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Cody Garver edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Test cases for the trash feature


Delete a local file with the delete key on the keyboard

Expected: the file is moved to the trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Delete a local file with the shift+delete key on the keyboard

Expected: the file is deleted permanently after a confirmation dialog is displayed. The action cannot be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Drag a local file to the trash bookmark with the mouse primary button

Expected: the cursor displays the "move overlay" when overlapping the trash bookmark. The file is moved to the trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Drag a local file to the trash folder opened in another window with the mouse primary button

Expected: the cursor displays the "move overlay" when overlapping the trash bookmark. The file is moved to the trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Drag a file located in the trash folder to the trash bookmark with the mouse primary button

Expected: nothing happens


Drag a file located in the trash folder to the trash bookmark with the mouse secondary button

Expected: nothing happens


Drag a file located in the trash folder to the trash folder opened in another window with the mouse primary button

Expected: nothing happens


Drag a file located in the trash folder to another trash folder from another window with the mouse secondary button

Expected: nothing happens


Drag a file located in the trash folder to another tab opened to the trash folder

Expected: nothing happens


Drag a file located in the trash folder to a bookmark

Expected: the cursor displays the "move overlay" and the file is restored. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Drag a file located in the trash folder to another tab and drop onto the view (not the tab).

Expected: The view switches to the tab hovered over. The cursor displays the "move overlay" while the over the view itself. When dropped, the file is restored. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z (the tabs are not switched back).


Cut a file with Ctrl+X and paste it with Ctrl+V to the trash folder

Expected: the file is moved to the trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Copy a file with Ctrl+C and paste it with Ctrl+V to the trash folder

Expected: a dialog is displayed explaining that the action can not be performed aand the file is not trashed.


Cut a file located in the trash with Ctrl+X and paste it with Ctrl+V to another folder

Expected: the file is restored from the Trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Copy a file located in the trash with Ctrl+C and paste it with Ctrl+V to another folder

Expected: a dialog is displayed explaining that the file cannot be copied and will be cut instead. The file is restored from trash. The action can be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Delete a read only folder (chmod 444)

Expected: a dialog is displayed explaining that the action can not be performed


Open the trash view when there are trashed files.

Expected: The view displays a composite of all accessible trash folders. An infobar is displayed including a suitable message and a button marked "Empty the Trash".


Click the button marked "Empty the Trash" in the trash view when there are trashed files.

Expected: A dialog appears warning that all the files in all trash folders, including any on external media will be permanently deleted. The trash is emptied of files for which the user has the required permissions, that is when the user has write and execute permissions on the trash folder in which the file resides. If many files are present in the trash, a dialog showing progress might be displayed. If the trash empties completely (including hidden files) then the view shows an appropriate message (e.g. "This folder is empty") and the infobar is hidden. The action cannot be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Delete a file from the trash with the shift+delete or delete key

Expected: the file is permanently deleted if the user has the required permissions otherwise a error dialog appears. The action cannot be undone with Ctrl-Z.


Trash a file located on an external filesystem that supports trash using any of the methods listed above.

Expected: the file is moved to the user's trash folder on the external filesystem. The trash icon changes to the "not empty" state if it was previously empty. Clicking on the trash icon displays a composite of the local and external trash directories, including the file just trashed.


Trash a file located on an external filesystem that does not support trash using any of the methods listed above.

Expected: a dialog confirming permanent deletion of the file appears.


Unmount a filesystem with trash folders.

Expected: the filesystem is unmounted without emptying the trash. The composite trash view no longer displays trashed files on the external filesystem.


Remount a filesystem with trash folders containing trashed files.

Expected: The composite trash view re-displays trashed files on the external filesystem.


Secondary-click on a the bookmark of an external filesystem with trash folders containing files.

Expected: a context menu appears including an option to empty the trash.


Select the "Empty trash" option in test TRASH-21.

Expected: the trash on the external filesystem is emptied (files permanently deleted) but not any other trash.
If all other trash folders were empty then the state of the Trash icon changes to "Empty".


Secondary-click on a the bookmark of an external filesystem with trash folders that are empty.

Expected: a context menu appears that does not include an option to empty the trash.


Empty the composite trash using the Trash icon or Trash view.

Expected: the trash on any mounted filesystem with trash folders is emptied as well as the local trash.


Try to rename a file in the trash by hitting F2

Expected: nothing happens.