Terraform lambda module to configure an lambda function.
This module in the application's terraform/main.tf file with the necessary parameters.
app_name: (String) the name of the application naming the resources
owner (String) The team that owns the application
region (String) The region where you want to deploy the application
lambda_runtime (String) Lambda function run environment base
lambda_memory_size (String) Lambda function allocated memory size
filtersuffix (String) Lambda function invoke suffix for S3 Objecy Create or put
filterprefix (String) Lambda function invoke prefix for S3 Objecy Create or put
lambda_timeout (String) Lambda function timeout configuration
lambda_handler (String) Lambda function handler name
lambda_source_package (String) Lambda function source file name with location
lambda_function_arn: The ARN for the created Amazon Lambda Function
lambda_function_name: The Name for the created Amazon Lambda Function
s3_bucket_name: S3 bucket name where you want to crate notification event
s3_bucket_arn: ARN for s3 bucket
role_name: name for a IAM role created withing lambda Function access
role_arn: ARN for a IAM role created withing lambda Function access
module "My_lambda_Function" {
source = "git::ssh://[email protected]:Patelvijaykumar/terraform-lambda.git"
app_name = "my-service-custom"
owner = "my-group"