This project has the objective of learning how to build, document, and test web APIs written in Golang.
- Functional
- Accept URL to short from a POST request and provvide the shortened url.
- When using that url, it will redirect to the appropriate url.
- Show url statistics (time opened, time remaining) via web interface and API endpoint.
- Non-functional
- Version the API
- Document API endpoints
- Deployment
- Create configurable base form url (gs.x/uniqueid).
- Create public containerized envirioment to deploy not only in a more pratical way but also on personal home lab.
- Api: Will be the folder in which all the api endpoints, documentation and relative tests will be.
- Pkg: Will be the folder in which all the common code for the application is stored.
- Cmd: Will be the folder in which we will find al excecutables necessary in order to start the shortener.
- Website: Will be the folder in which the static html files will be placed.
In alternative it is possible to build the binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-X 'shortic/pkg/deployment.version="0.0.1"' -X 'shortic/pkg/deployment.commitHash=$(git rev-parse HEAD)' -X 'shortic/pkg/deployment.buildUser=$(git config' -X 'shortic/pkg/deployment.buildTime=$(date)'" -o ./build/shortic ./cmd/restapi/main.go
In order to build the application this is the tested command:
sudo docker build \
--build-arg version=0.0.1 \
--build-arg commitHash="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
--build-arg buildUser="$(git config" \``
--build-arg buildTime="$(date)" \
-t Shortic \
Or use the public image (Not implemented)