To-buy list, implemented in Ruby (for an article on Medium)
Author : Merdan Durdyýew
Github :
Medium (Personal blog) :
Medium (Publication) :
Date : 24.09.2020
Beýany: "Ses hasaplamak" programmasy, görkezilen faýlda girizilen atlary sanap,
haýsy ada näçe ses berlendigini hasaplap berýär. Atlaryň kiçi ýa-da uly harplar
bilen ýazylmagy täsir etmeýär. Programma olaryň ählisini bir formata getirip hasaplaýar.
Description : "Count votes" - is vote quantity calculation program. From a given file,
it calculates number of votes for each different name and prints out the result.
No matter the votes are written in uppercase or lowercase or capitalized, it will
normalize all names to a single format and calculate it correctly.