git clone .
npm install
npx hardhat compile
For the tests, you need to create an .env file and enter the necessary parameters, as in .env.example
(Polygon & ethereum - alchemy keys)
(BSC - url mainnet)
BSC - hardhat.config.ts:
hardhat: {
forking: {
url: process.env.BSC_URL || "",
// url: process.env.ETHEREUM_URL || "",
// blockNumber: 15229540,
// url: process.env.POLYGON_URL || "",
// blockNumber: 31227193,
start node:
npx hardhat node
in another terminal:
npx hardhat test test/bsc/bnbPool.test.ts --network localhost
npx hardhat test test/bsc/busdPool.test.ts --network localhost
ehtereum - hardhat.config.ts:
hardhat: {
forking: {
// url: process.env.BSC_URL || "",
url: process.env.ETHEREUM_URL || "",
blockNumber: 15229540,
// url: process.env.POLYGON_URL || "",
// blockNumber: 31227193,
start node:
npx hardhat node
in another terminal:
npx hardhat test test/ethereum/daiPool.test.ts --network localhost
npx hardhat test test/ethereum/ethPool.test.ts --network localhost
polygon - hardhat.config.ts:
hardhat: {
forking: {
// url: process.env.BSC_URL || "",
// url: process.env.ETHEREUM_URL || "",
// blockNumber: 15229540,
url: process.env.POLYGON_URL || "",
blockNumber: 31227193,
start node:
npx hardhat node
in another terminal:
npx hardhat test test/polygon/maticPool.test.ts --network localhost
npx hardhat test test/polygon/usdcPool.test.ts --network localhost