Easy command line tools for Kepler, K2 & TESS data analysis.
Developed since 2012, PyKE offers a user-friendly way to inspect and analyze the pixels and lightcurves obtained by NASA's Kepler, K2, and TESS missions.
Documentation is hosted at pyke.keplerscience.org.
PyKE3 is the latest generation of the Kepler/K2/TESS toolkit. It provides the following key improvements:
- PyKE3 is now a pip-installable package and supports both Python 2 and 3
- tasks are now available both as command-line tools and Python functions
- documentation and tutorials are now generated using Sphinx
- PyKE3 provides an easy interface to play with target pixel files and light curve files from within a Python session
- The PRF photometry tools were refactored into a more flexible interface
See the following IPython notebook for examples of the new features and changes: http://pyke.keplerscience.org/tutorials/ipython_notebooks/whatsnew31.html.
If you have a working version of Python 2 or 3 on your system
(we recommend Anaconda Python),
you can simply install the latest stable release of PyKE using pip
$ pip install pyketools
With PyKE installed, you can directly visualize frames from a target pixel file. For example, let's visualize the pixels of Kepler target KIC008462852 (a.k.a. Tabby's Star):
$ kepmask kplr008462852-2013098041711_lpd-targ.fits.gz --maskfile mask.txt
is an interactive tool used to create a custom
aperture mask which can subsequently be used in other PyKE tasks.
For example, we can now use the kepextract
task to perform aperture photometry using the pixels defined using kepmask
$ kepextract kplr008462852-2013098041711_lpd-targ.fits.gz --outfile lightcurve.fits --maskfile mask.txt
This creates a file called lightcurve.fits
which contains a lightcurve in a format similar to those found in the official archive.
To visualize the resulting light curve, we can use kepdraw
$ kepdraw lightcurve.fits
Users are welcome to open issues or pull requests. You can also contact the development team via [email protected]
If you find this code useful in your research, please cite both (Vinícius et al. 2017) and (Still & Barclay, 2012) using the BibTeX provided below. Also, please give us a GitHub star!
@misc{pyke3, author = {Zé Vinícius and Geert Barentsen and Michael Gully-Santiago and Ann Marie Cody and Christina Hedges and Martin Still and Tom Barclay}, title = {KeplerGO/PyKE}, month = jul, year = 2017, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.835583}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.835583} } @misc{2012ascl.soft08004S, author = {{Still}, M. and {Barclay}, T.}, title = "{PyKE: Reduction and analysis of Kepler Simple Aperture Photometry data}", keywords = {Software}, howpublished = {Astrophysics Source Code Library}, year = 2012, month = aug, archivePrefix= "ascl", eprint = {1208.004}, adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012ascl.soft08004S} }