timeout_header_max field or max_stream_duration field in MaxStreamDuration, the former has high priority.
      • MaxStreamDuration is the max_stream_duration field of RouteAction.
      • The above description is tedious and error-prone, a easy way is to refer to the Route struct in the following code.
  • handleRDSResponse() calls v3c.parent.NewRouteConfigs(), which is actually clientImpl.NewRouteConfigs().

It's long enough, let's discuss NewRouteConfigs() in next section.

// handleRDSResponse processes an RDS response received from the management
// server. On receipt of a good response, it caches validated resources and also
// invokes the registered watcher callback.
func (v3c *client) handleRDSResponse(resp *v3discoverypb.DiscoveryResponse) error {
    update, err := xdsclient.UnmarshalRouteConfig(resp.GetResources(), v3c.logger)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// UnmarshalRouteConfig processes resources received in an RDS response,
// validates them, and transforms them into a native struct which contains only
// fields we are interested in. The provided hostname determines the route
// configuration resources of interest.
func UnmarshalRouteConfig(resources []*anypb.Any, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (map[string]RouteConfigUpdate, error) {
    update := make(map[string]RouteConfigUpdate)
    for _, r := range resources {
        if !IsRouteConfigResource(r.GetTypeUrl()) {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: unexpected resource type: %q in RDS response", r.GetTypeUrl())
        rc := &v3routepb.RouteConfiguration{}
        if err := proto.Unmarshal(r.GetValue(), rc); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: failed to unmarshal resource in RDS response: %v", err)
        logger.Infof("Resource with name: %v, type: %T, contains: %v.", rc.GetName(), rc, rc)

        // Use the hostname (resourceName for LDS) to find the routes.
        u, err := generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration(rc, logger)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("xds: received invalid RouteConfiguration in RDS response: %+v with err: %v", rc, err)
        update[rc.GetName()] = u
    return update, nil

// generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration checks if the provided
// RouteConfiguration meets the expected criteria. If so, it returns a
// RouteConfigUpdate with nil error.
// A RouteConfiguration resource is considered valid when only if it contains a
// VirtualHost whose domain field matches the server name from the URI passed
// to the gRPC channel, and it contains a clusterName or a weighted cluster.
// The RouteConfiguration includes a list of VirtualHosts, which may have zero
// or more elements. We are interested in the element whose domains field
// matches the server name specified in the "xds:" URI. The only field in the
// VirtualHost proto that the we are interested in is the list of routes. We
// only look at the last route in the list (the default route), whose match
// field must be empty and whose route field must be set.  Inside that route
// message, the cluster field will contain the clusterName or weighted clusters
// we are looking for.
func generateRDSUpdateFromRouteConfiguration(rc *v3routepb.RouteConfiguration, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) (RouteConfigUpdate, error) {
    var vhs []*VirtualHost
    for _, vh := range rc.GetVirtualHosts() {
        routes, err := routesProtoToSlice(vh.Routes, logger)
        if err != nil {
            return RouteConfigUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("received route is invalid: %v", err)
        vhs = append(vhs, &VirtualHost{
            Domains: vh.GetDomains(),
            Routes:  routes,
    return RouteConfigUpdate{VirtualHosts: vhs}, nil

func routesprototoslice(routes []*v3routepb.route, logger *grpclog.prefixlogger) ([]*route, error) {
    var routesret []*route

    for _, r := range routes {
        match := r.getmatch()
        if match == nil {
            return nil, fmt.errorf("route %+v doesn't have a match", r)

        if len(match.getqueryparameters()) != 0 {
            // ignore route with query parameters.
            logger.warningf("route %+v has query parameter matchers, the route will be ignored", r)

        pathsp := match.getpathspecifier()
        if pathsp == nil {
            return nil, fmt.errorf("route %+v doesn't have a path specifier", r)

        var route route
        switch pt := pathSp.(type) {
        case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_Prefix:
            route.Prefix = &pt.Prefix
        case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_Path:
            route.Path = &pt.Path
        case *v3routepb.RouteMatch_SafeRegex:
            route.Regex = &pt.SafeRegex.Regex
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v has an unrecognized path specifier: %+v", r, pt)

        if caseSensitive := match.GetCaseSensitive(); caseSensitive != nil {
            route.CaseInsensitive = !caseSensitive.Value

        for _, h := range match.GetHeaders() {
            var header HeaderMatcher
            switch ht := h.GetHeaderMatchSpecifier().(type) {
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_ExactMatch:
                header.ExactMatch = &ht.ExactMatch
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_SafeRegexMatch:
                header.RegexMatch = &ht.SafeRegexMatch.Regex
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_RangeMatch:
                header.RangeMatch = &Int64Range{
                    Start: ht.RangeMatch.Start,
                    End:   ht.RangeMatch.End,
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_PresentMatch:
                header.PresentMatch = &ht.PresentMatch
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_PrefixMatch:
                header.PrefixMatch = &ht.PrefixMatch
            case *v3routepb.HeaderMatcher_SuffixMatch:
                header.SuffixMatch = &ht.SuffixMatch
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v has an unrecognized header matcher: %+v", r, ht)
            header.Name = h.GetName()
            invert := h.GetInvertMatch()
            header.InvertMatch = &invert
            route.Headers = append(route.Headers, &header)

        if fr := match.GetRuntimeFraction(); fr != nil {
            d := fr.GetDefaultValue()
            n := d.GetNumerator()
            switch d.GetDenominator() {
            case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_HUNDRED:
                n *= 10000
            case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_TEN_THOUSAND:
                n *= 100
            case v3typepb.FractionalPercent_MILLION:
            route.Fraction = &n

        clusters := make(map[string]uint32)
        action := r.GetRoute()
        switch a := action.GetClusterSpecifier().(type) {
        switch a := action.GetClusterSpecifier().(type) {
        case *v3routepb.RouteAction_Cluster:
            clusters[a.Cluster] = 1
        case *v3routepb.RouteAction_WeightedClusters:
            wcs := a.WeightedClusters
            var totalWeight uint32
            for _, c := range wcs.Clusters {
                w := c.GetWeight().GetValue()
                if w == 0 {
                clusters[c.GetName()] = w
                totalWeight += w
            if totalWeight != wcs.GetTotalWeight().GetValue() {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v, action %+v, weights of clusters do not add up to total total weight, got: %v, want %v", r, a, wcs.GetTotalWeight().GetValue(), totalWeight)
            if totalWeight == 0 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("route %+v, action %+v, has no valid cluster in WeightedCluster action", r, a)
        case *v3routepb.RouteAction_ClusterHeader:

        route.Action = clusters

        msd := action.GetMaxStreamDuration()
        // Prefer grpc_timeout_header_max, if set.
        dur := msd.GetGrpcTimeoutHeaderMax()
        if dur == nil {
            dur = msd.GetMaxStreamDuration()
        if dur != nil {
            d := dur.AsDuration()
            route.MaxStreamDuration = &d
        routesRet = append(routesRet, &route)
    return routesRet, nil

// VirtualHost contains the routes for a list of Domains.
// Note that the domains in this slice can be a wildcard, not an exact string.
// The consumer of this struct needs to find the best match for its hostname.
type VirtualHost struct {
    Domains []string
    // Routes contains a list of routes, each containing matchers and
    // corresponding action.
    Routes []*Route

// Route is both a specification of how to match a request as well as an
// indication of the action to take upon match.
type Route struct {
    Path, Prefix, Regex *string
    // Indicates if prefix/path matching should be case insensitive. The default
    // is false (case sensitive).
    CaseInsensitive bool
    Headers         []*HeaderMatcher
    Fraction        *uint32

    // If the matchers above indicate a match, the below configuration is used.
    Action map[string]uint32 // action is weighted clusters.
    // If MaxStreamDuration is nil, it indicates neither of the route action's
    // max_stream_duration fields (grpc_timeout_header_max nor
    // max_stream_duration) were set.  In this case, the ListenerUpdate's
    // MaxStreamDuration field should be used.  If MaxStreamDuration is set to
    // an explicit zero duration, the application's deadline should be used.
    MaxStreamDuration *time.Duration

// HeaderMatcher represents header matchers.
type HeaderMatcher struct {
    Name         string      `json:"name"`
    InvertMatch  *bool       `json:"invertMatch,omitempty"`
    ExactMatch   *string     `json:"exactMatch,omitempty"`
    RegexMatch   *string     `json:"regexMatch,omitempty"`
    PrefixMatch  *string     `json:"prefixMatch,omitempty"`
    SuffixMatch  *string     `json:"suffixMatch,omitempty"`
    RangeMatch   *Int64Range `json:"rangeMatch,omitempty"`
    PresentMatch *bool       `json:"presentMatch,omitempty"`

// Int64Range is a range for header range match.
type Int64Range struct {
    Start int64 `json:"start"`
    End   int64 `json:"end"`

In NewRouteConfigs():

  • For every RouteConfigUpdate, NewRouteConfigs() checks if it exists in c.rdsWatchers,
  • If it does exist, (in our case, yes) calls wi.newUpdate and add it to c.rdsCache.
    • wi.newUpdate() updates the wi.state, stops the wi.expiryTimer and calls wi.c.scheduleCallback().
    • scheduleCallback() sends watcherInfoWithUpdate message to channel c.updateCh.
// NewRouteConfigs is called by the underlying xdsAPIClient when it receives an
// xDS response.
// A response can contain multiple resources. They will be parsed and put in a
// map from resource name to the resource content.
func (c *clientImpl) NewRouteConfigs(updates map[string]RouteConfigUpdate) {

    for name, update := range updates {
        if s, ok := c.rdsWatchers[name]; ok {
            for wi := range s {
            // Sync cache.
            c.logger.Debugf("RDS resource with name %v, value %+v added to cache", name, update)
            c.rdsCache[name] = update

RDS callback

Now we got a message in channel c.updateCh, It's time to consume it. From xDS callback, we know the following process will happen:

  • calls c.callCallback() with the incoming watcherInfoWithUpdate as parameter.
  • In our case, the message's wi.rType field is RouteConfigResource. callCallback() will call rdsCallback(), which actually calls w.handleRDSResp().
  • handleRDSResp() calls findBestMatchingVirtualHost() to find the matched VirtualHost.
    • findBestMatchingVirtualHost() returns the best matching VirtualHost.
  • handleRDSResp() set the w.lastUpdate.routes to matchVh.
  • handleRDSResp() calls w.serviceCb(), which actually calls xdsResolver.handleServiceUpdate().
    • handleServiceUpdate() sends w.lastUpdate to channel r.updateCh.
    • w.serviceCb is set when serviceUpdateWatcher object is first created.

Please note: findBestMatchingVirtualHost() uses the w.serviceName as the host parameter. Which means the domain match for VirtualHost is performed by using client target server name. In our case client target server name is handleRDSResp filters the VirtualHost according to domains field.

Through the above processing, RouteConfigUpdate message is converted into serviceUpdate message. In the end, handleServiceUpdate() will send a suWithError message which contains serviceUpdate message. serviceUpdate contains routes and ldsConfig.

func (w *serviceUpdateWatcher) handleRDSResp(update xdsclient.RouteConfigUpdate, err error) {
    w.logger.Infof("received RDS update: %+v, err: %v", update, err)
    if w.closed {
    if w.rdsCancel == nil {
        // This mean only the RDS watch is canceled, can happen if the LDS
        // resource is removed.
    if err != nil {
        w.serviceCb(serviceUpdate{}, err)

    matchVh := findBestMatchingVirtualHost(w.serviceName, update.VirtualHosts)
    if matchVh == nil {
        // No matching virtual host found.
        w.serviceCb(serviceUpdate{}, fmt.Errorf("no matching virtual host found for %q", w.serviceName))

    w.lastUpdate.routes = matchVh.Routes
    w.serviceCb(w.lastUpdate, nil)

// findBestMatchingVirtualHost returns the virtual host whose domains field best
// matches host
// The domains field support 4 different matching pattern types:
//  - Exact match
//  - Suffix match (e.g. “*ABC”)
//  - Prefix match (e.g. “ABC*)
//  - Universal match (e.g. “*”)
// The best match is defined as:
//  - A match is better if it’s matching pattern type is better
//    - Exact match > suffix match > prefix match > universal match
//  - If two matches are of the same pattern type, the longer match is better
//    - This is to compare the length of the matching pattern, e.g. “*ABCDE” >
//    “*ABC”
func findBestMatchingVirtualHost(host string, vHosts []*xdsclient.VirtualHost) *xdsclient.VirtualHost {
    var (
        matchVh   *xdsclient.VirtualHost
        matchType = domainMatchTypeInvalid
        matchLen  int
    for _, vh := range vHosts {
        for _, domain := range vh.Domains {
            typ, matched := match(domain, host)
            if typ == domainMatchTypeInvalid {
                // The rds response is invalid.
                return nil
            if matchType.betterThan(typ) || matchType == typ && matchLen >= len(domain) || !matched {
                // The previous match has better type, or the previous match has
                // better length, or this domain isn't a match.
            matchVh = vh
            matchType = typ
            matchLen = len(domain)
    return matchVh

// Exact > Suffix > Prefix > Universal > Invalid.
func (t domainMatchType) betterThan(b domainMatchType) bool {
    return t > b

func matchTypeForDomain(d string) domainMatchType {
    if d == "" {
        return domainMatchTypeInvalid
    if d == "*" {
        return domainMatchTypeUniversal
    if strings.HasPrefix(d, "*") {
        return domainMatchTypeSuffix
    if strings.HasSuffix(d, "*") {
        return domainMatchTypePrefix
    if strings.Contains(d, "*") {
        return domainMatchTypeInvalid
    return domainMatchTypeExact

func match(domain, host string) (domainMatchType, bool) {
    switch typ := matchTypeForDomain(domain); typ {
    case domainMatchTypeInvalid:
        return typ, false
    case domainMatchTypeUniversal:
        return typ, true
    case domainMatchTypePrefix:
        // abc.*
        return typ, strings.HasPrefix(host, strings.TrimSuffix(domain, "*"))
    case domainMatchTypeSuffix:
        // *.123
        return typ, strings.HasSuffix(host, strings.TrimPrefix(domain, "*"))
    case domainMatchTypeExact:
        return typ, domain == host
        return domainMatchTypeInvalid, false

// handleServiceUpdate is the callback which handles service updates. It writes
// the received update to the update channel, which is picked by the run
// goroutine.
func (r *xdsResolver) handleServiceUpdate(su serviceUpdate, err error) {
    if r.closed.HasFired() {
        // Do not pass updates to the ClientConn once the resolver is closed.
    r.updateCh <- suWithError{su: su, err: err}

// serviceUpdate contains information received from the LDS/RDS responses which
// are of interest to the xds resolver. The RDS request is built by first
// making a LDS to get the RouteConfig name.
type serviceUpdate struct {
    // routes contain matchers+actions to route RPCs.
    routes []*xdsclient.Route
    // ldsConfig contains configuration that applies to all routes.
    ldsConfig ldsConfig

// ldsConfig contains information received from the LDS responses which are of
// interest to the xds resolver.
type ldsConfig struct {
    // maxStreamDuration is from the HTTP connection manager's
    // common_http_protocol_options field.
    maxStreamDuration time.Duration

Build ServiceConfig

Upon receive the RDS update, builds the ServiceConfig and sends it to gRPC. After gRPC receive the ServiceConfig, CDS balancer will be created. is waiting on the channel r.updateCh. Upon receive the suWithError message:

  • run() calls r.newConfigSelector() with as parameter. is of type serviceUpdate. serviceUpdate contains routes.
  • newConfigSelector() creates configSelector according to serviceUpdate.
    • newConfigSelector() creates a new configSelector first.
    • For each Route in su.routes, newConfigSelector() updates cs.routes[i].clusters and cs.routes[i].maxStreamDuration.
    • For each Route in su.routes, newConfigSelector() calls routeToMatcher() to build the compositeMatcher and assign it to cs.routes[i].m.
      • routeToMatcher() contains a lot of detail, we will not discuss it in here.
      • The purpose of routeToMatcher() is prepare the regex matcher for real request match.
    • At the same iteration, r.activeClusters is initialized. cs.clusters[cluster] is also initialized with the same values.
  • run() calls r.sendNewServiceConfig() with cs as parameter. cs is of type configSelector.
  • sendNewServiceConfig() creates ServiceConfig based on the configSelector and calls to continue the dial process.
    • sendNewServiceConfig() calls r.pruneActiveClusters() to delete entries from r.activeClusters with zero references.
    • sendNewServiceConfig() calls serviceConfigJSON() to generate a new service config based on the current set of active clusters.
    • sendNewServiceConfig() calls to parse the generated service config JSON data. See LoadBalancingConfig JSON parsing for detail.
    • sendNewServiceConfig() calls iresolver.SetConfigSelector() to set the ServiceConfig and configSelector in resolver.State.
    • sendNewServiceConfig() calls to continue the Dial process part I. See the following explanation.
    • Please note, sendNewServiceConfig() will not return until return. This means r.curConfigSelector is old until sendNewServiceConfig() return.
  • Finally, run() calls r.curConfigSelector.stop() to stop the current ConfigSelector and replaces the r.curConfigSelector with the new cs.

Upon receives the su.routes message, generates a new service config, the root of this service config is the xds_cluster_manager_experimental, the children of root is all entries in activeClusters, each entries has the same cds_experimental. This service config is the key to understand the next process. We will show the example of this service config in the next article.

For xDS protocol, DialContext() starts the xDS resolver goroutine. At the background, xDS resolver

  • Creates the connection with xDS server. See Dial to xDS server
  • Communicates withe the xDS server to get the RouteConfiguration and transform it into RouteConfigUpdate. See Handle RDS response
  • Process the RouteConfigUpdate via matching the target RPC server domain and return the matched []Route in serviceUpdate. See RDS callback
  • Transform the []Route into ServiceConfig. This chapter.
  • continue the dial process to the target RPC server. We will discuss in next article.

OK, This is the LDS/RDS part about xDS protocol. How to use configSelector and ServiceConfig in business RPC. Please continue to read xDS protocol - CDS/EDS.

// run is a long running goroutine which blocks on receiving service updates
// and passes it on the ClientConn.
func (r *xdsResolver) run() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-r.closed.Done():
        case update := <-r.updateCh:
            if update.err != nil {
                r.logger.Warningf("Watch error on resource %v from xds-client %p, %v",, r.client, update.err)
                if xdsclient.ErrType(update.err) == xdsclient.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound {
                    // If error is resource-not-found, it means the LDS
                    // resource was removed. Ultimately send an empty service
                    // config, which picks pick-first, with no address, and
                    // puts the ClientConn into transient failure.  Before we
                    // can do that, we may need to send a normal service config
                    // along with an erroring (nil) config selector.
                    // Stop and dereference the active config selector, if one exists.
                    r.curConfigSelector = nil
                // Send error to ClientConn, and balancers, if error is not
                // resource not found.  No need to update resolver state if we
                // can keep using the old config.
            if update.emptyUpdate {

            // Create the config selector for this update.
            cs, err := r.newConfigSelector(
            if err != nil {
                r.logger.Warningf("Error parsing update on resource %v from xds-client %p: %v",, r.client, err)

            if !r.sendNewServiceConfig(cs) {
                // JSON error creating the service config (unexpected); erase
                // this config selector and ignore this update, continuing with
                // the previous config selector.

            // Decrement references to the old config selector and assign the
            // new one as the current one.
            r.curConfigSelector = cs

// newConfigSelector creates the config selector for su; may add entries to
// r.activeClusters for previously-unseen clusters.
func (r *xdsResolver) newConfigSelector(su serviceUpdate) (*configSelector, error) {
    cs := &configSelector{
        r:        r,
        routes:   make([]route, len(su.routes)),
        clusters: make(map[string]*clusterInfo),

    for i, rt := range su.routes {
        clusters := newWRR()
        for cluster, weight := range rt.Action {
            clusters.Add(cluster, int64(weight))

            // Initialize entries in cs.clusters map, creating entries in
            // r.activeClusters as necessary.  Set to zero as they will be
            // incremented by incRefs.
            ci := r.activeClusters[cluster]
            if ci == nil {
                ci = &clusterInfo{refCount: 0}
                r.activeClusters[cluster] = ci
            cs.clusters[cluster] = ci
        cs.routes[i].clusters = clusters

        var err error
        cs.routes[i].m, err = routeToMatcher(rt)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        if rt.MaxStreamDuration == nil {
            cs.routes[i].maxStreamDuration = su.ldsConfig.maxStreamDuration
        } else {
            cs.routes[i].maxStreamDuration = *rt.MaxStreamDuration

    // Account for this config selector's clusters.  Do this after no further
    // errors may occur.  Note: cs.clusters are pointers to entries in
    // activeClusters.
    for _, ci := range cs.clusters {
        atomic.AddInt32(&ci.refCount, 1)

    return cs, nil

// A global for testing.
var newWRR = wrr.NewRandom

// NewRandom creates a new WRR with random.
func NewRandom() WRR {
    return &randomWRR{}

// WRR defines an interface that implements weighted round robin.
type WRR interface {
    // Add adds an item with weight to the WRR set.
    // Add and Next need to be thread safe.
    Add(item interface{}, weight int64)
    // Next returns the next picked item.
    // Add and Next need to be thread safe.
    Next() interface{}

var grpcrandInt63n = grpcrand.Int63n

func (rw *randomWRR) Next() (item interface{}) {
    if rw.sumOfWeights == 0 {
        return nil
    // Random number in [0, sum).
    randomWeight := grpcrandInt63n(rw.sumOfWeights)
    for _, item := range rw.items {
        randomWeight = randomWeight - item.Weight
        if randomWeight < 0 {
            return item.Item

    return rw.items[len(rw.items)-1].Item

func (rw *randomWRR) Add(item interface{}, weight int64) {
    rItem := &weightedItem{Item: item, Weight: weight}
    rw.items = append(rw.items, rItem)
    rw.sumOfWeights += weight

func (rw *randomWRR) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprint(rw.items)

type route struct {
    m                 *compositeMatcher // converted from route matchers
    clusters          wrr.WRR
    maxStreamDuration time.Duration

func (r route) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s -> { clusters: %v, maxStreamDuration: %v }", r.m.String(), r.clusters, r.maxStreamDuration)

type configSelector struct {
    r        *xdsResolver
    routes   []route
    clusters map[string]*clusterInfo

type clusterInfo struct {
    // number of references to this cluster; accessed atomically
    refCount int32

// sendNewServiceConfig prunes active clusters, generates a new service config
// based on the current set of active clusters, and sends an update to the
// channel with that service config and the provided config selector.  Returns
// false if an error occurs while generating the service config and the update
// cannot be sent.
func (r *xdsResolver) sendNewServiceConfig(cs *configSelector) bool {
    // Delete entries from r.activeClusters with zero references;
    // otherwise serviceConfigJSON will generate a config including
    // them.

    if cs == nil && len(r.activeClusters) == 0 {
        // There are no clusters and we are sending a failing configSelector.
        // Send an empty config, which picks pick-first, with no address, and
        // puts the ClientConn into transient failure.{ServiceConfig:"{}")})
        return true

    sc, err := serviceConfigJSON(r.activeClusters)
    if err != nil {
        // JSON marshal error; should never happen.
        r.logger.Errorf("%v", err)
        return false
    r.logger.Infof("Received update on resource %v from xds-client %p, generated service config: %v",, r.client, sc)

    // Send the update to the ClientConn.
    state := iresolver.SetConfigSelector(resolver.State{
    }, cs)
    return true

// pruneActiveClusters deletes entries in r.activeClusters with zero
// references.
func (r *xdsResolver) pruneActiveClusters() {
    for cluster, ci := range r.activeClusters {
        if atomic.LoadInt32(&ci.refCount) == 0 {
            delete(r.activeClusters, cluster)

// serviceConfigJSON produces a service config in JSON format representing all
// the clusters referenced in activeClusters.  This includes clusters with zero
// references, so they must be pruned first.
func serviceConfigJSON(activeClusters map[string]*clusterInfo) (string, error) {
    // Generate children (all entries in activeClusters).
    children := make(map[string]xdsChildConfig)
    for cluster := range activeClusters {
        children[cluster] = xdsChildConfig{
            ChildPolicy: newBalancerConfig(cdsName, cdsBalancerConfig{Cluster: cluster}),

    sc := serviceConfig{
        LoadBalancingConfig: newBalancerConfig(
            xdsClusterManagerName, xdsClusterManagerConfig{Children: children},

    bs, err := json.Marshal(sc)
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal json: %v", err)
    return string(bs), nil

const (
    cdsName               = "cds_experimental"
    xdsClusterManagerName = "xds_cluster_manager_experimental"

type serviceConfig struct {
    LoadBalancingConfig balancerConfig `json:"loadBalancingConfig"`

type balancerConfig []map[string]interface{}

func newBalancerConfig(name string, config interface{}) balancerConfig {
    return []map[string]interface{}{{name: config}}

type cdsBalancerConfig struct {
    Cluster string `json:"cluster"`

type xdsChildConfig struct {
    ChildPolicy balancerConfig `json:"childPolicy"`

type xdsClusterManagerConfig struct {
    Children map[string]xdsChildConfig `json:"children"`

// SetConfigSelector sets the config selector in state and returns the new
// state.
func SetConfigSelector(state resolver.State, cs ConfigSelector) resolver.State {
    state.Attributes = state.Attributes.WithValues(csKey, cs)
    return state