For the Restaurant Reviews projects, you will incrementally convert a static webpage to a mobile-ready web application. In Stage Three, you will take the connected application you yu built in Stage One and Stage Two and add additional functionality. You will add a form to allow users to create their own reviews. If the app is offline, your form will defer updating to the remote database until a connection is established. Finally, you’ll work to optimize your site to meet even stricter performance benchmarks than the previous project, and test again using Lighthouse.
Go to ( , clone the backend and follow the instructions to run it run npm i. Serve the web app using gulp command. Serve the main directory python -m http.server 8000
Most of the code in this project has been written to the ES6 JavaScript specification for compatibility with modern web browsers and future proofing JavaScript code. As much as possible, try to maintain use of ES6 in any additional JavaScript you write.
Get Restaurants curl "http://localhost:1337/restaurants/"
Get Restaurants by id curl "http://localhost:1337/restaurants/{3}"
Local server:
##Start only server npm run start: development, Port: 1337
npm run sailsjs: production, Port: 1337, you manually have to go to url http://localhost:1377 Served from .tmp/public folder
Get all restaurants http://localhost:1337/restaurants/
Get favorite restaurants http://localhost:1337/restaurants/?is_favorite=true
Get a restaurant by id http://localhost:1337/restaurants/<restaurant_id>
Get all reviews for a restaurant http://localhost:1337/reviews/?restaurant_id=<restaurant_id>
Get all restaurant reviews http://localhost:1337/reviews/
Get a restaurant review by id http://localhost:1337/reviews/<review_id>
POST Endpoints Create a new restaurant review http://localhost:1337/reviews/
{ "restaurant_id": <restaurant_id>, "name": <reviewer_name>, "rating": , "comments": <comment_text> } PUT Endpoints Favorite a restaurant http://localhost:1337/restaurants/<restaurant_id>/?is_favorite=true
Unfavorite a restaurant http://localhost:1337/restaurants/<restaurant_id>/?is_favorite=false
Update a restaurant review http://localhost:1337/reviews/<review_id>
{ "name": <reviewer_name>, "rating": , "comments": <comment_text> } DELETE Endpoints Delete a restaurant review http://localhost:1337/reviews/<review_id>
Project is licensed under MIT License.