A workspace switcher plugin for xfce4-panel which can be used for the i3 window manager.
For available releases see the releases page.
Present a list of buttons, one for each workspace, labeled with the workspace name. The focused workspace is marked with a bold label. Urgent workspaces are marked with red labels. Different colors can be configured for the label in focused/non-focused states. Support for strip workspace numbers configuration. Clicking on a workspace button will navigate you to the respective workspace.
If you found a bug please report it in the issue tracker
Patches and pull requests are welcome!
Feel free to contact me at: dns.botond at gmail dot com.
- C toolchain (I only tested with gcc).
- pkg-config
- xfce4-dev-tools
- glib2
- gtk+2
- libxfce4ui-4.8
- libxfce4util-4.8
- xfce4-panel-4.8
- i3ipc-glib
- On binary distros you may have to install the -dev version of the required packages
- For the compilation to work out of the box I had to install i3ipc-glib in the /usr prefix too.
- git clone https://github.com/denesb/xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin.git
- cd xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin
- ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
- make
- sudo make install
- Download & extract tarball
- cd xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin
- ./configure --prefix=/usr
- make
- sudo make install
Note: The --prefix=/usr is needed because if installed in /usr/local prefix the plugin is not discovered by xfce-panel. Maybe there is a way to tell xfce-panel to look in other places too, but I haven't found it just yet.
A good, detailed guide of how you can use i3wm together with xfce4 can be found here.
Have fun!