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Getting started

Julien Loudet edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 4 revisions

🧑‍💻 The files and code excerpts mentioned below are available in the Zenoh-Flow repository.

Table of Contents

Now that you have a working installation, let us create our first Zenoh-Flow application.

As is traditional in computer science, we will start with a simple "Hello, World!": we read a chain of characters and replace "World" in the previous sentence with what we read. For instance, if we read "Alice" our application should produce: "Hello, Alice!".

Bill of Materials

To launch a Zenoh-Flow application we need the following:

  • A set of "compatible" types: as data can cross devices or programming languages, a common representation is required.

  • A set of nodes: descriptors paired with shared libraries that implement Zenoh-Flow's interface.

  • The application descriptor: it describes the structure of our application, i.e. the nodes involved, how they are connected and where to find their implementation.

Let's look at each in more detail.

Compatible types

In our Getting Started implementation, we are using Protobuf's representation of Strings through the prost! project.

There are multiple serialisation / deserialisation libraries available. Our choice was only motivated by familiarity with the library and we thus advise you to take the time to compare options and pick the one that best suits your needs.


Our application will (i) obtain our chain of characters from a Zenoh subscriber, (ii) process it, (iii) write the result in a file and (iv) publish it on Zenoh. We will thus have four nodes:

  • A Zenoh subscriber: a Source.
  • A processing node: an Operator.
  • A node that logs the result to a file: a Sink.
  • A node that publishes the result on Zenoh: another Sink.

The Source, Operator and Sink are the three types of nodes that Zenoh-Flow supports. A Source fetches data from outside an application, an Operator computes over data and a Sink sends data "outside" an application.

The main difference between these nodes is their Input / Output ports:

  • A Source only has Output ports.
  • An Operator has both Input and Output ports.
  • A Sink only has Input ports.

Let us see next how to write their descriptor and implement them.


A Source has to expose in its descriptor the following:

  • An id: an identifier, unique within this data flow.
  • (optional) A description: a human-readable summary of what the Source does.
  • A library: where a Zenoh-Flow Daemon can find the shared library.
  • Its outputs: a list of identifiers. (⚠️ Two outputs cannot share the same identifier.)

To illustrate, the descriptor of the zenoh-sub could be:

id: zenoh-sub

description: A Zenoh Subscriber.

library: file:///path/to/

  - hello

Then, to create a Source two traits must be implemented:

  • Source: how to create an instance of the Source.
  • Node: the implementation of a single iteration. A Zenoh-Flow Daemon will call this method in a loop.


Considering that Zenoh-Flow is tightly coupled to Zenoh, we did not provide an implementation of the zenoh-sub Source and instead used a built-in Zenoh Subscriber. We cover this topic right after the other Nodes.


Similarly, an Operator has to expose:

  • An id: an identifier, unique within this data flow.
  • (optional) A description: a human-readable summary of what the Operator does.
  • A library: where a Zenoh-Flow Daemon can find the shared library.
  • Its inputs: a list of identifiers. (⚠️ Two inputs cannot share the same identifier.)
  • Its outputs: a list of identifiers. (⚠️ Two outputs cannot share the same identifier.)

To illustrate, the descriptor of the greetings-maker could be:

id: greetings-maker

# Do not forget to change the extension depending on your operating system!
# Linux  -> .so
# Mac OS -> .dylib
library: file:///path/to/

  - name

  - greeting

To create an Operator two traits must be implemented:

  • Operator: how to create an instance of the Operator.
  • Node: the implementation of a single iteration. A Zenoh-Flow Daemon will call this method in a loop.

You can browse our implementation of the Greetings Maker operator here.

Sink: file-writer

Finally, a Sink has to expose:

  • An id: an identifier, unique within this data flow.
  • (optional) A description: a human-readable summary of what the Operator does.
  • A library: where a Zenoh-Flow Daemon can find the shared library.
  • Its inputs: a list of identifiers. (⚠️ Two inputs cannot share the same identifier.)

To illustrate, the descriptor of the file-writer could be:

id: file-writer

# Do not forget to change the extension depending on your operating system!
# Linux   -> .so
# Mac OS  -> .dylib
library: file:///path/to/

  - in

To create a Sink two traits must be implemented:

  • Sink: how to create an instance of the Sink.
  • Node: the implementation of a single iteration. A Zenoh-Flow Daemon will call this method in a loop.

You can browse our implementation of the File Writer sink here.

Built-In Nodes: Zenoh Subscriber and Zenoh Publisher

In cases where your Source(s) or Sink(s) only subscribe or publish to specific key expressions, we provide built-in nodes for which we already implemented this functionality.

To use these built-in nodes, one only has to provide a special descriptor.

id: zenoh-built-in-subscriber

  hello: "zf/getting-started/hello"

  # Multiple subscribers are supported, simply add one per line.
  # hi: "zf/getting-started/hi"
id: zenoh-built-in-publisher

  greeting: "zf/getting-started/greeting"

  # Multiple publishers are supported, simply add one per line.
  # welcome: "zf/getting-started/welcome"

The structure is the same for both: <identifier>:<key expression>. The identifier is used to connect the built-in nodes in the links section of the data flow descriptor.

And we're set! We have all the building blocks we need to describe our application.

Application descriptor

Let us write the data flow step by step. We first need to give it a name:

name: hello-world

We then need to specify the nodes that compose it and where we can find their description. Each type of node has a dedicated section. For our example, the declaration can look like this:

    TARGET_DIR: file://todo!
    BUILD: release
    OUT_FILE: /tmp/greetings.txt

  - id: zenoh-sub
      hello: "zf/getting-started/hello"

  - id: greetings-maker
    library: "file://{{ TARGET_DIR }}/{{ BUILD }}/examples/libgreetings_maker.{{ DLL_EXTENSION }}"
      - name
      - greeting

  - id: zenoh-pub
      greeting: "zf/getting-started/greeting"
  - id: file-writer
      file: "{{ OUT_FILE }}"
    library: "file://{{ TARGET_DIR }}/{{ BUILD }}/examples/libfile_writer.{{ DLL_EXTENSION }}"
      - in


The section vars is a special section that Zenoh-Flow uses to do pre-processing (more specifically, string replacement). Every time Zenoh-Flow encounters two pairs of curly braces, also as known as mustache, it will replace them with the value associated with the variable enclosed inside. Thus, for the above declaration, every occurrence of {{ BASE_DIR }} will be replaced with file://todo!. See the dedicated page for more information.

To complete our application descriptor we need to specify how the nodes are connected: the links that exist. A link connects an Output port to an Input port.

  - from:
      node: zenoh-sub
      output: hello
      node: greetings-maker
      input: name

  - from:
      node: greetings-maker
      output: greeting
      node: file-writer
      input: in

  - from:
      node: greetings-maker
      output: greeting
      node: zenoh-writer
      input: greeting

⚠️ The output and input in the links section must match what is declared in their respective YAML descriptor (the values throughout this guide are consistent).

That's it! The description of our application is complete, all that is left is to launch it.

Starting the data-flow


This section assumes that you have, at least, one Zenoh-Flow Daemon running on your network.

Provided that the paths, ports and links are correct in the data-flow.yaml file (i.e. adapted to your machine), we can ask our running Zenoh-Flow daemon to launch our application:

cargo run --release -p zfctl -- instance create getting-started.yaml

This command will output the unique identifier associated to this instance of your data flow. You can then use it to query its status:

cargo run --release -p zfctl -- instance -n alice status <instance-uuid>

If you see an output akin to:

| Runtime                          | Instance State                           | Node                                                  |
| 9d3d97157a1f5bf148b6e7bef57c0ec5 | Loaded on 2025-01-16T16:03:31.133698999Z | file-writer, greetings-maker, zenoh-writer, zenoh-sub |

It indicates that the data flow was correctly loaded on the Zenoh-Flow Daemon, whose unique identifier is 9d3d97157a1f5bf148b6e7bef57c0ec5. However, loaded does not mean that the data flow is active, for that we need to tell the Zenoh-Flow Daemon to start it:

cargo run --release -p zfctl -- instance -n alice start <instance-uuid>

If you query again the status of the data flow you will see something akin to:

| Runtime                          | Instance State                               | Node                                                  |
| 9d3d97157a1f5bf148b6e7bef57c0ec5 | Running since 2025-01-16T16:16:51.723101999Z | file-writer, greetings-maker, zenoh-writer, zenoh-sub |

It indicates this time that are data flow is active! Time to test it:

# Launch this command in a separate terminal
$ tail -f /tmp/greetings.txt

Now for some live interactions. As our Source, zenoh-sub, is subscribed to "zf/getting-started/hello" we need to publish values on this key expression. Several options are possible:

# If you have compiled the `z_put` example of Zenoh in debug
./zenoh/target/debug/z_put -k "zf/getting-started/hello" -v "Alice"

# If you have enabled the REST plugin of Zenoh
curl -X PUT -H "content-type:text/plain" -d 'Bob' http://localhost:8000/zf/getting-started/hello

The terminal should display the following, indicating that our application is behaving as expected:

Hello, Bob!
Hello, Alice!

To stop it, you can send the following command:

cargo run --release -p zfctl -- instance -n alice abort <instance-uuid>