- JAVAscript
- Markdown
- Git Repositories
{Survey Exercise Prompt: Use a form to let the user fill out a survey. Ask them to fill in their name, their favorite foods, their favorite music, and any other information you feel like. Include all form input types we've covered so far (except checkboxes; we'll learn more about those next week!)} https://www.learnhowtoprogram.com/introduction-to-programming/javascript-and-jquery/practice-form-input-types
- Navigate to https://github.com/ellajtanttu/i-survey in your browser
- Clone this repository to your desktop
- Navigate to the top level of the directory
- Connect to your github repository
- open i-survey/index.html in your browser
- Open index.html and styles.css in VS Code to edit
No known issues
{MIT Copyright (c) 2021 Ella Tanttu}
{Ella Tanttu [email protected]}