Releases: eiffel-community/eiffel-easy2use
Easy2Use 1.0.10
- Helm version 3 support added and is default used by Easy2Use CLI (Only Eiffel bundle support Helm3)
Helm version 2 can still be used and is configured in config-default.bash - Eiffel Event-Repository in Eiffel bundle has been stepped to version 2.0.36
- Eiffel RemRem-Publish in Eiffel bundle has been stepped to version 2.0.17
- Eiffel RemRem-Generate in Eiffel bundle has been stepped to version 2.0.17
- Added support for configuring Ingress TLS certificate for HTTPS connections (Only Eiffel bundle support this currently)
This is configured in config-default.bash file. - Fix "list-bundles" command with Kuberentes target, so CLI list all services with https protocol in the addresses
- Added support for persistence storage (Only Eiffel bundle support this currently)
Persistence storage is configured in config-default.bash
Easy2Use 1.0.9
Eiffel Bundle change:
- RemRem-Publish version has been updated to version 2.0.13 which solves/reduces the high CPU and memory usage in RabbitMq by reducing 100+ AMQP channels to default one AMQP channel that is created by RemRem-Publish.
Easy2Use 1.0.8
Whats new:
Eiffel bundle updates:
- Updated Eiffel-Intelligence Back-end version to 3.0.0.
Release note: - Updated Eiffel-Intelligence Front-end version to 3.0.0.
Release note:
Easy2Use 1.0.7
Bug fixes:
- This release fixes the Eiffel RemRem-Generate configuration issue in Kubernetes that was introduced in previous version 1.0.6.
Easy2Use 1.0.6
What new:
Following Eiffel commponents has been upgraded to newer versions:
- Eiffel-RemRem-Generate: 2.0.10
- Eiffel-RemRem-Publish: 2.0.11
- Eiffel Jenkins instance upgraded to Jenkins version: 2.190.1
- Eiffel Jenkins instance Eiffel Plugin has been upgraded to version: 2.0.16
- Eiffel Event-Repository: 2.0.19
This new Event-Repository version solves the hard-coded context paths issue in event-id url formatted links,
so now its possible to click on the event-id links in the Event-Repository Web-UI.
MongoDb and RabbitMq instances has been upgraded to following versions.
- MongoDb: 4.0.14
- RabbitMq: 3.8.2
Bug fixes in Eiffel bundle:
- Fixed a Eiffel Dummy-ER Docker hostname alias issue
Easy2Use 1.0.5
Whats new ?
- Updated Event-Repository version which improves the RabbitMq queue/exchange handling.
Easy2Use 1.0.4
This release includes only one bug fix:
- Fixes the hard-coded context-path in Event-Repository url address for the ER lookup functionality in RemRem-Generate.
Easy2Use 1.0.3
Whats new ?
Eiffel bundle updates:
- Eiffel-Intelligence updated to version 2.0.1
Release note: - Eiffel RemRem-Publish updated to version 2.0.8:
Release note: - Eiffel RemRem-Generate updated to version 2.0.7:
Release note:
Other improvements:
- Changed easy2use script to use env bash in top of the script for pointing out which bash executor to use.
- Cx bundle wiki updates
Improvement and bug fix release
This release includes these bug fixes:
- Fix Eiffel layout image name, Eiffel Jenkins user / psw added for list command
- Easy2Use bugfix added for listing HOSTS file ingresses for hyper-v and minikube
- Eiffel Jenkins image updated for dockerhub
- Easy2use list command can't list Eiffel url addresses
- Eiffel bundle fix for RemRem generate.server.contextpath that had a faulty property name.
Easy2Use Eiffel bundle updated with Eiffel-Intelligence verison 2.0.0
What is new?
Eiffel bundle has been updated with new Eiffel components versions:
Eiffel-Intelligence 2.0.0:
Release notes: -
Eiffel-Intelligence front-end 2.0.0:
Release notes: -
RemRem-Publish has been updated from version 2.0.2 to 2.0.5.
UPDATE 2019-09-27: This version has an bug in RemRem-Publish and with "/generateandpublish" rest post entrypoint in Eiffel bundle, which makes it not possible to publish Eiffel events with that entrypoint. User need to use RemRem-Generate service to generate event first and then call RemRem-Publish "/publish" entrypoint to publish the Eiffel event.'
This is solved in next Easy2Use version.