This application allows users to send documents to one another, in a different fashion as when using the workspace app.
Add to your ent-core springboard configuration file the following lines :
(you might want to change certain fields like port n° & mode)
"name": "fr.wseduc~rack~0.1-SNAPSHOT",
"config": {
"main" : "fr.wseduc.rack.Rack",
"port" : 8026,
"app-name" : "Rack",
"app-address" : "/rack",
"app-icon" : "rack-large",
"app-displayName" : "Rack",
"mode": "dev",
"integration-mode" : "HTTP",
"app-registry.port" : 8012,
"entcore.port" : 8090,
"auto-redeploy": true
Optional :
: grisfs persistor bus address (default : "wse.gridfs.persistor")
: value in percent, threshold at which the user will be notified when free space is now (default : 80)
: image resizer module bus address (default : "wse.image.resizer")