beautiful rss client for the terminal
- vim keybinding
- keyword search for channels and posts
- page reader??? html to markdown?
- id
- title
- link
- desc
- pub_date
- category
Channels Image
- id
- channel_id
- url
- title
- link
- w&h
- id
- channel_id
- title
- link
- desc
- author
- category
- comments
- enclosure??
- guid
- pubdate
rss aggregator spec
- follow/unfollow channel -> database
- when app is running fetch feeds
- fetch new posts -> database
- every 5 min because not always running
rss viewer
channels viewer -> expand
posts viewer -> expand
singular post viewer -> link to site
mark post as read
vim bindings
post search with keywords???
webpage reader in terminal???
podcast player in terminal???
litesql for embedded db
- how to setup litesql in project
- db commmands (sqlc)
[ ] rss aggregator & DB
[x] fetching feeds
[x] insert them in db (follow command)
[x] followed channel viewer
[x] remove from db (unfollow command)
[x] store post in db after following
[x] view post by channel
[ ] aggregating feeds in db concurently (worker)
[ ] inserting post in db (after aggregating) (make sure logic schema is good)
[ ] displaying
[ ] following channels and following their sub? channels(comments)
[ ] ergonomic way of displaying channels
[ ] their posts
[ ] notification
[ ] with vim bindings
[ ] Extra
[ ] search engine for posts
[ ]???
[ ] post website fetcher & displayer
[ ] gemini/gopher???