You can sign up for a Ginger Payments account at
- PHP 5.4 or later.
You can install the PHP bindings using composer:
composer require gingerpayments/ginger-php
You can also use the PHP bindings without using Composer by registering an autoloader function:
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
$prefix = 'GingerPayments\\Payment\\';
if (!substr($class, 0, 23) === $prefix) {
$class = substr($class, strlen($prefix));
$location = __DIR__ . 'path/to/gingerpayments/ginger-php/src/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.php';
if (is_file($location)) {
First create a new API client with your API key:
use \GingerPayments\Payment\Ginger;
$client = Ginger::createClient('your-api-key');
Creating a new order is easy:
$order = $client->createOrder(
2500, // The amount in cents
'EUR', // The currency
'ideal', // The payment method
['issuer_id' => 'INGBNL2A'], // Extra details required for this payment method
'A great order', // A description (optional)
'order-234192', // Your identifier for the order (optional)
'', // The return URL (optional)
'PT15M' // The expiration period in ISO 8601 format (optional)
You can also use the createIdealOrder
method to create a new order using the iDEAL payment method:
$order = $client->createIdealOrder(
2500, // The amount in cents
'EUR', // The currency
'INGBNL2A', // The iDEAL issuer
'A great order', // A description (optional)
'order-234192', // Your identifier for the order (optional)
'', // The return URL (optional)
'PT15M' // The expiration period in ISO 8601 format (optional)
Or the createCreditCardOrder
$order = $client->createCreditCardOrder(
2500, // The amount in cents
'EUR', // The currency
'A great order', // A description (optional)
'order-234192', // Your identifier for the order (optional)
'', // The return URL (optional)
'PT15M' // The expiration period in ISO 8601 format (optional)
Once you've created your order, a transaction is created and associated with it. You will need to redirect the user to the transaction's payment URL, which you can retrieve as follows:
$paymentUrl = $order->firstTransactionPaymentUrl();
It is also recommended that you store the order's ID somewhere, so you can retrieve information about it later:
$orderId = $order->id();
You can also access other information related to the order. Inspect the GingerPayments\Payment\Order
class for more
information. If you just want everything as a simple array, you can also use the Order::toArray
If you want to retrieve an existing order, use the getOrder
method on the client:
$order = $client->getOrder($orderId);
You can iterate over all transactions in the order as follows:
foreach ($order->transactions() as $transaction) {
$transaction->status()->isCompleted(); // Check the status
$transaction->amount(); // How much paid
You can access other information related to order transactions as well. Inspect the
class for more information.
When you create an order with the iDEAL payment method, you need to provide an issuer ID. The issuer ID is an identifier
of the bank the user has selected. You can retrieve all possible issuers by using the getIdealIssuers
$issuers = $client->getIdealIssuers();
You can then use this information to present a list to the user of possible banks to choose from.
Full API documentation is available here.
In order to run the tests first install PHPUnit via Composer:
composer install --dev
Then run the test suite: