π Features
- Feat: Show deployment comment in deployment history table @eranelbaz (#76)
π Bug Fixes
- Fix: github docker build worklflow @ItamarMalka (#83)
- Fix: sensitive variables resets on rerender issue @ItamarMalka (#80)
- Fix: Add variable validation for redeploying environments @ItamarMalka (#75)
- Fix: Template selector loading times @eranelbaz (#73)
- Fix: Long variable names are overlapped @eranelbaz (#72)
- Fix: when error is object we don't show the content @eranelbaz (#69)
π§° Maintenance
- Chore: Add backend docker build gh workflow @ItamarMalka (#81)
- Chore: fix example entityPage and add env details to readme @ItamarMalka (#82)
- Chore: add more inputs to create / deploy scaffolder actions @eranelbaz (#79)
- Chore: Wrong yarn command in README @yaronya (#78)
- Chore: refine readmes texts @yaronya (#77)
- Chore: remove different end point environment variables @eranelbaz (#70)
- Chore: Update readme with print screens @yaronya (#74)
- Chore: Add scaffolder actions tests @ItamarMalka (#71)
- Chore: Add testing to backstage plugin @ItamarMalka (#58)
- Chore: Add command to build docker using arm @eranelbaz (#68)
- Chore: fix all lint issues @yaronya (#67)
- Chore: Refine npm package screen @yaronya (#66)