This is a 'home inventory dashboard' for tracking items we ran out of and should buy. We used to write everything in chat and it often ended up being a big mess. We forgot items, things got too far back in history, and given that we always buy the same stuff, it didn't make sense to keep repeating them every week anyways.
There is also a recipes section where we can keep track of what can we cook with the ingredients we have right now, and what is missing.
It's optimized for the touchscreen — long-press toggles an item's stock, a tap navigates to it's page.
Before use, two things must be setup in the rails console
Create the scratchpad:
This is a single user application, but requires a passcode. Only the first passcode in the db will work! Here's how to create it:
Passcode.create(password: 'secret')
For now, the category with id=1
(the first we add) must be the cooking ingredients one, because when adding recipes, the multi-select filters for those items only — just so we don't end up with detergent on our pizza.