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Add the GitHub package source

$gh_pat="[PAT HERE]"

dotnet pack src/Play.Identity.Contracts/ --configuration Release -p:PackageVersion=$version -p:RepositoryUrl=$owner/play.identity -o ../packages

dotnet nuget push ../packages/Play.Identity.Contracts.$version.nupkg --api-key $gh_pat --source "github"

Build the docker image

$env:GH_PAT="[PAT HERE]"
docker build --secret id=GH_OWNER --secret id=GH_PAT -t "$$version" .

Run the docker image

$adminPass="[PASSWORD HERE]"
$cosmosDbConnString="[CONN STRING HERE]"
$serviceBusConnString="[CONN STRING HERE]"
docker run -it --rm -p 5002:5002 --name identity -e
MongoDbSettings__ConnectionString=$cosmosDbConnString -e
ServiceBusSettings__ConnectionString=$serviceBusConnString -e
ServiceSettings__MessageBroker="SERVICEBUS" -e IdentitySettings__AdminUserPassword=$adminPass play.identity:$version

Publishing Docker Image

az acr login --name $appname
docker tag play.identity:$version "$$version"
docker push "$version"

Create the Kubernetes Namespace

kubectl create namespace $namespace

Create Kubernetes Secrets

This is only used with K8s secrets. If you're using Key Vault then skip this.

kubectl create secret generic identity-secrets
--from-literal=admin-password=$adminPass -n $namespace

Creating the Kubernetes Pod

kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/identity.yaml -n $namespace

Creating the Azure Managed Identity and granting it access to the Key Vault


az identity create --resource-group $appname --name $namespace

$IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=az identity show -g $appname -n $namespace --query clientId -otsv
az keyvault set-policy -n $appname --secret-permissions get list --spn $IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID

Establish the federated identity credential


$AKS_OIDC_ISSUER=az aks show -n $appname -g $appname --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -otsv

az identity federated-credential create --name $namespace --identity-name $namespace
--resource-group $appname --issuer $AKS_OIDC_ISSUER --subject "system:serviceaccount:${namespace}:${namespace}-serviceaccount"

Create the signing certificate


kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/signing-cer.yaml -n $namespace

Install the Helm Chart

To run an initial manual deployment without the ACR Helm Chart run this:


helm install identity-service ./helm -f ./helm/values.yaml -n $namespace

To install the ACR Helm Chart with the Identity values run this:


$helmPassword=az acr login --name $appname --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken

# This is no longer needed after Helm v3.8.0

# authenticate
helm registry login "$" --username $helmUser --password $helmPassword

# Install the Helm Chart from ACR with Identity Values
helm upgrade identity-service oci://$ --version $chartVersion -f ./helm/values.yaml -n $namespace --install

Required repository secrets for GitHub Workflow

  • GH_PAT