This script is the implementation of the method described in Rau et al. (2024). It uses carbon loss values in the project area and in the counterfactual scenario of a REDD+ project to simulate yearly values of:
- Additionality (Mg CO2e)
- Anticipated release (Mg CO2e)
- Equivalent permanence (EP, between 0 and 1)
- Reversal risks of (between 0 and 1)
The carbon loss values can be either taken from observed time series, randomly drawn from a distribution fitted to observed values, or randomly drawn from exponential distributions for a theoretical project.
- SimulatePermanence() performs the simulation; its output is provided to the "outlist" argument of the SaveStandard() function
- SaveStandard() performs basic summary and saves it to an RDS object; its output is provided to the "summary_out" argument of the PlotStandard() function
- PlotStandard() generates and saves basic time series plots
The core function that performs the simulation is SimulatePermanence(), which takes the following arguments:
type: character, "theo" for theoretical projects, "real" for real-life projects
mean_drawdown: numerical vector, mean drawdown rate(s) for theoretical project(s) Its inverse will be used as the lambda parameter of an exponential distribution When aggregate_type is NULL and the length of this argument > 1, it initialises a custom theoretical aggregated project
sites: character vector, name(s) for the real-life project(s) The function will look for a data frame of carbon flux time series at the path "/project_input_data/sites.csv" When aggregate_type is NULL and the length of this argument > 1, it initialises a custom real-life aggregated project
aggregate_type: character, specifying default settings for theoretical/real-life aggregated projects This argument overrides both mean_drawdown and sites when not NULL: "A": theoretical, mean_drawdown = c(1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 5) "B": theoretical, mean_drawdown = c(1.1, 1.1, 5, 5) "C": theoretical, mean_drawdown = c(1.1, 5, 5, 5) "three": real-life, sites = c("Gola_country", "CIF_Alto_Mayo", "VCS_1396") "four": real-life, sites = c("Gola_country", "CIF_Alto_Mayo", "VCS_1396", "VCS_934")
verbose: boolean, whether to print basic output at each timestep (default: FALSE)
runtime: boolean, whether to print (default: TRUE)
omega: numeric, threshold of acceptable reversal risk (default: 0.05)
n_rep: numeric, number of repetitions (default: 100)
H: numeric, project duration (years) (default: 50)
D: numeric, discount rate (default: 0.03)
warmup: numeric, warm-up period (years) (default: 5)
postproject_ratio: numeric, ratio of post-project release compared to during-project additionality accumulation rate (default: 2)
scc_df: numeric data frame, containing two columns, year and value (default: scc, a data frame which should be loaded and prepared)
The dataset that one needs to prepare to run a simulation for a specific real-life project is the yearly project/counterfactual carbon fluxes in the project. It should be saved as a csv file in the "project_input_data" directory; the name of the file will be the "sites" variable. The file must contain the following columns:
- year: numeric
- var: character, either "project", "counterfactual" or "additionality"
- val: numeric, total carbon flux from the last year to this year (Mg CO2e)
- n_sim: numeric, index of repetition
- started: boolean, whether the year is larger than project start (t0)
extend_scc.R and create_input_csv.R are maintenance scripts used to prepare input data. ViewSnapshot.r is a function that selects one particular repetition and view its time series, but is not currently used for anything.