A showcase of a simple CRUD Minimal API project
If you are using Visual Studio, execute the commands below on the Package Manager Console.
To open the console, go to Tools > Library Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
# PowerShell:
Add-Migration InitialDatabase -Context ProductsContext -o "Infrastructure/Data/Migrations"
Add-Migration InitialIdentity -Context IdentityContext -o "Infrastructure/Identity/Migrations"
Update-Database -Context ProductsContext
Update-Database -Context IdentityContext
Then, you are able to run the project.
If you are using Visual Studio Code, execute the commands below on the terminal.
# .Net CLI:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialDatabase -c ProductsContext -o "Infrastructure/Data/Migrations"
dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentity -c IdentityContext -o "Infrastructure/Identity/Migrations"
dotnet ef database update -c ProductsContext
dotnet ef database update -c IdentityContext
Then, you are able to run using the command:
dotnet run --project ProductsInventory.API
The project will open the Swagger on localhost:5125/swagger/index.html
Visit Wiki page for documentation.
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