A repository for sharing and collaboration for third-party Mycroft skills
development. This is a place to publish complete Skills and learn Skill
writing as well as share best practices.
Status meaning:
✔️ good working order
🚧 still being developed and not ready for general use (for reference/collaboration)
❓ untested (by us)
Status | Skill Name | Description |
❓ | bitcoin | Check the price of bitcoin |
🚧 | bitcoin-price | Check the price of bitcoin |
❓ | daily-meditation | Plays your Daily Meditation from the Meditation Podcast |
🚧 | deepdream_skill | Adds Deepdreaming image converstion to Mycroft |
❓ | diagnostics | Diagnostic tools (CPU %age, free space, etc) |
🚧 | Generates posts for Facebook | |
❓ | fortune | Tells your fortune |
❓ | google-calendar | Check and add google calendar events |
❓ | google-gmail | Get emails from your Gmail Inbox |
❓ | google-image-search | Search google images for search term and display |
❓ | google-translate | Translate English phrases into other languages |
❓ | hue | Control your Phillips Hue lights |
❓ | jb-podcasts | Play podcasts from Jupiter Broadcasting shows |
❓ | krunner-search | Search local KDE desktop for files, images, recent documents, bookmarks |
❓ | kodi-cadair | Kodi playback and search |
❓ | kodi-cbenning | Control a local or remote Kodi instance |
❓ | kodi-k3yb0ardn1nja | Play or pause a Kodi video |
❓ | media-console-control | Adds media controls that are mapped to console commands |
🚧 | milight | Lighting control using MiLight |
❓ | mopidy | Mopidy-based players for local music, Google Music, and Spotify |
🚧 | mopidy-and-bt-lights | Remote control of BT lights and Mopidy music playback |
❓ | mopidy-media-player | Mopidy-based players for local MP3 library, Spotify and a Swedish radio station's stream |
✔️ | mp3-demo | Simple sample of playing local MP3s |
❓ | mpd-control | Controls media players that use the MPD protocol to play found local music |
❓ | mqtt | Control IoT devices (home automation) using MQTT protocol |
❓ | pandora-skill | Adds Pandora to microft via Pianobar |
❓ | poetry-skill | Reads poetry based on Hidden Markov Models |
❓ | plasma-activities-skill | This skill integrates Plasma 5 Activities with Mycroft |
❓ | plasma-user-control-skill | This skills adds Plasma User control to Mycroft, allowing switch user, logout, and lock screen |
❓ | pushbullet | Send messsages and photos using Pushbullet |
❓ | random-quote-skill | Adds random quotes,random facts about numbers, and your time left to live |
❓ | ratp-timetables | Access schedules for the RATP Network of trains and buses in Paris |
❓ | spaceflight-schedule | Check when the next space flight launch is |
🚧 | wink-smart-home | Interact with lights via a Wink-hub |
❓ | youtube | Search and listen a youtube video |