本commit log使用angular标准
- 在git commit自动运行commit标准流程
- 在git commit流程运行完成时添加commit校验
- 添加changelog命令用于生成changelog,生成后【执行yarn changelog 或者 npm run changelog】即可
目前只支持 commit-spec(commit log标准)
$ npx commition <converter> <...options>
converter One of the choices from under.
- commit-spec: Add git commit specification for gitlab or github commit log. [可使用]
- editorconfig: Add .editorconfig file for Editor configuration. [开发中]
- gitlab-ci: Add gitlab ci for cloud MICE template. [开发中]
--force Bypass Git safety checks and forcity run commition cli.
--help help.
npx commition commit-spec
- conventional-changelog – Generate a changelog from conventional commit history
- commitlint - Lint commit messages
- commitizen - Simple commit conventions for internet citizens.