Releases: enarjord/passivbot
Releases · enarjord/passivbot
v7.2.19 comma fix, catch very low balance
- handle cases where approved coins is given on the format ["COIN1,COIN2"]
- add check: if balance < 1.0: don't create any orders
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v7.2.18...v7.2.19
v7.2.18 n_positions backtest fix
- Fix backtester having too low exposure limit if n_positions < len(coins). Now, n_positions is min(len(coins), n_positions), which is same behavior as live bot.
- Default exchanges for downloading OHLCV data is Binance and Bybit.
- Update docs
- Other small fixes
Full Changelog: v7.2.15...v7.2.18
v7.2.15 fixes for downloader
- deduplicate .npy files
- fix path == "" in
- add docs for equity_balance_diff_neg/pos_mean/max in docs
Full Changelog: v7.2.14...v7.2.15
v7.2.14 fix for all_approved
- fix error when if approved_coins was empty string
- refactor calc_unstuck_close
v7.2.13 upgrade ohlcvs downloader
- rewrote downloader script
- added support for downloading data from gateio and bitget
- option to combine ohlcv data from multiple exchanges into single dataset
- add backtest parameter: gap_tolerance_ohlcvs_minutes
- updated ccxt version to 4.4.39
- added 'gain' to backtest analysis
- added temporal weighted metrics to backtest analysis
- new example configs: top20mcap, pumpdump
- new config parameter: enforce_exposure_limit
- new live parameter: market_orders_allowed
- new tool:
- ...bug fixes and improvements
v7.2.11 bug fixes for coin_to_symbol
release containing bug fixes for coin -> symbol conversion in live bot
also, is now true by default in configs/template.json
v7.2.10 multi exchange backtest and optimize
- allows backtesting and optimizing on data from multiple exchanges (binance and bybit)
v7.2.8 new scoring metrics
- new scoring metrics: sortino_ratio, omega_ratio, expected_shortfall_1pct, calmar_ratio, sterling_ratio, drawdown_worst_mean_1pct
- new default template config
- bitget multi asset mode support
- live bot reload markets hourly
- optimize: allow multiple pareto fronts as starting configs
Full Changelog: v7.2.5...v7.2.8
v7.2.5 bitget update endpoints
- updated bitget endpoints
- compressing opt results is optional
Full Changelog: v7.2.4...v7.2.5
v7.2.4 trim opt results
- trim optimize results all_results.txt file for file size reduction
- allow setting optimize bounds with single value
- docs update
- try to load ignored/approved coins list from external file first
Full Changelog: v7.2.3...v7.2.4