rerun [ARGS] docker: [ clean-all | clean-containers | clean-images | cpu | enter | exec-last-started | get-id | get-image | get-ip | get-state | ip | kill-all | memory | run | start-ui | update-hosts ] [OPTIONS]
- clean-all: Clean everything (docker containers, images, and vfs files)
- clean-containers: Removes all containers
- clean-images: Removes all dangling images (i.e. not in use)
- cpu: Get the cpu used by all running containers
- enter: Run an existing container and execute commands
- exec-last-started: docker exec into the last container started
- get-id: Get the container ID of a docker container using the friendly name
- get-image: Get the image of a container using the friendly name
- get-ip: Get the IP of a running docker container (using name or sha1)
- get-state: Get the state of a container using the friendly name
- ip: Get the IP of a running container
- kill-all: Kills all running containers
- memory: Get the memory used by all running containers
- run: Run an existing container and execute commands
- start-ui: Start docker-ui. Browse to http://localhost:9000/ to view/manage containers
- update-hosts: Update local /etc/hosts file with container IP addresses
- mount: Where to mount the current directory
= "Docker Shortcuts"SHELL
= "bash"VERSION
Generated by stubbs:docs Sat Mar 18 15:56:48 EDT 2017