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@edurso's dotfiles

IMPORTANT: These are still under very active development and thus very buggy.


Dotfile "packages" are listed in the root directory of the project and are managed with GNU Stow. The installation script ( is merely a wrapper around the playbooks provided in ansible/. Together, these tools perform all the necessary input parsing and setup as defined by the user. Ansible handles the installation of several packages and applications defined by the installation script that do not necessary have dotfiles.


  1. Install git
  2. Clone the repository (via https, git clone into the home directory
  3. Configure git (./ helps with this)
  4. Run sudo ./
    • Note that the configuration steps of the installer are interactive, and will install ansible if ran as sudo
    • There are 3 installation phases: the base components, the development components (i.e. ides, etc.), and the desktop components (i.e.) general applications.
  5. Reboot when prompted

Additional Configuration


JetBrains Mono is installed through the insallation script, and is set as the default font for alacritty. This font can be added to the rest of the system via gnome-tweaks.


Due to the interactive dropbox configuration process, it is not completely configured by the installer.

Dropbox utilities are copied to ~/dropbox.

The script starts the dropbox installation process. It does this for two accounts (personal and umich) and will launch a browser window with dropbox for authentication.

The will launch all dropbox dameon's installed under ~/dropbox on system startup. Thus, it should be added to the list of system startup applications.


The Obsidian package is not available on apt or as a ppa, so it needs to be installed manually. Find the latest released debian package here, and install with sudo apt install ./<download-name>.deb


The NordVPN installation script can be found here.


Ubuntu has some annoying desktop settings, fixes for them enumerated below.