Functions to improve xml.dom.minidom [1] tools in Python.
class DOMCompanion :
- def init(self, doc = None) : to build a DOM DocumentCompanion
- def parse(self, file, validate = False): to load an XML file
- def getElementsByTagName(self, name) : DOM getElementsByTagName
- def getElementById(self, id) : to retrieve an element by its ID
- def getAttributsByIdref(self, id) : to retrieve attributs that refers to an ID
- def toLighter(self, del_spaces = True, del_comments = True, del_pi = True) : to suppress text nodes (with only separators), processing instructions and/or comments
- def validate(self) : to validate the XML according its DTD (enrich it too)
- def xpath(self, xp) : to explore the XML tree using XPath 1.0
from minidom_ext.DOMCompanion import DOMCompanion
cine = DOMCompanion()
cine.parse("semaine10.xml", True)
pip install minidom-ext
[1] Python 'minidom' :
[2] DOM using Python :
(c) E. Desmontils, University of Nantes, november 2020