a Few Examples of using SolidEdge API with Python
- install ironpython 2.7: https://github.com/IronLanguages/ironpython2/releases/tag/ipy-2.7.9
- have the Interop.SolidEdge.dll in your current work directory
- in a cmd shell> ipy32 Basic.py Tadam !
Not having a SolidEdge WebKey access, I can't get in touch with the SE community. Maybe this way, Some of You might contact me Here and we can share usefull stuff.
I currently connect with any ASM / PSM or PAR, Extract the BOM of an ASM -> Push it into our ERP system Batch Validate tons of ASM and their PSM/PAR Batch Validate the associated DFT, and report on those requiring updates
SUPER COOL : I dispatch Validation Jobs accross multiple stations to maximize our licenses use
All control is Webserver Based ... only IronPython is required to be installed