- distributed shell job control with role based configuration for Node.js
This package has been renamed poly.shell, so use require('poly.shell')
. The poly
name has been handed over to another project that use the term cross platform. Documentation does NOT reflect this.
This package is no longer actively maintained, but was fairly complete at the time. Nodejs, however, have evolved and may have broken parts. Today Grunt and grunt-ssh fills some of the space this package was intended for.
Poly.shell is primarily intended to administer server clusters, but it can also be used to schedule other kinds of distributed computation, or to just run simple shell commands.
Typical scenarios are to install new software, to monitor log files, to upload new versions of web sites, and to verify that backup jobs have been completing successfully.
The Capistrano and Vlad tools for Ruby on Rails are designed for these kind of jobs. Poly.shell is a lower level tool but forms a good foundation for performing standard routines such as deploying a new version of a web site pulled from the latest source control branch.
The basic idea is to define a set of named jobs with actions that can run in sequence, in parallel, or some variation thereof, on multiple local and remote sites using role names to aid configuration.
Poly.shell can also be used as a convenient way to quickly run system local shell commands:
require('poly').shell().run("touch IWasHere");
or to run commands on a single remote system:
Poly.shell can also run multiple jobs in different roles:
poly = require('poly');
jobs = poly.jobs();
sites = jobs.sites;
sites.add('my-local-site', ['role-x', 'role-y']);
sites.add('my-remote-site-1', 'role-x', { host: 'app1.example.com' });
sites.add('my-remote-site-2', ['role-x', 'role-y'], { host: 'app2.example.com' });
jobs.add('job-a', 'role-x', function() {
this.shell.run("echo hello > " + this.site.name + ".flag", this.async());
var x = this.shared.visited || [];
this.shared.visited = x;
jobs.add('job-b', 'role-y', function() {
jobs.run(['job-a', 'job-b'], function() {
console.log "all jobs done";
console.log this.shared.visited;
Here we created 3 different local and remote sites where jobs can run. We use the shell to access the remote systems and the role names to decide which jobs to run where.
Because the same job runs on multiple sites there are different ways to synchronise. The default is to start the first job in parallel on all matching sites and each site will go on to the next job as soon as its current job invocation is complete, like a relay race.
There are different run schedules (parallel, atomic, ...), and
can be restricted to only run jobs on sites with certain
roles. Whenever a site does not have a role that match the next job,
the site will skip that job and immediately proceed with the next job
Online Documentation:
To install latest public release with npm:
npm install -g poly
Or download or clone from github to some user local folder. Enter folder and install using npm:
npm install
Or globally with npm 1.0.0:
npm install -g
Test that things are ok (see warning below):
make test
Note, the following tests run on a remote system example.com that is supposed to be configured .ssh/config to match a suitable server.
**Don't use this on production systems!!! **
make rtest
Tests normally dump files in a local tmp dir that is cleaned with make clean
Remote tests are not cleaned up, please inspect the test files in the rtest
Poly.shell is written primarily in CoffeeScript, but that shouldn't change anything. If, for some reason (including debugging), a JavaScript version is needed, a JavaScript only module can be created in sub-folder using:
make js
Poly.shell does not support ssh password based account login. It is assumed that ssh
will use ssh keys without passwords, or with passwords managed by an external
agent such as ssh-agent
Poly.shell does, however, support sudo
password prompts after ssh login. In the
basic form a shell detects a sudo prompt and issues a silent prompt to the
user console.
Since many processes may target the same site, and many sites may have the same admin password, it is convenient to cache a password across sites.
This works by creating a password cache object that is stored in all site
configurations that are supposed to share a sudo
Shells can detect when another shell is prompting for a password and wait for the user to enter the password, and otherwise start a password prompt when no valid password is cached.
The Poly.shell job control scheduler is fairly simple. A schedule is an
array of job names which can be run in one the following modes:
, atomic
, parallel
, or the default: site-sequential
where different jobs may run at the same time but each site will only
see one of the jobs at a time. These schedules can then be chained to
more complex scenarios if needed, and the same jobs can be reused in
different schedules. This model is somewhat similar to the various
Node.js async libraries like seq
, flow
and async
, but with
role based job distribution, reporting, configuration, unique
identifiers, (remote) shell support, and password agents.
Poly.shell has no dependency resolver, but it is possible to use
Poly.shell inside a Jakefile
, or in similar tools, or even in a
web framework like Express
Locking primitives can be added, for example by using Node.js EventEmitter objects in the shared context, or in site configurations for example. The password cache and agent does something similar. Locking provides a good algorithm for scheduling transactions.