A translator for English and other languages into the musical language Maas, built with SpaCy and the Open Multilingual Wordnet.
Maas (formerly known as Moss) is a constructed musical language, like Solresol. Created by Jackson Moore of the "Bruce High Quality Foundation University", what little information of it that remains online is preserved on the Wayback Machine.
- thelanguageofmoss.com Mar 2018 archive
- thelanguageofmoss.com Aug 2009 archive - includes a mostly complete dictionary
- Wikipedia Article
- page on maas on Moore's personal site
Grove is still in very early development. Hopefully there will be an actual site to visit soon, but until then, I might make a dockerfile if somebody bugs me enough.
To install you need a Python 3 virtualenv, a Postgres database, and some storage space. The Celery and Redis stuff isn't done so don't worry about that.
Install requirements:
pip install --require-virtualenv -r requirements.txt
Next, set the DATABASE_URL
environment variable
with the format postgres://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME
Migrate database:
python manage.py migrate
Load jangle (language tags) data:
python manage.py loadjangledata
Load the Maas lexicon:
python manage.py loadlexicon --native-to-en
(use -h for more info)
Download the WordNet:
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download(['omw-1.4', 'wordnet', 'wordnet2021'])
Next, go to your nltk_data folder (usually in your home folder) and extract
into corpora
and corpora/wordnet.zip
into corpora
and the new corpora/wordnet2021
Unfortunately the new fix for this
(see this issue)
in NLTK 3.8 doesn't seem to work with OMW :(
Register the dictionary:
python manage.py loaddictionary
(use -h for more info)
Load some fixtures:
python manage.py loaddata translator/fixtures/spacy.yaml
Download SpaCy packages:
python manage.py loadspacymodels dev -d
(use -h for more info)
Feel free to replace dev
with any of the files in translator/spacy-models or the given directory, just be wary of storage use.
Make a superuser:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Run server:
Set the
environment variables
and ./runserver.sh
Or python manage.py runserver
for dev.
Note: English is currently the only language with lexeme translations written, so for other languages write some (please!) in maas/lexicon or disable lexeme lyrics in the translator's advanced settings.
All libraries and programs used are FOSS (free open-source software), with the exception of Google Translate, used for languages unsupported by SpaCy or the Open Multilingual Wordnet. (WIP)
A product of The Null Identity.