Tags: epfl-lasa/control-libraries
Release 6.3.0 Version 6.3.0 contains behind-the-scenes structural improvements to Dockerfiles and GitHub workflows and clarifies the license requirements of the library and its dependencies. Fixes and improvements: - Build and push both 20.04 and 22.04 images (#314, #315, #316) - Don't build pinocchio tests in development image (#317) - Simplify and consolidate Dockerfiles and scripts (#319) - Better license management (#320)
Release Version 6.1.0 Version 6.1.0 contains a few small new features as well as several fixes, mainly in the implementation of state_representation Parameters. ### Features **state_representation** - Add non-templated helper function to create shared ParameterInterface (#301) - Add remove_parameter to ParameterMap (#302) - Support truthiness in State objects with bool operator (#303) ### Fixes and improvements **general** - Extend clproto tests (#297) - Set default values of empty Parameters correctly (#298) - Remove CMake error preventing build on 22.04 and minor improvements (#299) - Set Python parameter filled on set_value (#300) - Avoid segfaults in clproto encoding (#304)
Release Version 6.0.0 Version 6.0.0 refactors the StateType enum in state representation to be more descriptive and widely useful as well as the dynamical systems factory for easier creation of these classes. This major change breaks implementations using StateType enums explicitly (e.g. for parameters) and dynamical systems from the prior version. See the updated documentation for usage guidelines for the DynamicalSystemsFactory. This release also includes a few new features, fixes and improvements as well as updated documentation in all parts of the control libraries.
Release Version 5.1.0 Version 5.1.0 contains a few improvements to the behaviour and usage of the libraries. This release also includes substantial improvements to the python bindings, including class bindings for the robot model and controller library. Additional fixes and improvements have been made throughout the framework. Refer to the CHANGELOG for more information.
Release Version 5.0.0 Version 5.0.0 refactors the dynamical systems and controllers libraries with a factory pattern and parameter interface for easier creation, manipulation and substitution of these classes. This major change breaks any implementations using dynamical systems or controllers from the prior version. See the updated documentation for usage guidelines for the new DynamicalSystemsFactory and ControllerFactory. This release also includes substantial improvements to the python bindings, including class bindings for the dynamical systems library. Additional fixes and improvements have been made throughout the framework. Refer to the CHANGELOG for more information.
Merge pull request #201 from epfl-lasa/release/v4.0.0 Version 4.0.0 introduces some powerful new features for using `state_representation` objects in real applications, including the brand new `clproto` C++ serialization library on the basis of Protobuf. Many additional fixes and improvements have been made across the modules, and some deprecated methods have now been removed with this major version release. This release also marks the repository being renamed to `control-libraries` (formerly `control_libraries`). See the CHANGELOG and release notes for more details.