Embark on a journey through the dynamic world of React, the popular JavaScript library that has revolutionized the way we think about and build web applications. Whether you're new to web development or looking to sharpen your skills, this immersive workshop is designed to guide you through the core concepts and practical applications of React, making your transition into React development both seamless and enjoyable.
- Introduction: Kick-off your React adventure by understanding the workshop's structure, objectives, and the exciting journey ahead.
What is React: Delve into the origins of React, its core philosophies, and why it has become a cornerstone technology in modern web development.
Thinking In React: Learn the React way of thinking by dissecting how to approach web application development modular and declaratively, setting the foundation for efficient and scalable apps.
Todo List Project Setup: Roll up your sleeves as you set up your first React project—a Todo List application. This hands-on approach will introduce you to the practical aspects of React development from the get-go.
JSX: Dive into JSX, the syntax extension for JavaScript, that allows you to write HTML in your React code. Understand how it makes developing user interfaces more intuitive and maintainable.
React State: Master the concept of state in React, learning how to manage and update your application's dynamic data effectively to create interactive and responsive user experiences.
Todos Logic: Apply your knowledge by adding logic to your Todo List application. This will involve managing tasks—adding, completing, and deleting them—using the state you've learned to manage.
Break App Into Components: Discover the power of React components. Learn how to break down your application into smaller, reusable components, enhancing your app's maintainability and scalability.
useEffect Hook: Explore the useEffect Hook, understanding how to perform side effects in your application, such as fetching data or directly interacting with the DOM, in a React way.
This workshop is perfect for anyone curious about web development, existing developers looking to skill up in React, or anyone interested in building dynamic, high-performing web applications. No matter your background, you'll walk away with a solid understanding of React fundamentals, ready to tackle your own projects with confidence.
NOTE: Join us on this exciting journey into React and transform the way you develop web applications. Discover the tools and techniques to build modern, interactive, and efficient web experiences. Your path to becoming a proficient React developer starts here
This project was bootstrapped with Vite, a modern build tool that significantly improves the frontend development experience. It leverages React for building user interfaces efficiently.
- Node.JS
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/dynamiquetechnologies/react-workshop.git cd react-workshop
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the dev:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.