Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Duality Blockchain Solutions
A Node.js module of the Argon2d hashing parameters used in Dynamic (DYN).
It is available to install via the Node.js Package Manager (NPM) by using the command:
$ npm install argon2d-dynamic
or by cloning from Github and installing locally using NPM:
$ git clone
$ cd argon2d-dynamic
$ npm install
to create a raw hash from a string of data
var argon2d = require('argon2d-dynamic');
var buf = Buffer.from("someString", 'utf8');
var hash = argon2d.argon2d(buf);
//should return <Buffer 0d 01 c4 09 bd 11 f1 07 d0 e9 41 ca c3 bd bf 3e ed 02 0f 9e ca d2 2b 8a 8f a0 eb 3a e2 2c b1 e0>
Work licensed under the MIT License. Please check P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2 for license over Argon2 and the reference implementation.