We use kubernetes to host the application in all our environments, including the dev environment.
On the dev environment, we use clk k8s
to install the required dependencies both on the dev host and in the local cluster.
To install clk k8s
and create a local cluster, just run these commands:
curl -sSL https://clk-project.org/install.sh | env CLK_EXTENSIONS=k8s bash
clk k8s flow
Run tilt with:
tilt up
- generate the hyperledger fabric configuration
- builds the docker images of the application
- instantiates the kuberentes resources of the appliaction
Once done, the application is available at https://rte.localhost
Keycloak is available at https://rte.localhost/auth . The keycloak admin is kcadmin
and the password is 99f194b95dbc433d2db8
in the dev environment.
By default, the HLF resources of the 3 organizations are created, but not the backend and frontend resources — only the resources for RTE are. The name of the organizations can be passed to tilt to choose the organizations to instantiate.
tilt up -- enedis
starts only the enedis backend and frontend.
tilt up -- enedis producer rte
starts the backend and frontend for the 3 organizations.
tilt down
to shutdown the application.
wget https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl/releases/download/v1.8.5/grpcurl_1.8.5_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar xvzf grpcurl_1.8.5_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
./grpcurl -insecure peer1-hlf-peer.rte:7051 list
apk add openssl
echo | openssl s_client -connect peer1-hlf-peer.rte:7051 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -text
./grpcurl -cacert /var/hyperledger/tls/server/cert/cacert.pem peer1-hlf-peer.rte:7051 list
openssl x509 -text -in hlf/generated/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/rte/peers/peer1.rte/tls/server.crt
Each release is production must be tagged. The CI checks that the tag and the version number in the Chart.yaml
are exactly the same, so first make sure Chart.yaml
contains the expected version.
Then create a tag, normally on the staging
git checkout staging
# check the version in ./helm/star/Chart.yaml
git tag -m 1.2.1 1.2.1
git push --tag
Once the artifact are ready, trigger a deployment on the production environments by merging the tag in the prod
git checkout prod
git merge --ff-only 1.2.1
git push
Make sure a reviewer is accepting the deployment in github actions.
Finally, bump the version number in Chart.yaml
to the next expected version.