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Driving is one of the most common yet dangerous tasks that people perform every day. According to the NHTSA, there is an average of 6 million accidents in the U.S. per year, resulting in over 2.35 million injuries and 37,000 deaths. [1] Additionally, road crashes cost the U.S. $230.6 billion per year. Various factors can contribute to accidents such as distracted driving, speeding, poor weather conditions, and alcohol involvement. However, using these factors and additional statistics, we can better predict the cause of accidents and put laws and procedures in place to help minimize the number of accidents. For this assignment, we used Apache Spark to analyze the motor vehicle collisions in New York City (NYC). Our goal was to use Spark to gain additional insights into the causes of accidents in the Big Apple, which can be used to help prevent certain accidents from occurring.


The NYC Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes [2] dataset was the primary dataset used for our analysis. We also used NYC Motor Vehicle Crashes - Vehicle [3] and the 2015 NYC Tree Census [4] as our secondary datasets. All of the datasets were obtained from NYC OpenData in CSV format and contain the most up to date motor vehicle collision information available to the public.

NYC Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes:

This dataset contains information about the motor vehicle collisions in NYC from July 2012 to February 2020. The data was extracted from police reports (form MV104-AN) that were filed at the time of the crash. A form MV104-AN is only filed in the case where an individual is injured or fatally injured, or when the damage caused by the accident is $1,000 or greater. This dataset has 29 columns, 1.65 Million rows, and a size of 369 MB. Each row includes details about a specific motor vehicle collision.

NYC Motor Vehicle Crashes - Vehicle:

This dataset contains information about each vehicle that was involved in a crash in NYC from September 2012 to May 2020 and a police report MV104-AN was filed. This dataset has 3.35M rows, 25 columns, and a size of 566.3 MB. Each row represents the vehicle information for a specific crash, which can also be tied back to the NYC Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes dataset. Multiple vehicles can be involved in a single crash.

2015 NYC Tree Census:

This dataset contains detailed information on the trees living throughout NYC collected by the NYC Parks and Recreation Board in 2015. This dataset has 684K rows, 45 columns, and has a size of 220.4 MB. Each row represents the information for a tree living in NYC.

Chosen Spark API for Answering Analytical Questions

I chose to use the Spark DataFrames API for my analysis. The Spark DataFrames API is similar to relational tables in SQL, however, it also provides a programmatic API allowing for more flexibility in query expressiveness, query testing, and is extensible. Additionally, the datasets that were chosen for our analysis are in a format that can be easily worked with using DataFrames. For example, our data is in a tabular format with columns and rows, which is how data is represented in DataFrames. Additionally, DataFrames inherits all of the properties of RDDs such as read-only, fault tolerance, caching, and lazy execution but with the additional data storage optimizations, code generation, query planner, and abstraction.

Loading Datasets

In the beforeAll() function, all three CSV files are read in as as DataFrames then compressed to Parquet format and persisted in external storage. A check is made to determine if the Parquet files exist on disk before running a test. If the files already exist, then they will be reused for all subsequent tests. Otherwise, they will be regenerated. Through the use of Parquet, our data will be stored in a compressed columnar format, which will allow for faster read and write performance as compared to reading from CSV. The file size of the datasets when converted to Parquet, are significantly smaller as compared to the original CSV files. For example, the CSV file for the NYC Motor Vehicle -Crashes was 369 MB and was reduced to 75.7 MB when converted to Parquet. Additionally, the output Parquet files for the NYC Motor Vehicle - Vehicles dataset was partitioned by ZIP_CODE. By doing this, the data is physically laid out on the filesystem in an order that will be the most efficient for performing our queries.

Some data preparation was needed before converting to Parquet, which includes the following.

  • For all DataFrames, the whitespace between columns names needed to be replaced with underscores to avoid the invalid character errors when converting to Parquet. E.g., from CRASH TIME to CRASH_TIME.
  • The data types of several columns in the NYC Motor Vehicle - Crashes dataset needed to be cast from a string to an integer type because they are used for numerical calculations in our query.

The below Directed acyclic graph (DAG) shows the operations performed when reading a parquet file. This operation is performed each time a test runs. Spark performs a parallelize operation followed by a mapPartitions operation.

Parquet1 Parquet2

Analytic Questions

1. What are the top five most frequent contributing factors for accidents in NYC?

For this test, we first filtered out rows with an unspecified contributing factor. Next, we perform a groupBy CONTRIBUTING_FACTOR_VEHICLE_1, then count the number of occurrences of each contributing factor. Finally, we order by count and get the top 5 contributing factors.

Spark Internal Analysis

There are four stages that occur for this problem. In stage 0, we get the listing leaf files and directory for 234 paths, which are the different paths that were created when we partitioned the NYC Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes DataFrame by "ZIP_CODE". Each path represents a different ZIP_CODE. Next, in stage 1, we read the Parquet file from disk (as seen in the previous section). The RDDs created in stage 1 are a parrallelCollectionRDD followed by a mapPartitionsRDD. Next, in stage 2 a FileScanRDD is created, followed by a MapPartitionRDD, then another MapParitionsRDD. In stage 3 a shuffledRowRDD is created because we are performing a groupBy function which is a wide transformation, and thus data is shuffled across the cluster of nodes. Next, a MapPartitionsRDD is created, followed by another mapPartitionsRDD in the map step. The map function uses a narrow transformation, so the computations do not need to be shuffled across the cluster.

Problem 1 cropped Problem 1 Stage 2 cropped Problem 1 Stage 3 cropped

2. What percentage of accidents had alcohol as a contributing factor?

For this test, we first got the count of total accidents and stored in a val numTotalAccidents. Next, we filtered out accidents where alcohol involvement was a contributing factor for any of the vehicles involved in the accident and stored the result in numAlcoholRelatedAccidents. Finally, we performed the following calculation to get the percentage.

(numAlcoholRelatedAccidents * 100) / numTotalAccidents.toDouble 

Spark Internal Analysis

The data in stage 2 was split into 27 partitions, each executing a task. However, the data in stage 3 is only needed to execute a single task on a single partition.

Problem 2 Problem 2 stage 2 Problem 2 Stage 3

3. What time of day sees the most cyclist injures or deaths caused by a motor vehicle collision?

For this test, we first filter out accidents where there was at least one cyclist injury or fatality. Next, we perform a groupBy("CRASH_TIME") and counting the number of crashes for the various times throughout a 24 hour period. Finally, we order by count in descending order and get the top 3 times.

Spark Internal Analysis

As we can see from stage 2, the tasks each took various amounts of time, some longer and some shorter. Additionally, towards the end of each task, a shuffle write was performed because the operation performed required a wide transformation. In this case, each task spends some time writing the results across the cluster. In total stage 2 took 1.1 minute to complete all of its 27 tasks. On the other hand, stage 3 executed over 200 tasks with a total time across all tasks of only 13 seconds. By this, we can tell that shuffling is costly when it comes to execution time, especially if we are processing large amounts of data.

Problem 3 Problem 3 Stage 2 Problem 3 Stage 3 Problem 3 Stage 3_1

4. Which zip code had the largest number of nonfatal and fatal accidents?

Finding the zip code with the most significant number of nonfatal and fatal accidents required several steps. First, remove rows with null zip codes. Next, create a new column "TOTAL_INJURED_OR_KILLED", which is the sum of all nonfatal and fatal injuries for each accident. Next, get the total number of nonfatal and fatal injuries per zip code by first performing a group by zip code. Then use the agg and sum functions to sum up the values in the TOTAL_INJURED_OR_KILLED column per zip code. Afterward, store the computed output per zip code in a column aliased as TOTAL_INJURIES_AND_FATALITIES. Finally, order the results by TOTAL_INJURIES_AND_FATALITIES in descending order and get the top 3.

Spark Internal Analysis

Because we are calling the filter function right after loading the dataset, Spark performed a predicate pushdown, where it pushed the filter function down to the data source and performed the filter query before returning the result to the driver. A predicate pushdown improves query performance because filtering is done before loading the dataset in the driver, so less data is returned.

Problem 4 Problem 4 stage 2 Problem 4 stage 3 Problem 4 stage 3_1

5. Which vehicle make, model, and year was involved in the most accidents?

To determine which vehicle make, model, and year was involved in the most accidents, we first remove any rows where the vehicle make, model, and year is null. Next, we did a groupBy("VEHICLE_MAKE", "VEHICLE_MODEL", "VEHICLE_YEAR"), then count and sort by descending order and get the first value, which is the most accidents. Likewise, to get the least accidents, we did the same previous steps but sort by ascending order and got the first value.

Spark Internal Analysis

Similar to test 4, test 5 is also performing a filter as the first function in the test, so Spark performed a predicate pushdown as well. Additionally, in stage 3, we reused the cached RDD that was created from performing a previous transformation. Reusing the cached RDD allowed for faster access time in future actions that needed to use the same data.

Problem 5 Problem 5 Stage 3 Problem 5 stage 4

6. How do the number of collisions in an area of NYC correlate to the number of trees in the area?

We used the NYC motor vehicle collisions - crashes and 2015 NYC tree census datasets for this test. We first rename the postcode column to ZIP_CODE on the treeCensus DataFrame. Next, we perform a groupBy on the treeCensus DataFrame to get the number of trees per zip code. We also performed a groupBy on the collisions DataFrame to get the number of accidents per zip code. Finally, we did an inner equi-join of the collisions DataFrame with the treeCensus DataFrame using the "ZIP_CODE" collumn. Then finally, ordered by "TOTAL_CRASHES" in descending order.

Spark Internal Analysis

The previous tests only needed to load a single DataFrame and had two to three parquet jobs per test. However, this test uses two DataFrames and thus required a third parquet job to read the additional data. In stage 5, the renaming of the postcode column is performed, followed by the groupBy on the treeCensus DataFrame which reused the cached treeCensus data. This test also used a join function, which performs a wide transformation, and therefore shuffling was needed. Problem 6 jobs Problem 6 stages

Problem 6 stage 5 Problem 6 stage 6

The code ran on a single executor with 4 RDD Blocks, 4 cores CPU, and 1.1 GB RAM.

Problem 6 executors

Since we are caching the Parquet files for both the collisions and treeCensus DataFrames, an RDD is created for each dataset and persisted to memory for reuse during subsequent actions in the test. The transformed RDD for the treeCensus data is cached into 4 partitions and uses 82.3 MB in RAM storage. Additionally, the transformed RDD for the collisions data is cached into 27 partitions and takes up 154.8 MB in RAM storage. Because Sparks transformations are lazy, the transformations will not execute until an action is performed on it. However, by adding caching, we are ensuring that when actions are executed on transformations that use the same data, that we are reusing the previously processed data vs. having to reload the data.

Problem 6 Storage

Project Overview

Running Tests

From Intellij

Right click on ExampleDriverTest and choose Run 'ExampleDriverTest'

From the command line

On Unix systems, test can be run:

$ ./sbt test

or on Windows systems:

C:\> ./sbt.bat test

Configuring Logging

Spark uses log4j 1.2 for logging. Logging levels can be configured in the file src/test/resources/

Spark logging can be verbose, for example, it will tell you when each task starts and finishes as well as resource cleanup messages. This isn't always useful or desired during regular development. To reduce the verbosity of logs, change the line to



[1] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. “NCSA Publications & Data Requests.” Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Quarter of 2019, 2019,

[2] (NYPD), Police Department. “Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes: NYC Open Data.” Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes | NYC Open Data, 8 May 2020,

[3] (NYPD), Police Department. “Motor Vehicle Collisions - Vehicles: NYC Open Data.” Motor Vehicle Collisions - Vehicles | NYC Open Data, 8 May 2020,

[4] Department of Parks and Recreation. “2015 Street Tree Census - Tree Data: NYC Open Data.” 2015 Street Tree Census - Tree Data | NYC Open Data, 4 Oct. 2017,


Spark unit tests for NYC Motor Vehicle Collisions Datasets






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