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Add draft backward smoother
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edwardlavender committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 3c16529 commit 5c417a4
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 0 deletions.
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions src/010-particle-smoother.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ using Base.Threads: @threads
using ProgressMeter: @showprogress

export two_filter_smoother
export backward_smoother

two_filter_smoother(; timeline::Vector{DateTime}, xfwd::Matrix, xbwd::Matrix, model_move::ModelMove, vmap, n_sim::Int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,4 +108,152 @@ function two_filter_smoother(;timeline::Vector{DateTime}, xfwd::Matrix, xbwd::Ma
trials = NaN


backward_smoother(;timeline::Vector{DateTime}, xfwd::Matrix, model_move::ModelMove, vmap, n_sim::Int)
The backward particle smoother that samples from `f(X_t | {Y_1 ... Y_T}) for t ∈ 1:T`.
# Arguments (keywords)
- `timeline`: A `Vector{DateTime}` of ordered, regularly spaced time stamps that defines the time steps for the simulation;
- `xfwd`: A `Matrix` of [`State`](@ref)s from the forward filter (see [`particle_filter()`](@ref));
- `model_move`: A [`ModelMove`](@ref) instance;
- `vmap`: (optional) A `GeoArray` that defines the 'validity map' (see [`logpdf_move()`](@ref));
- `n_sim`: An integer that defines the number of Monte Carlo simulations (see [`logpdf_move()`](@ref));
# Details
[`backward_smoother()`](@ref) smooths particles from the particle filter (see [`particle_filter()`](@ref)). The `timeline` from the particle filter should be supplied as well as a `Matrix` of particles from a forward run. The backward smoother works by iteratively resampling particles in line with the probability density of movement between the particles at time `t` and time `t+1`. [`logpdf_move()`](@ref) is an internal function that evaluates the log probability of a movement step between particles. This function wraps the [`logpdf_step()`](@ref) generic. Methods are provided for built-in [`State`](@ref) and [`ModelMove`](@ref) sub-types. To use custom sub-types, a corresponding [`logpdf_step()`](@ref) method should be provided. In [`backward_smoother`](@ref), the `vmap` and `n_sim` arguments support the calculate of probability densities (see [`logpdf_move()`](@ref)).
# Returns
- A `NamedTuple`, of the same format as returned by [`particle_filter()`](@ref), with the following fields:
- `timesteps`
- `timestamps`
- `direction`: `nothing`
- `state`
- `ess`
- `maxlp`: `NaN`
- `convergence`: `true`
- `trial`: NaN
# See also
- [`particle_filter()`](@ref) implements the particle filter;
- [`logpdf_step()`](@ref), [`logpdf_move_normalisation()`](@ref) and [`logpdf_move()`](@ref) evaluate the log probability (density) of movement between two [`State`](@ref)s;
- [`two_filter_smoother()`](@ref) implements the two-filter particle smoother;
function backward_smoother(;timeline::Vector{DateTime}, xfwd::Matrix, model_move::ModelMove, vmap = nothing, n_sim::Int = 100)

#### Set up
# Identify dimension of input state
zdim = hasfield(typeof(xfwd[1]), :z)
# Use vmap, if supplied
# * vmap may be supplied for 'horizontal' (2D) movement models
# * If vmap is supplied, we update we update xfwd.map_value to 0.0 or 1.0
# * If we are within mobility of the coastline, map_value -> 0.0
# * map_value = 0.0 indicates that not all moves from that point are valid
# * This is a flag that we need to simulate the normalisation constant in logpdf_move()
if !isnothing(vmap)
xfwd = edit_map_value(xfwd, vmap)
# Define smoothed particles matrix
# (rows: particles; columns: time steps)
xout = similar(xfwd)
xout[:, end] .= xfwd[:, end]
np, nt = size(xout)
# Initialise weights
# * Particles from the forward filter have uniform weights (w) thanks to resampling
# * At the last (first smoothing) time step, smoothed weights (ws) are also uniform
lw = log.(ones(np) ./ np)
ws = ones(np) ./ np
# Initialise ESS vector
ess = zeros(Float64, nt)
ess[nt] = np # = 1 / sum(abs2, ws)
# Set up LRU cache
# * This caches movement normalisation constants for s_{i, t} in logpdf_move()
cache = LRU{eltype(xfwd), Float64}(maxsize = np)

#### Run smoothing
@showprogress desc = "Running backward smoother..." for t in (nt-1):-1:1

# Compute pairwise densities f(s_{j, t + 1} | f(s_{i, t}) * w
# * We use a matrix as densities may be directional
w_i_to_j = zeros(Float64, np, np)
@threads for i in 1:np
for j in 1:np
# Compute density of move from s_{i, t} to s_{j, t + 1} * w
w_i_to_j[i, j] = exp(logpdf_move(xfwd[i, t], xfwd[j, t + 1], zdim, model_move, t, vmap, n_sim, cache) + lw[i])

# Compute k-sum for each particle j at time t: ∑ₖ f(sⱼ,ₜ₊₁ | sₖ,ₜ) * w
# * I.e., the summed density of moves from k (t) into each j (t + 1) * w, summed over k
# * This is a sum over rows (by column) for the w_i_to_j matrix
# * It is indexed by j
ksums = sum(w_i_to_j, dims = 1)

# Validate ksums
# * It is possible that the subset of recorded particles at t is not connected to the subset at t + 1
# * But ksums[j] should not = 0 (below ksums is used for division)
# * This check guards against ksums = 0 errors
if any(ksums .== 0)
error("The summed density of moves from particle k (t) into j (t + 1) * w, ksums[j], is 0 at time step $t. Boost `n_record` in the filter or the number of particles used in the smoother.")

# Compute smoothed weights (ws) for each i (t) as a sum over j (t + 1)
# 1. For each particle j (matrix column) at t + 1
# 1.1. Divide by jth ksum element
# 1.2. Multiply by jth smoothed weight ws element
# 2. Then sum over columns (j), by row
# * Note that ksums & ws must be one-row matrix for correct broadcasting
# * We return a _vector_ of weights for resampling
ws = reshape(ws, 1, :)
ws = vec(sum((w_i_to_j ./ ksums[:, 1:np]) .* ws[:, 1:np], dims = 2))

# Validate weights
if all(x -> x == 0 || isnan(x), ws)
error("All weights are zero or NaN at time step $t.")
if !isapprox(sum(ws), 1.0)
error("Weights do not sum to one at time step $t (sum: $(sum(ws))).")

# Compute ESS
ess[t] = 1 / sum(abs2, ws)

# Resample particles and store for time t using ws
idx = resample(ws, np)
xout[:, t] .= xfwd[idx, t]

# Update & renormalise weights
# * ws is the smoothed weight of every particle (i) at time t
# * This becomes the smoothed every particle (j) at time t + 1
# * ... before it is updated for every particle (i) at the next time step
# * Renormalise
ws = ws[idx]
ws = ws ./ sum(ws)


#### Clean up
# Reset map_value
xout = edit_map_value(xout,

#### Return outputs
# Follow particle_filter() format
timesteps = collect(1:nt),
timestamps = timeline,
state = xout,
direction = nothing,
ess = ess,
maxlp = NaN,
convergence = true,
trials = NaN


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