speaker feedback from participants for single events/talks
Test-URL: https://latest.dukecon.org/javaland/2018/rest/feedback/event/
PUT rest/feedback/event/{conferenceId}/{eventId}
saves feedback for conference and event id with user principal information
request body: FeedbackInput(int rating, String comment)
returns 201 if feedback is created
returns 401 if no valid auth context (bearer token) exists
test REST URLs with IntelliJ HTTP Client (New → HTTP Request)
sample requests under /samples
get-token.http (get bearer token)
put-feedback.http (replace bearer token with current one)
H2 in local dev mode (default Spring profile)
H2-Console: http://localhost:8080/h2
sa/empty password
in staging and production use Spring profile: postgresql
for local/developer testing (and testcontainers) use Spring profile: postgresql-local
db migration with flyway
remove GET REST resource from FeedbackController
add further return status codes
200 if feedback has been overwritten
403 if feedback is not allowed (anymore), e.g. too late or early
configure logging dependency (SLF4j or Logback)
retrieve DukeCon Server conference list for checking valid feedback client requests
add timestamp to feedback db table